Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Sprung forward? Already?

Was Ember singing the song of her people in this shot, or just sniffing the snowy air?  There's something about a dog, all stretched out, with her nose pointed moon-ward!  I think there may have been a fire siren involved when I snapped that photo.

I seem to have worn-out a Smart TV!  Screen is blank.  I tried the soft reset, did not work.  Blank screen, but it does get audio.  Looks like I will be down to a single TV for a while.  Probably good for me anyway.  My computer can stream anything those smart TVs do, anyway.

Next chapter of potential training for Ember?  I am in contact with a gentleman I know (through triathlon and personal trainer connections).  This is the one who ended up adopting his friend's hunting dog after he lost his own, and the dog lost her owner... he's a hunting guide/outfitter, in the midst of snow goose season right now.  I contacted him for advice about local trainers for a lab... I would like Ember to be able to more fully exercise her instincts.  I gave him fair warning that I am no hunter, but he said we can meet after he wraps up the snow goose season, and he will show me what I need to do for the next phase of training for Ember.

He says being a hunter is not required to train a hunting dog.  I may end up putting more miles on Dexter in pursuit of this new phase, this fellow is headquartered in Northwestern Missouri.

This does not mean that I'm stopping the games that Susan Garrett's Recallers program teaches.  It means I am looking at something more specialized to Ember's breeding to add to it.

I've started mixing in "step up" to her training games, in anticipation of perch work.  We continue to do reward zone training in the back yard.  Yeah, we still have chewing / destructive issues, but I figure the more of a "job" she has with the field training, the less she'll feel the need to take down the buffalo in the family room (leather couch).

Ember was not a fan of the daylight-saving time change.  She was not hungry for her breakfast on Monday.  She snoozed around the house for an hour before deigning to eat it.  I had booked her for a Monday day care day, to accommodate lunch plans for my sister's birthday!  We have dropped the routine Wednesday walks, so getting a sister catch up beyond the on-line check in is a good thing.

It was a wonderful, leisurely sister catch-up.  And it was a wonderfully warm day, a preview of Summer to come, breaking the record for high temperature reading for March 10th in our town.

Tuesday was day care again for Ember, and Mommy medicalizing.  The bone density scan and the mammogram were on tap for afternoon.  The trainer was in the morning.  While sitting in the waiting room in bathrobes, I thought a face on another woman looked familiar and that I should know her.  Turned out I didn't but while figuring that out, another woman (younger) heard my maiden name and asked where I had lived growing up.  I named the street, and she identified herself as one of the little girls who had lived next door to my parents!  

Oh, my goodness!  She would remember my younger sisters more than me, as by the time these little girls lived there, I had already moved out to an apartment.  She did remember my brother.  Small world!  The chance to visit was very short as the mammographer came to get me, so I didn't get to ask her for her first name... she was obviously younger, but those girls were tiny back when my mom was fretting over them and their welfare as their parents split up.  

Anyway, that concludes the medicalizing for the year, I'm hoping.  Thinking so much of the old-ers among us, with aging partners in life who are facing health challenges.  Prayers for all battling the various forms of cancer, diabetes, and dementia... getting old is not for sissies, for sure, but I don't know if it's worse having the diseases of aging or worse caring about someone who is fighting one.

Praying, too, for our nation, and its leadership.  We certainly are living through one of those "interesting times" the old curse talks about.

It almost looks like a glow-stick in this light, but Ember is gnawing on a Yak cheese chew in the morning lamplight in this shot.  

Interesting times or no, health challenges or no, LIFE is still good!  Keep the Spark and the Sparkle alive!


  1. Wonder what she smelled/heard? Good luck with the hunting guide. I wonder if a male trainer will make a difference.
    Isn't it a small world? I'm always amazed when meeting folks from way back when. Memories are much different for each individual. Normal, I guess.
    To decide which is worse, having a disease or being the caregiver, is a coin toss. It's not going to be easy for her. Finding gratitude helps with the transition.
    Keep Sparking! 🤗💖

    1. I often wonder that when she gets distracted from what *I* think our purpose is. Air scenting, that listening pose, the pawing at the ground or digging... sometimes I figure it out, sometimes I never know what started a canine behavior!

      Yes, finding gratitude helps us get through oh, so much!

  2. Sounds like a busy week! Ember's photo is adorable, and good luck with her hunting training! Sorry about your TV, but glad you have a streaming alternative. That's a neat small-world moment at the doctor's office. And yes, sending good thoughts to everyone facing health challenges.

    Enjoy your day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. LOL! Yes, Ember looks like she’s singing the song of her people. Was out w/Miss Lilly early this morning and it was still very dark, and there was a full moon. She a d a few of her ‘people’ that were out early with their human people started a round of howling. Hysterical. Was not quick enough to capture it on my phone video.

    That’s awesome that you will get some training advice about how to let Ember act on her instincts (w/o hunting).

    Glad you had a catch up w/your sis! Always feels so good.

    That’s great that you got your medicalizing done – we have to do what we can to stay in the best shape possible.

    What a small world that you met a former neighbor while waiting for your mammo. You just never know!

    Getting older definitely is NOT for sissies. But we do our best, right.

    These times are, at the very least, unsettling, but . . . we have to focus on the here and now and make it the best we can. And pray.

    Here’s to making the rest of the week the best it can be!


    1. Always the encourager, fellow Barb! We may not be able to control everything, but we can do our own small parts. Hugs.

  4. Ember is very muscular and pretty. Methinks you are setting her training up for YOUR training as well. Keeping busy learning new things AND physical activity! You rock!

    1. Ya think? Yeppers, I'd been noticing that with her going to day care and me doing a little anxiety eating, I need to get myself back in hand!

      Wednesday morning I remembered to introduce her to the change in coat before we went outside to take care of business. Today's victories include a longish (for her) car ride to drop off my request for mail in ballot at the election commission. She drooled a bit on the ride, but I reached back to reassure her that I was still right there loving her, and by the time we got home her chin was dry. Good girl! That anxiety associated with riding in the car is something we continue to work on. I'm hoping it will be well in hand by the time we go to meet up with Scott!

      Hope things are the same on your end: learning new things and physical activity!

  5. I love Ember's pictures! She looks so regal and I think it really keeps you both fresh with new training and challenges. I can't wait to hear how it goes. My sister and I have not had a catch up in awhile as she and her family actually support 'you know who' and I just am afraid of him. It can be difficult and sad. Huge hugs and have a great day!

    1. It is difficult and sad when the country (countries) are divided to the point where families avoid one another (or certain topics). I know the pandemic kicked off a lot of this... on my DIL's side of the family some were anti-vax... one of my sister's daughters is in deep "other side" country with her inlaws... and we just avoid certain topics, so as to maintain family harmony!

      The real sadness is that each point of view thinks the other one is dead wrong, and not talking about it doesn't let us "come together" to a common understanding.

  6. Oh, such a good shot of Miss Ember singing. :D Wow, training her for hunting will keep you both occupied and learning something new, that's for sure. I think it's kind of neat. We all need purpose, new things to think about.

    Yay for medicalizing being done for the year. Being diabetic, I'm in for blood sticks every six months and then the follow up conversations. Then with the other stuff... skin checks at the derm, mammos ... you get the pictures. I make sure not to schedule more than one in a week when they roll around or I get cranky.

    I pray daily for our nation's leaders whether I voted for them and agree with them or not. I include ones who are not elected, but hold sway in our nation due to other power. I know God is ultimately in control and they would not be in leadership did He not allow it. I am also saddened that as the the years have rolled by, people are entrenched and divided. But I pray and do my best to let it go.

    Happy Wednesday!

    1. I'm totally with you on the "one a week" when they roll around! My mom said a lot of what you did there, God is in charge, we pray our prayers and vote our votes. And to be honest? I thank God for the secrecy of the ballot box these days, because I may not always agree with the guy who lives next door, and I might not want him deciding to take that personally!


Sprung forward? Already?

Was Ember singing the song of her people in this shot, or just sniffing the snowy air?  There's something about a dog, all stretched out...