Monday, February 3, 2025

Birthday and the weekend


Birthday pup cup, the day after her birthday.  It was a cloudy and cool day (not frigid, though).

I was noticing Ember's gait being "a little off" favoring the left hind quarter as she started chasing balls Saturday morning, so I kept it a quiet "mommy and Ember" day.  We did go through the drive-thru between puppy naps and got her a pup cup to celebrate her birthday, but we didn't leash walk or go to a dog park.  We did some playing with big toys, and we chased balls in the back yard.  We practiced Reward Zone games. 

After supper, I put on the dog TV, and she fell asleep on my knee, and she volunteered to transfer to her kennel when I slipped out to go to the bathroom

Melts your heart, doesn't she?

I waited to take my third Covid-19 test until today, which by the way, is the expiration date of the three tests.  Negative.  So, I managed to escape catching it from either son or daughter in law.

They gave the foster grandchild a Covid and a flu test on Thursday at his first doctor visit.  Ugh!  Negative for both.  The decision to do the surgery on his swollen hand was made by an orthopedic specialist his regular doc referred them to on Friday.  So far, so good, as of Saturday afternoon.  The HUGE bandage still looks clean in the photos DIL shared.  Two days to go 'til back to the surgeon for follow up check.

Sometimes we forget the perspective of a child, but here are a couple of insights from this experience:  when the drugs kicked in, the joy of "Mom, it doesn't hurt any more!"  We had to tell him that was because of the painkillers, and he shouldn't test it too far, lest it hurt more later.  Saturday morning, when bandages were removed from the other hand, where the IV had been placed during surgery, his surprise and relief that the needle wasn't there any more!  We forget that there are things one learns the first time... and this was his first time.  It dredged up a lot of memories for me, of my own son's first encounter with x-rays, and getting his arm set, when he was in second grade.

Sunday morning, Ember had a grooming scheduled.

Here she is post-grooming, with her cute little bandana.  We played some fetch but mostly had a quiet remainder of Sunday.  Across town, they took foster kiddo to the Sonic 3 movie, and out for donuts afterward, so we didn't do any visiting.  She napped on the couch for a while between games, had her supper, and got put to bed according to her normal schedule.

Onward to a new week!

Keep on choosing to live your life, no matter what swirls around you and in the news.  Be kind.  And Spark on!


  1. Injured grand. Injured pup. Something in the air?

    1. I hope not. Winter appears to be reappearing, for the next few days, anyhow.

  2. Happy Birthday, dear Ember! Hope you liked (lickewd? LOL) your pup cup. You have a nice Hu-Mom.

    Awwwww, Ember is a sweetie pie. Hope she’s all right! Poor baby.

    Happy to hear that your test was negative. PHEW. And thankfully Foster grandchild tested negative for Covid and the flu. So sorry he had to have hand surgery. Poor fella.

    Stay safe, stay healthy, y’all!


    1. I only let her have the whipped cream about once a week, just the puppy biscuit the other days if I take us through the Scooter's drive-thru.

  3. Hopefully Miss Ember's hind quarter/leg is better after refraining from too much rough and ready stuff.

    Yay for another negative COVID test!!!

    1. I'm still keeping an eye on it. She's not "actively limping" but one leg just doesn't behave quite the same as the others, if you know what I mean. I wonder if she "slid into first" in some of her active play last week.

  4. Happy Birthday Ember. Perhaps it is salt from the street? That can bother foot pads? Just guessing due to winter but glad to hear your covid tests are still negative and the Foster is getting better too. Have a great Tuesday.

    1. Considering, but I doubt it's salt. For one thing, we haven't had much treatment of the streets, being in a drought and all. For another, she's not lifting the paw, just carrying that one hind leg straighter than the other... maybe a joint thing? Anyway, I shall continue to keep an eye on how she moves in the days ahead.

  5. It sounds like Ember had a lovely, low-key birthday celebration! So glad your COVID tests were negative, and it's heartwarming to hear about the foster grandchild's experience and how much joy pain relief can bring. Ember looks adorable in her bandana, and it's good you all had a relaxing Sunday.

    Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. Foster grand-kiddo is back at school, bandaged up still. He has instructions on what to do if his finger starts hurting and he needs meds (ask to go to the nurse). I just love it when Ember comes home from grooming, smelling so good, coat so soft and sleek.

      Have a great mid-week!

  6. Sounds like all is good. Happy dog, happy people, happy kids. My heart hopes the FC can become a member of your family for a long time. He needs stability.

    1. Yes, FC needs stability, as do his siblings. However, I don't have particularly high expectations. We have heard that Health and Human Services will be recommending at the next hearing (on Thursday the 7th) to put the kids back with birth dad.

      My son vented to me about his struggle over whether to attend the hearing or not. He has a professional opinion about what is best for his FC as well as the siblings and the birth dad. He's a clinical mental health care provider. But he's also wary of expressing an opinion that will endanger the relationship with birth dad and get him cut off from FC when the kids return to birth dad's care.

      What a balancing act. I would love to have this child in my life long-term, for sure. He is precious! I'm just not sure I trust the system to do the right thing for the kids. I do hope his (FC's) therapist can also show up at the hearing. The kids had a home visit from FC's Guardian Ad Litum on Monday evening, and for once, under assurances from my son that nothing he says to her will get him in trouble with them, that they value his honesty. The problem is these poor children have to maintain the balance even more than the foster parents do... they have no control, and to stay safe with ALL the adults, they may not feel they can speak freely. The GAL said FC talked more that time than he had at prior visits. I hope she is at the hearing, too!

      Son says he doesn't want his wife to go to the hearing, "it just destroys her, emotionally", because they have no standing and get asked no questions, can only (for the most part) sit and helplessly watch the outcome unfold.

      The HHS stated goal for this family is "reunification".

  7. I have an old fashioned word for that. Pshaw!

    1. To be honest, we always knew this hearing was coming up "in February", but I'm sitting on tenterhooks, waiting for word as to who will be picking little FC up after school today! DIL's parents are transporting him to his therapy appointment this morning, and as far as I know, could be the last family members to have interaction with him. Last night he told son and DIL that he wanted to live with them, when they let him know what was happening at the hearing today. "That's what we want, too, but it's not up to you, and it's not up to us."


23 Years

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