Friday, January 17, 2025

Blog delayed but no earth shattering news


One of the more recent toy acquisitions.  We are learning to enjoy tug.  Sort of.  

Both of these photos are from the sunny afternoons on the deck.  The temperatures may be low (got into the single digits F in the overnight Sunday to Monday) but it's not as bitterly cold as many January months have been in my lifetime.  

Monday had its ups and downs.  I knew it would be challenging as the 4th day "home with Mom" before Tuesday's next day care time.  We took three car rides.

The first was a "ride to nowhere" in the dark of the morning, just to distract her from the leather couch that she's still working on deconstructing.  The second was a trip to the grocery store.  This time I left her in the car while I dashed in to get saltine crackers and a small packet of dog chews.  

The last one was a sight-seeing tour to go find the KenL-Inn dog place.  I wanted to check where the pavement ended and get a look at it, as it has been some years since I went out there.  I'm considering it as an alternative boarding/day care space for Ember.  I understand they do dog training classes out there, as well as having wooded space on the property for some of their activities when a dog is boarded there.  We did not stop, just drove through the lot, as I hadn't called first.  Bit by bit.

Tuesday is one of Ember's Day Care days, and my personal trainer day, too.  Ember was ready to go early, so I took her on over.  It felt cold outside, as it was breezier than Monday had been.  While she was playing, I got my workout, a shower, unpacked some deliveries, baked a loaf of frozen bread dough, did some laundry, and vacuumed.  The electric company was out replacing a streetlight.  They had to get into the pedestal in my backyard to do some fuse work, just as I was getting ready to go pick up Ember.

I started writing this several days ago, then kind of abandoned it...  

It's now Friday morning.  Ember went to day care both Tuesday and Thursday.  She has some new toys (deliveries I unpacked), but I'm pacing when they get introduced.  I made it to my trainer sessions both Tuesday and Thursday.  Next week looks much the same.  What will be different is the weather.  We are having a couple of very nice (for January) days, and then over the weekend and into Monday and Tuesday next week (the 19th to the 21st) we will be hit with our piece of the "Polar Vortex" the news folks are talking about.  Still, I compare it to January temperatures of the past, and it doesn't sound as bad.

Today's plan:  I have recycles loaded in the car, and figure one of our "practice car rides" can be to take them to the center.  And today is the day that we will be attempting a "pack walk" with Frank and Susan... and hopefully Julie will be coming along.  Once greetings have been established, fingers crossed for another avenue of exercise for the pup.

Keep on making the choice to live your lifeSpark on.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Dark of the morning


This photo was taken about 40 minutes before sunrise on Saturday, looking east.  The deep purple attracted me.

Back on relatively "normal" Ember time on Saturday.  We tried something new, letting her ride along while I took recycles to the center.  I didn't load up all the recycles, just part of the corrugated cardboard.  But she did great, staying in the car while I took four trips to the bins.  Then we went through the pharmacy drive-thru to pick up my eye-drop prescription.    

We got out on a leash walk Saturday afternoon, once the hu-mom was convinced the sidewalks around the block were dry.  We had some issues at the corner that decides to go home or go into the park.  Ember did not want to come home.  Mom won, but was not happy about how, and ended up wondering if Ember was scared of something at a couple of the spots where she resisted.  Mom, you could do a better job of reading your dog!

Once we did get home, Ember sulkily started in on the leather couch, taking down the baby gate that she had respected all day until then.  Late in the day we drove through Scooter's (that's a regional coffee chain).  I have got into a rhythm, where she only gets the whipped cream pup cup every third or fourth trip, but I get the hot mocha every time.

I am happy that Ember has found her voice to signal she needs out of the crate for a trip outside.  So far, she has not abused this ability to "call" Mommy for help.

On Sunday, I awoke and got up early, to take a shower and prepare for the day.  I had ordered groceries for pickup Sunday morning before I went to bed Saturday night. In my mind I was thinking, "socialize the puppy" and take her along, even though pick up time was 9 a.m. when she would normally be napping in her crate.

I played it by ear.  We needed a calm down drive in the dark before mommy's own breakfast.  Mommy fell asleep with a puppy's head on her lap, and in the end, chickened out and put the puppy in for her nap before going to pick up the groceries.  I was kind of glad I did because the weather had started to spit some kind of frozen stuff at us.  40% chance the weather app said.  Oh, well, win some, lose some.

Ember, for her part, pawed up a chunk of ice from the splash pad under the downspout on the Northwest corner of the house/garage, and proudly carried it up to play with it on the deck.  

Unfortunately, she also discovered the raised dog bed in the family room (next to the leather couch she's still working at deconstructing) has legs and a frame. She thinks these things are appropriate chew-things, so Mommy had to put the dog bed away in the pantry, behind a closed door.  Sigh.  

On the good news front, the muddy mats I had gradually put down underneath her hot zone towels seem to have converted into hot zones themselves, and she's not chewing on them as much. 

I continue to do "practice" runs in the car with Ember, and we did three on Sunday.  I feel a bit behind the curve with this form of socialization due to her earlier experience with motion sickness.  

None of Sunday's trips involved getting out of the car.  The first was just a "calm down" ride.  The second was a second trip to the grocery store.  I was considering the possibility of running into the grocery store and leaving her in the car while I did, but I judged it as being a bit too busy.  The third was to a local high school, where my son and DIL were bringing the foster kiddo and his brother (even though the family has been reunited, they help out with transport for this activity) for basketball practice.  We didn't get out of the car, but the boys came over and we rolled down the window so Ember could wag her tail and lick their hands, and they could pet her.

As a reward for being so good waiting in the car, we went to Scooter's drive thru, where she got her puppy biscuit.  The weather is getting colder with Monday predicted to be even chillier.  

Ember has taken her time with this particular pig's ear.  It has taken her four days before finally consuming it!  I think the ones that are curled up on the edges invite a little more play time before consumption.

Keep on choosing to live your life!  Sparkle onward!

Friday, January 10, 2025

Back to the future



My princess Ember, putting her head on my knee while watching Dog TV from the couch she has NOT yet destroyed (mainly due to Mommy's intervention with the X-Pen protection). There's something so peaceful about your dog trusting you and being your "heated and weighted blanket".

I have noticed lately that when Ember is getting a little over the top, I ask her "is it harness time"?  She comes running.  She loves to have her harness on.  We don't always go somewhere when she has it on, but it carries that possibility or a walk, or a car ride.  I'm pondering on "does that harness sort of act like a thunder shirt, calming her anxieties"?

Thursday was another day care day for Ember.  And a trainer workout for me.  After I got home and showered, I moved furniture around, vacuumed and washed the couch slipcover from the parlor (i.e. the couch she hasn't yet destroyed).  I did poo patrol and collected the balls that had been tossed in the snow on Wednesday.

I did take time to observe some of the funeral service of Jimmy Carter.  I didn't do as much housework as I might have ambition for, but, one day at a time.  I did book Ember's Day care for next Tuesday and Thursday, though.

Friday morning

Friday things went unusually, to say the least.  I woke after 4:30 a.m.  I thought I heard a bit of whining from downstairs, so I got dressed in a hurry.  I did things in a different order than normal because it is not usual for Ember to whine in the crate without having me or the cat in the vicinity.  I figured it was a potty emergency, and I was right.  Going to day care messes with her "schedule" a bit.  I let her out, then got my hat and gloves on and followed.  Sure enough when I caught up, she was taking care of business.

It was really too early to be up.  I fed her early because that's about as close to a routine thing as we have.  I left her outside for a quick trip upstairs to take my meds, then let her back in.  She wanted to dismantle the couch in the parlor.  I was having none of that, put her in the harness, and took her for a drive in the dark.  I put her in the car while I went back inside to put the couch back together and the gate back up.  

In the dark of 5-something I saw one neighbor out with their dog taking care of business, and one walker under the streetlights.  We just circled one block, came back home, and I left her in the car long enough to dash down and feed the cat.  When I brought her back into the house, I let her out into the back yard for a bit.  Coming back in the house, I asked her to respect the gates.  I gave her a beef kneecap to chew on and that helped to settle her down.

She polished that treat off, and we ended up back on the couch, better behaved this time.  I put on the Dog TV, and she settled down to sleep on my knee, then transferred to on the couch, curled up.  I left her there until nearly 7 a.m., then enticed her into her crate to finish her nap.  I wasn't particularly hungry myself, so did not cook my oatmeal.  

Photo from Thursday afternoon, on the deck.  Ember was watching a big black bird in a tree.  She looked so classic in this pose; I could not resist.  You can see where she has scratched at the snow on the deck, and in the foreground is the cable that she managed to chew loose.  This is another unused cable, but I don't really want her chewing on anything she finds attached to the house!  Redirecting her attention is what is needed, but I have to stay a step or two ahead to know where it is safe to redirect her.  Outside on the deck became unsafe when she started chewing on that cable.

Anyway, we are on to Friday, now!  

Choose to live your own life!  Spark on!\

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Human stuff

I have to admit I took zero photos on Tuesday.  That generational saying that "no photo, it didn't happen" is not true.  While I was taking zero photos, I did "human stuff".  I took the next two photos on Wednesday morning after Ember was settled in for puppy nap #1.

I moved the smaller TV from the family room into the X-Pen room, elevating it onto the near-empty bookcase.  This is step one in a multi-step process.  If I make the changes gradually, maybe it won't freak Ember out quite so much.  

This move felt to me that it exposed the router.  I was feeling a little insecure because of Ember's ongoing destructor-mode on the leather couch.  This was getting too close for my comfort.  I reused Ember's smallest crate as a container for the router!  Left the small crate, router inside, behind the screening shelf because I don't have much choice, the connection being there!  You can see the lights, and I have access by way of the crate door if I need to reset something.

The router is in the far corner, by the brick hearth. You can see the screening folding table/shelf behind the far arm of the couch.  Wish me luck as I keep trying, one doggy daycare day at a time, to work on the human elements of life.

Ember had a fine time in daycare on Tuesday.  As I was dropping her off, another lab came in with his owner, also for daycare.  She was very excited to see a friend and was ready to start playing... now!  Of course she had to wait a bit, the staff person promising she would get to play in a bit.

When I picked her up, I asked the staffer how Ember did and as she helped me load my pup into the car the young gal said Ember was very sweet and had been in the "cloud" group that day.  The group played well together.  So far, I'm happy with the arrangement.  

As I often do when Ember is elsewhere, I indulged in making myself something I would not for lunch.  She would want to share.  I toasted a grilled cheese sandwich.

Wednesday morning dawned frigid, as predicted.  Ember and I have survived to the crate time before "last call", with a couple of car rides but no leash walks.  Sister visits on Wednesdays are in suspended mode, as is sometimes quite appropriate this time of year.

Ember had some zoomies in the back yard, following an attempt at ball tossing.  She let me shovel off part of the deck without attacking the shovel.  But then she went after a cable that she'd ignored up to this point, that runs up the side of the house along the deck.  Sigh.  Two steps forward...

Choosing to live life!  Also choosing to keep Sparking!

Monday, January 6, 2025



The wind howls, it's cold, the dog is somewhat freaked out by her first "measurable" snowfall since joining my household, but! we did not get as much snow as predicted.  My fingers near froze in first session of shoveling, which happened after I got Ember into her crate for puppy nap #2.

Amazon tells me they will deliver my replacement remote for the TV today.  I will believe it when I see it, as the little map shows their delivery vehicle on its way from Omaha... and who knows what the highway conditions are between there and here?

In case anyone is curiously paying attention to my change of the tag line with the first of the year... I'm trying things out.  Life is Good was Kevin (MOBYCARP)'s line.  I've been experiencing dog training with a focus allowing the dog to choose good behaviors.  I want to add choice into my tag line:  it is indeed a choice to live, and to live as fully as we can!  It may take a while before I come up with just the exact "signature" phrase, but in 2025, choice is a part of the picture.  

There is also a Biblical reference for this one.  Deuteronomy 30: 19.  It's a verse that has stuck in my mind for several years of ponderings.  We are not told to choose "good" versus "evil", but to "choose life".  This ties in with Kevin's "Life is Good" theme.

From KJV:  "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:"


Single digit temperatures outside and I woke shortly after 3.  After a minor attempt to fall back asleep for an hour I did the math in my head and decided to get up and have my shower.  Making plans to put together something for Ember's mental stimulation today.  I had seen a good suggestion online Sunday and thought "that's something I can do".  It said, simply, hide things in a box for her to search through.  Well, I have lots of leftover packing materials... cardboard boxes and crushed up paper... that would be perfect.  Hide some of her toys amid the paper, and voila, puzzle time!

Maybe one of the toys inside can be the treat-holding kind.  Got to do something, as it's mega cold out there and not suitable for even back yard play for more than short trips.

LOL!  Well that lasted less than five minutes!  You know how babies want to play with the box more than the toy inside the box?  Seems Ember has something in common with that stereotype.

Anyway, we are on to puppy nap #2, it's cold out, but there is sunshine, and she has done some independent playing outside, in addition to what I've devised for her inside.  We also took a car ride to fill up Dexter's gas tank.  Tomorrow it's doggy day care for her and my trainer workout for me... and I have my to-do list for those free hours.

Choose life!  Spark on!

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Meanwhile across town

The accelerated reunification of foster kiddo with his birth dad and siblings started Friday afternoon, but it's not fully signed off on.  Still son and DIL went to bed Friday night without kiddo in residence, and with the anticipation that this particular fostering has come to an end.  Great kid.  Hopefully they will still be in his life, but it's not the same as having him living at their house.  Prayers for the many times foster parents say "good-bye" to kiddos not fully grown and are mandated to "let go".  If all goes well in the next few days, the little guy will be at his dad's place for good.

My son and his wife have a date night planned for Saturday night, to console one another about this parting.  They are going early, the 4 p.m. early bird thing, to avoid the coming snow as much as they can.  

Ember sends her best wishes to them, offering up her plastic stick.

As of 5 p.m. on Saturday, Ember was quiet in her crate, the last "nap" before "last call".  We had a good day.  A few new toys were rolled out, and I actually saw her get excited about indoor interactive play.  We played some fetch, we played some tug, and we had some good instances of the "thank you" tug release, followed by a sit to ask for the resumption of the game.  For all the frustrating days (like Friday), there are good days (like Saturday) where "hope springs eternal".

We had quiet couch time before crate time three times Saturday.  It's our new thing.  It helps grow her willingness to crate up afterward.  It solidifies our mutual trust.

New favorite tug toy, I've been calling "black sheep" to her.  We now have four furry (faux furry, that is) tug toys.  I determined that she likes the furry feel in her mouth better than the fleecy feel.  Also better than a ball.  She likes the plastic/rubber balls better than the fuzzy tennis balls... it takes time and experience to determine what gives your specific dog joy and thus makes the better reward for them.

Sunday morning... what will we find?

I woke at 3 and heard the wind howling.  Successfully fell back asleep until after 4:30 am.  The phone app says it's going to start snowing again at 6:08 am.  How very specific!  It did not, exactly, so, there's that for specific predictions.

During "last call" Saturday night, we had about half an inch of snow on the ground, and it was lightly falling.  Ember put on an impressive display of zoomies.  Then she played begged me for a bit of tug before quietly chewing on a bone before bedtime.

The deck did not look much different from what it did at last call Saturday evening.  Ember zoomed some, but also did her morning business, then we went inside.  We did not do any outdoor ball chasing Sunday morning, but we did go out and "check on" the snow on the deck, several times.

Played several tug games, some hide and go seek, and a few rounds of crate games.  Eventually we settled down to be a couch puppy while the human fixed her own breakfast.  Ember consented to nap in the crate after.  I told Ember I was going outside to see if I could find her poo, and she settled in just fine while I did so.

The snow is not up to the predicted amount, but the Winter storm warning lasts until midnight, so we'll see how short of that we are.  They have lowered the prediction to 1 - 5 inches for our fair city.  We've already got about an inch.  This can be handled.  It's a light fluffy snow.  My DIL reported slick streets after their dinner date.

Wishing all who stop by the best of Sunday... may you be safe, warm and dry!

Choose to live your life!  Spark on.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

A Lab's first instinct

Friday was a rocky day in Emberville.  She did not get enough exercise.

From the Labrador retriever's handbook (if there is one):  "When you encounter something new, check to see if it's edible."  This is Ember's first snowfall since joining my household.  It came in big fluffy flakes around 3:30 p.m.

It was brief and it did not accumulate much.  The "big" snow is coming on Saturday afternoon/evening and all-day Sunday, according to the weatherman.

I hyped the snow:  Isn't it pretty?  See, it's frozen water falling from the sky!  Ember, for her part investigated.  

I also attempted to give The Prisoner safe passage with Ember contained in her X-Pen, but he (the cat) bolted when he spotted her (the dog) standing behind that barrier.  

When Ember was let out, she went after the pad under the area rug in the family room.  I attempted to rescue the floor (I had already given up on the leather couch).  In the process, I left the TV remote on the counter, and guess who nabbed it.  She refused to give it back.  The tussle proceeded into the garage, where I tried to distract her, but she instead targeted the wing-back chair remains that still reside there.  I pulled the cushion off and brought it inside, in the hopes of getting her out of the garage, at least.

Got her out on the deck again, while I put the family room back together and picked up the now inoperable TV remote.  I unplugged the TV in the family room.  I know from experience that the TV remote from the upstairs TV doesn't work with the family room TV.

I opened the sliding door and asked her if she was ready to be civilized now?  I apologized to my puppy for getting her over-excited over the snow.  Some couch puppy time got Ember calmed down and she fell asleep on the couch.  After a bit of time napping there, she consented to be enticed into her crate until "last call".  

At this point, I was able to coax The Prisoner out of the evergreen tree and into his safe space.

Second replacement TV remote ordered.  Amazon predicts it will arrive Wednesday.

Between now and then, we are in a Winter Storm Warning.  4 to 8 inches of snow is predicted with this particular storm.  We're closer to the side of town that approaches the 8 to 12 inches area, so I expect we might be closer to the 8 inches end of it.  Sigh.

Based on how Ember behaves with brooms, I predict an "attack" response to a snow shovel.  I will try to introduce her to it gently, but am not sure how it will go.  Wish me luck.

Choose to live life!  Spark on!

Blog delayed but no earth shattering news

  One of the more recent toy acquisitions.  We are learning to enjoy tug.  Sort of.   Both of these photos are from the sunny afternoons on ...