Thursday, November 24, 2022

The gratitude connection, From Thanksgiving to Thanksgiving

Pumpkin pie from TG 2021 - long gone, of course.

Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian (and other international friends) who celebrated the annual harvest feast on Monday Oct 10th. For several years I have used the time period between the Canadian holiday and the US version (Thursday Nov 24th this year) as my one gratitude a day season. Not that I'm not grateful every day, but I try to adhere to the discipline of posting at least one small thing I'm grateful for here on FB, daily.

The traditional family rules are it can be small or large, concrete or abstract... the thing you're grateful for... but "no repeats".

I'm going to build this list, and share what I was grateful for, day by day, and then post the final list on Thanksgiving Day in the USA. The point of the exercise is to build up our gratitude muscles, and prepare our hearts for the Winter Holidays ahead!

  • Oct 10th: warm blankets I crawled out of this morning. Others added theirs in the comments: their cat, their warm home on a chilly morning, their A/C (she lives in Florida), their dogs across the years, and Wordle.

  • Oct 11th: I posted as a comment on my cousin's starter that I am grateful for this exercise, and those who join me in it. Her gratitude of the day was books!

  • Oct 12th: I am thankful for clean running water, hot and cold. This is easy to take for granted, but HUGE if you don't have it. I think that was one of the hardest bits of news out of the hurricane coverage (Ian) in Florida, that hospitals lost their water supply. Yikes. So the fact that I have this today, and every day that I do have it, gives me a boost of gratitude.
    • From others: music, and beauty of autumn leaves.

  • Oct 13th: Thankful for neighbors who plant flowers that surprise me every year.

  • Oct 14th: Thankful for dreams that can blend folks still living and those passed on into a pleasant, restful sleep. Also thankful that anxious dreams are just that, dreams, that we can feel relieved to awaken from!

  • Oct 15th: Thankful for the memories contained in my collection of coffee mugs... from Spark to ObCo Donuts, to the Christmas ones, to the Calamity Ware ones... all have memories attached. On Facebook I posted a photo of my blue Spark mug with my gratitude, and got a lot of friends over there that I met through Spark commenting on the post.

  • Oct 16th: Today I am thankful that among the lessons of the pandemic was learning to trust that the produce will be just fine if the young people pick it out for me and I pick up the groceries at the curb! In the process, I discovered a convenience / luxury I didn't think I needed and didn't realize how much I would appreciate.

  • Oct 17th:  Today I am thankful for a calm and sunny day.  The temperature is chilly (seasonally so), but the wind isn't fighting the sun and the sunshine makes it feel warmer.

  • Oct 18th:  Thankful for the life of my Dad, on the 23rd anniversary of his passing.

  • Oct 19th:  Thankful for home appliances, from vacuum cleaners to washing machines to microwave ovens.

  • Oct 20th:  Thankful for old SparkPeople dot com, and all the friendships formed on it.  While these friendships may be virtual, they are genuine, and thus in my book, they qualify as real!  That includes all of y'all who are reading this!

  • Oct 21st:  Thankful for my kitty-duty swapping sister.  Thanks to both of us having feline co-habitants, this ability frees both of us to travel when needed.

  • Oct 22nd:  Thankful for herbs and spices. 
Pumpkin and spices in oatmeal.

  • Oct 23rd:  Thankful for friends who introduce me to challenging online games, most recently sedeorcle, which is wordle on steroids, with 16 5-letter words to solve in parallel with the same alphabet and 21 guesses total to win.  So far, I've won only one daily game, but three practice ones.

  • Oct 24th: Thankful for safety from the nearest grass fires of the season.  With the severe drought locally and extreme drought around the state, I am thankful that there are heroes willing to go out and contain them, and heads wise enough to order evacuations to keep people safe, even as property is destroyed.

  • Oct 25th:  Today I am thankful for procrastination. Sometimes it is just the way of letting my mind prepare for and adjust to a change before I make it. Sometimes it is waiting for all the facts to unfold, so I can make a wise choice. Sometimes it results in a missed opportunity, sometimes it teaches a lesson, and sometimes it saves me from a mistake. As bad a rap as it gets, it is not always a bad thing. Sometimes it is patience in disguise.

  • Oct 26th:  Today I am grateful for the beauty of colors in the Autumn. Spring has its own beauty, but Autumn has a ripeness to it. The smell of drying leaves or of an autumn rain only add to the visual display, when every tree and building seems to stand out in its complete three dimensions, backed by either bright or cloudy skies.

  • Oct 27th:  Today I am thankful for my alarm, and that I rarely have to use it to get up in the morning.

  • Oct 28th:  Today I am thankful for soap, and that clean smell my favorite brand gives me. The favorite kind may be different for each of us, but whatever the scent is, it will smell "clean" to us!

  • Oct 29th:  Today I am thankful for my kitties' vets, and that they spot things I do not. Their questions on Friday led me to realize I was completely missing the real symptoms Rubia was exhibiting.

  • Oct 30th:  Today I am thankful for when reconnecting works out.  Met a niece I hadn't seen in about ten years at her shop this morning.  Sometimes we get SO out of touch we can't pull off reconnecting.  I'm glad in this case that did not happen.

  • Oct 31st:  Today I am thankful for measuring cups.

  • Nov 1st: Thankful that the lawn mowers took my leftover Halloween candy off my hands.

  • Nov 2nd:  Thankful for shelf-stable foods and the tech that makes them so.  Some of that tech is really old, such as drying grapes to make for raisins!

  • Nov 3rd:  Today I am thankful to be able to afford the surgery that my younger kitty needs. I may have to put off some other spending, but at least I didn't have to choose between her life and the heat or the groceries. Our pets really are more than companions and friends. They are luxuries, sometimes. 

  • Nov 4th:  Today I'm thankful for the schedule flexibility of retirement. I'm also thankful for advance notice coming from government and businesses that enable me to adjust. Oh, and totally unrelated, I'm grateful for the early college years that trained me to drink black coffee. So it's not such a shock when I have to take it that way. 😆

  • Nov 5th:  Today begins my week of acknowledging my gratitude for those who have put on the uniform. In this time where we have an all-volunteer military, less than 1% of the population of the United States do so. Why today, and leading up to Veterans Day? Because 13 years ago today, one of the worst mass shootings occurred on an Army Base in Texas. It was a horrible day for me, from afar. My son was part of the unit hardest hit by it. It was not nearly as horrible for me as it was for 13 families who lost someone, or for the 32 wounded, or even for the people present on base at the time, in the midst of the chaos that surrounds such events.

One of the lessons that has come from the awfulness was the renewal of a commitment to live every day. In the years following, I started doing the gratitude exercise earlier, because I just couldn't take facing having to be grateful on its anniversary, when it was only "day 5".

But here's the meat of today's gratitude: Following bad things happening, we have choices. One of those choices is to learn from them. It is a choice to remember. I still have Facebook friends among the other families who were affected by this. It is a choice to do our best to take care of our own health, so that those who are wearing uniforms in our families don't have the added burden of worrying about us, "back home".

I'm grateful for the reminders to "make good choices", "remember", and value one another. And I am grateful for those who signed that blank check, "up to and including" their lives, in service to their country.

  • Nov 6th:  Today I am grateful for live streaming platforms, since I can't get several of the "live TV" over the digital airwaves.  And for the amazing tracking technology we now have on our Smart phones.  I can follow specific friends that I know are running, well beyond the elite runners who "win".  Today I'm particularly grateful for access to the NYC marathon streaming, where I can relive memories of the year I flew out to be a spectator there.

  • Nov 7th:  Today I am thankful for the boost my attitude gets from an earlier sunrise. Here is my neighbor's tree, framing today's, at 6:55 a.m.

  • Nov 8th:  Today I am thankful for the cloud cover. Even though it means I can't see the full lunar eclipse this morning, these clouds might bring us a bit of moisture, and we need it!

  • Nov 9th:  Today I am thankful for the fact that even while in any given election we may not get EVERYTHING we want, every time, we have the ability to vote, and have that vote respected. I am thankful for the wins, accepting of the losses, and valuing the process.

  • Nov 10th:  Today I am thankful for the younger generations in my life. They do give me hope that the world is in good hands.

  • Nov 11th:  Today I am thankful for all the "once a year" days of recognition. While we all know that we should be grateful every day, that we should thank Veterans every day, honor our mothers and fathers every day, we don't always say it out loud. It's easy to just go with the flow. These holidays remind us how important people, pets, organizations, etc. are in our lives.

  • Nov 12th:  Today I am thankful for central heating, my warm breakfast and coffee, and my cracked corn bag.  Can you tell it's a cold morning where I am?

  • Nov 13th:  Today I am thankful for music.  And for the richness of sign language, even though I don't speak it.

  • Nov 14th:  Today I am thankful for all the personal trainers who have helped me through the various phases of my life.

  • Nov 15th: Today I am thankful for the justice system, and for the court personnel who educate those of us called for jury duty. It might not happen often, but I have always learned something from the experience.

  • Nov 16th: Today is a good day to be grateful for the generations that came before me. This would have been my great-great grandmother's birthday. Tomorrow would have been my mother's. My own falls just a few days later.

When I was a child, knowing the birthdays were close together, although separated by many years, enabled me to feel connected to history. G-G-Gram had been 4 years old when President Lincoln was shot. I met her when she was 101 and I was 9 or ten, I think.

The trip across two states to see her was a big deal back then, in the early 1960's, before the Interstate Highway was fully built and connected. See? Connection to history!

  • Nov 17th:  Today I am thankful for humor and a sense of the ridiculous.  I need to go back and re-read Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land.  'Nuff said.

  • Nov 18th:  Today I am thankful that one is never too old to learn, or to try something different. You can buy six cotton handkerchiefs for less than a box of premium facial tissue. Budget and better for the planet, too. Thanks to friends and family who have been doing this for years, I finally got on board.

  • Nov 19th:  Today I am thankful for the amazing variety of good, nutritious food available in our grocery stores, and for all those who contribute to getting it there.  From farmers and ranchers to truckers and railway and shipping workers, from butchers and bakers, deli workers and checkout clerks, to the ultimate luxury of personal shoppers... I thank you for helping to feed the world.

  • Nov 20th:  Today I am thankful for the body that seems to keep on keeping on, trip around the sun after trip around the sun. I am thankful that it still responds well to being treated well. All those things your mom and grandma told you were good for you, still are. Nutritious food, fresh air, brushing your teeth, going to bed on time, and being active (as one can be).

  • Nov 21st:  Today I am thankful for the amazing outpouring of greetings for my birthday, yesterday. People are just wonderful, you know! I do not need a whole lot of attention, and on-line greetings are just fine in the "getting rid of physical objects" phase of life. It turned out to be a perfect day for me, right down to the weather!

  • Nov 22nd:  Today I am thankful for books and the storytellers that write them.

  • Nov 23rd:  Today I am thankful for good driving conditions in the region of the country I live in.  People I know are driving for the Holiday weekend, and the forecast looks good for them.

  • Thanksgiving Day, 2022:  Somehow the day itself makes me want to be grateful for something profound.  But the profound is built from the ordinary efforts of each of us.  If we desire peace on earth, let it begin with peace in our hearts, and be extended from there to everyone we meet in daily life.

Today I am grateful for my cookbook, and for having learned to bake a pumpkin pie many decades ago.  I am grateful that my son likes my pie, and that I'm still able to put one together at this phase of my life.  I'm grateful that the oven works and there is power to my home to make it so.  

A very blessed Thanksgiving to you all, whether it's celebrated in your nation today or not!   


Life is good.  We are Thankful!  Spark on.


  1. I am grateful for friends, both near and far, virtual and in-person. ;-)

    1. 💖 Love it... I'm letting folks comments on the blog stand on their own, the ones I am adding in the main body are from Facebook posts (likely from folks who don't read my blog here).

  2. I am grateful for a home with a paid-off mortgage.

    1. That's a GREAT one, especially when we are "of a certain age"!

  3. Nice!

    Today's gratitude is a decent dental check up!


    And that pie looks scrumptious.

    1. Hooray for good dental health! That pie is long gone, I hope to repeat it next month for the family gather.

  4. 10/10 - Kind customer service voices (over the phone)
    10/11 - Gluten-free, dairy-free bakery goodies

    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Amen to both of those! It's amazing how many health-specific food items are available these days.

  5. This is wonderful to do!

    Today's gratitude is waking up early and getting a lot of things done.

    1. 💖 Don't you love those days when you feel so accomplished! A great one.

    2. 10/12 Today's gratitude is Not having to cook dinner because we had left-overs. Love that!

  6. I am grateful for a day filled with sunshine.

  7. 10-14 I'm grateful this wonderful post has returned.

    1. 🤣 Be patient... when I take it back to draft, it's merely to add another day's gratitude in the main body!

  8. 10-15 I am grateful for my hearing as I listen to the sound of the falling rain.

    1. Love it! Another thing easy to take for granted until it lessens.

  9. 10-15 I am grateful for all the things I have. I am also grateful for all the things for which I do not.

  10. 10-16 “It's a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.” ~ Germany Kent

  11. 10-17 I am grateful the spectacular day I had today. Everything I touched, planned, or attempted turned out just perfect. Amazing!!

    1. 💖 We need days like this, on top of the mountain! Not every day, mind you, but every so often.

  12. 10-18 I am grateful the new recipe for ciabatta rolls was a success.

  13. 10-19 I am grateful for another perfect day! Blessed with goodness 3 days is a row. Thank you, God!

    1. Awesome! May the streak carry on, for many more.

  14. 10/20 I'm grateful for quiet morning when everyone is still asleep and I can enjoy a cup of coffee in silence.

    1. A lovely peaceful thought... sipping that cuppa in the quiet of the morning! May the day continue in this positive vein.

  15. 10-20 I am grateful for a warmer day and no need for the furnace.

    1. That's one I will have an opportunity to be grateful for over the weekend, if the weatherman is to be believed! Thanks for playing along, Jeanne... it makes it more fun when we swap our lists!

  16. 10/21 Today I'm grateful for freezer meals that I made last month because I'm feeling a little under the weather and didn't want to cook.

    1. Foresight... gratitude for foresight and acting on it. Here's hoping you feel better!

  17. 10-22 I am grateful for the opportunity to have lunch with a dear friend that I haven't seen pre-covid. It was wonderful.
    I am unhappy that I missed yesterday. ;-(

    1. What a delightful thing to be grateful for! And I'm sure you were grateful yesterday, too, even if you didn't get it posted here!

  18. 10-23 Another visit for which to be extremely grateful. My brother and his wife celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary by driving from Illinois to have lunch and spend the day here in MO with me.
    I am over the moon with gratitude and good feelings.

    1. A good place to be, "over the moon"! Blessings to you and a good Monday, with more gratitude overflowing.

  19. I am grateful that a local brush fire that burned about 3500 acres and 10 homes has been contained and no lives were lost.

    1. Amen! Also grateful for farmers who plowed fire breaks, and to mother nature for contributing rain this morning to fighting out nearby fires. For the volunteers who relocated animals from the fire area and are re-uniting them with their owners, too.

  20. I am eternally grateful for the education that I received that enabled me to have a meaningful career for decades and now a pension that I can live comfortably on.
    I have appreciated your thoughtful daily posts, Barb!

    1. Eissa7 (lol) forgot to sign my post

    2. Thanks. Education is what you have left after you forget everything you learned in school? Old joke! But seriously, being taught to think and to put that ability to use in a career is a great one, and I share it.

  21. Replies
    1. Yes, safe from the fires. My music teacher (retired) sister lives West of me, and the closest of the fires was south and west of town. Having seen how quickly fires move (Colorado last year, Montana, California news coverage), she packed up all the instruments (wooden) that she values into her car, and prepared a "go" bag when the evacuation orders were announced for the Southern part of the county. She never ended up having to leave, but you know the old Girl Scout motto: "be prepared".

      We still have a volunteer firefighter who will likely be in the hospital for a month, burned over 20% of his body after falling into the flames. Another was treated and released.

      Thankfully, yesterday's rain was at least in part over the area affected by the fires.

  22. You know, I've never been a procrastinator much, but . . . I think you may be onto something . . . maybe it to buy time to deal with change! DH is a procrastinator and I think for him, you've nailed it!


    1. Thanks for "getting it". Sometimes we beat ourselves up over a "bad habit" without recognizing we might have it for a reason.

  23. 10-25 I am grateful my great nephew found a safe place to hide during yesterday's shooting.

    I forget to check the Comment as: and I post as anonymous. Ugh!

    1. So many of the headlines come close to one or another of us or loved ones. Grateful for your great nephew's safety, too.

  24. 10-26 I am grateful for a DD who goes grocery shopping with me and helps with unloading.

    1. We take care of them when they are young, and now they take care of us when we are old-er! Wonderful thing to be grateful for.

  25. Procrastination sometimes is patience in disguise (10/25). Love, love, love this and shared your entry on it with a widowed sister in the throes of figuring out whether or not to sell her home of 46 years and downsize in this shaky economy by moving to a more affordable area. She and I are both admitted procrastinators.

    1. above PHOENIX1949 (wasn't signed into Google account)

    2. 💖 Glad if it was helpful. Some decisions take a while to "feel right".

  26. 10-27 I am grateful for this wonderful list. It causes me to find the positive happenings in my life that occur on a daily basis. It's waaaay too easy to fall into negative thinking. Thank you!! :-)

    1. You're welcome. It's always fun to come up with reasons to be grateful for things that may not look so wonderful on the surface. When my sister posted gratitude for her good eyesight it started me thinking on why I might be grateful for my glaucoma and cataracts. When that gratitude ripens, it will go on the list, too.

  27. I never warmed up to the pumpkin oatmeal I tried after your previous mentions (RIP Spark). I tried more than once. Like you, grateful for procrastination. It gave me the beautiful trip yesterday to favorite places and wonderful views to be posted soon. I had intended on the bigger trip Wednesday and by the time I got started, it was raining so I went home! Lucky me there was not a cloud in the sky yesterday.

    1. Sounds like a lovely trip, I'll look forward to the photos. Another thing to be grateful for: we don't all have to like the same things, we are free to have our individual tastes, including not caring for somebody else's breakfast choices! 😂 Vive variety!

  28. 10-28 Today is a lazy day. I am grateful for soup in the freezer that only requires a short nuke time in the microwave. Also a couple of the corn muffins that your photo inspired me to bake and freeze. ;-) yum!!!

  29. 10-29 I am grateful for my thirst for learning. Today, I've learned why cats sometimes drool. Today, I've learned how to transfer funds from one account to another online. Today, I've learned that every day is another opportunity to learn something new.

    1. Learning is great! And a source of joy, as well as gratitude!

  30. 10-30 Tonight I am grateful that I can realize just blessed my life has been.

    1. You know, just being conscious of our blessings is a blessing in itself. Thanks for this one.

  31. 10-31 I am grateful for perseverance and the ability to push on.

  32. Thanks for the thought. Maybe my guys would like some sweet treats as well. Unfortunately I ate all the ones I liked.

  33. 11-01 Today I am grateful for my loving daughter who traveled with me to the cemetery to decorate my newly departed husband's niche.
    Today we were able to talk about our memories of the good times and not choke back the tears. I am grateful for the slow as it is.

    1. Grief has no "right" or "wrong" schedule, and it is no surprise that the healing comes slowly for the huge losses, like a spouse or sibling!

      May the memories be gentle on your mind.

  34. 11-02 An Indian summer November day...I am grateful.

    1. I love November days of Indian Summer... they are like a special gift!

  35. 11-03 Sometimes miracles come from small moments. I am grateful.

  36. 11-04 Lowe's finally sent the installer to measure and review job needs for a new dishwasher and sink. I'm grateful.

  37. 11-05 While it was a horrible tragedy that caused the inception of this list, I am thankful for you and for its creation. It's all too easy to focus on the negative happenings in our lives and forget about all the blessings, large and small, that we receive daily. It's all about the choices we make.

    1. Oh, the gratitude practice pre-dates the tragedy, but it used to run for the month of November, and I changed it to start earlier. I am not the originator of it, either. I'm sure some anonymous Facebook user started it, but it got to my family sometime before 2009. I picked it up from a sister, other relatives joined in, and my brother was a huge enthusiast of it.

      Some years more join in, other years fewer, but it prepares my heart for the gift of Christmas. I know, I know, that's what the advent season is supposed to do!

      I'm glad you joined in this year! Spark on!

  38. 11-06 I am grateful for friends who call to check on my well being.

  39. 11-07 Thank you for the beautiful photo of today's sunrise. I'm grateful!

    1. You're welcome. Where the sun pops up changes over the months. In the Summer it is the other side of that house's roof!

  40. 11-08 I am grateful that I got to see the lunar eclipse. I followed it from 3:30 a.m. until sunrise. A gift from the Universe.

    1. I'm glad you got to see it. I've seen some of the amazing photos folks have shared, but the gift of seeing it in person... yours today!

  41. 11-09 Did a some Christmas crafting this morning. After a bit of patience, they turned out quite okay. I'm grateful for the patience and the success.

    1. Patience is a virtue that leads to success! Awesome.

  42. 11-10 I am grateful for the small, simple moments in my life.

  43. 11-11 To all serve or have served..."Thank you for your service." I am grateful.

  44. 11-12 I second the gratitude for central heating as it was 36F this morning here in Central Texas.

    1. Brrr! We even got a few snowflakes this morning, but they did not hang around or accumulate.

  45. 11-12 Receipts for paid taxes arrived in today's mail. I'm grateful the end of the year chore is finished early.

    1. One less thing hanging over your head! A great thing to be thankful for.

  46. A friend's daughter is taking second-year American Sign Language (ASL) in high school this year for her language requirement. I wasn't aware that this was an offering. Spanish, German, French and Latin were the options here in the 1960's when I chose Latin.

    We have a great-nephew born profoundly deaf who is now 9. His Mom immediately got him signed up for multiple resources. He has cochlear implants, speaks clearly, reads lips and uses ASL and recently got a requested guitar along with an instructor who has experience working with hearing-challenged persons. He is also an avid reader with strong memory. It was recently discovered his almost 3-year-old sister has the same challenges.

    1. Good to know. I grew up two blocks away from a family where mom and dad were deaf but all three of their children (including the boy in my class) were hearing. My grandmother used to teach at the Iowa School for the Deaf, so she "spoke" ASL. My mom could get along a little, but clearly not as well as her mother. And while I learned the alphabet and a few words, I didn't keep up with it.

      Our local community college offers beginning classes, and last Spring, my kid sis (ALICIA363 from Spark) took one. It's amazing what resources are available these days. Your great-nephew is blessed with a family that recognizes this and went out in search of support. Smart, adaptive people compensate, and I can see how not being distracted by sound might make one's memory stronger!

  47. 11-13 I am grateful for the strength that comes from prayer. It's been a very sad day.

    1. Sorry for your sad day, but grateful you have prayer to lean on. It is a great comfort in times of trouble. I have found that some of the worst times of my life, I felt closest to God.

  48. 11-14 I am grateful that the smallest act of gratitude can change an entire day.

  49. 11-15 Snow last night and early morning. Official measurement was a little over 2 inches. Temps remained steady at 33*. No accumulation on the roads, no shoveling of driveway, deck was snow free. I am grateful beyond words!

    1. With temperatures on the cusp of freezing, roads could be very slick. Be careful if you have to go anywhere!

      We had dancing flurries again today. So pretty. It has me whistling Christmas carols, and it's not even Thanksgiving yet. Might be the movies I've been watching lately.

  50. 10-17 How many days after today do we sing to you??? ;-)

    1. Sunday. You may sing any time or day you want, though, because it's always *somebody's* birthday! Today was mom, tomorrow is a former co-worker, Sunday is me, Monday is one of my boyfriends from the WAY back machine when I was in high school, next Wednesday is my personal trainer's birthday, and when you get to the 28th, it's my doctor's birthday. It is high birthday season here in Barb's world!

  51. 11-17 Independence and self-reliance are a result of life challenges.
    I am grateful.

    1. Indeed. We learn from how we weather those challenges! Great source of gratitude, surviving those lessons!

  52. Long, loving phone call with youngest DD today. I am grateful.

    1. Nothing quite so heart-warming as conversations with our adult children. 💖

  53. 11-19 I am grateful for the ability to read for pleasure.

    1. Amen to this as well. And for public libraries, too!

  54. 11-20 A warm shower, a clean bed, a healthy meal. I am grateful.

  55. 11-21 This has been one of those rare days that EVERYTHING.with which I dealt was perfect! I am Grateful with a capital G.

    Please tell me this list will go on after Thursday?! Maybe start a new list, but somehow continue. Giving a daily gratitude is a blessing...for me anyway.

    1. I have given that some thought. I think I will do a "summary gratitude" post on Thanksgiving Day or soon thereafter. Maybe a monthly list? But without the "no duplicates" rule?

  56. 11-22 Today makes two of those rare days in a row.

    I started posting to this list about 5 weeks after my DH passed. Finding a daily positive for which to be grateful, kept me from sinking into the depths of depression. The holidays will be difficult. We would have celebrated 55 years of marriage on 23 December. It's not hyperbole when I tell you that these daily reflections have probably saved my life. No matter how you decide to manage the list after Thanksgiving, I'm truly grateful for the past few weeks.
    Blessings for you along with my heartfelt thanks.

    1. Many hugs and prayers of support for you, Jeanne! Perhaps a special one for the day after Thanksgiving through Christmas, for starters, and we'll see where it goes from there.

  57. 11-23 It is 61* outside . The sun is shining. All my children and grands who traveled in various parts of the country for this holiday have safely reached their destination. I am grateful.

    1. 💖 Loved ones safe! Great reason for gratitude.

  58. 11-24 “Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer.” ~ Maya Angelou

    1. What a wonderful foundation for prayer! Happy Thanksgiving, Jeanne!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...