Monday, February 10, 2025

Crate lover


Total transparency, this photo is two months old.  I wanted to find one of Ember in her crate, because my heart is full with something she's been doing lately.  I have been letting her fall asleep beside me on the couch, then when I wake up (I nod off, folks, I'm an old lady), take a potty break, or open or close the drapes, and I suggest to her that she might like to chill in her crate for a while.

This past week, three times, when I've done this, she has voluntarily moved into her crate, trusting that I'll give her a treat or just give her that safe space.  My baby!  She loves her crate.

Yes, I've been playing Susan Garrett's Recallers games with her, but not in much of a structured/planned way.  Today we played the game of the week, "Smoke Ya" even though we haven't got all the way through five games that lead up to it.  But it was so much fun.  Even for me, with my post-vax side effects (mild, and didn't last terribly long, thank you!)

We got into the car today without much hassle.  OK a little hassle, but not much.  We went through the Scooter's Drive-thru as a reward.  Today she got a Milkbone, but no whipped cream.  I only let her have the full pup cup experience about once a week, and she got that on Friday.

We had neighborhood activity to observe as a big truck showed up to deliver furniture to the people next door.  She was real interested in that.  We played with our tug toy and the soccer ball with the handles on it while keeping a sharp eye on those workers with the truck.

During Puppy Nap #1 I went out to acquire a few things and bumped into a gal from the neighborhood whose phone number I had been wishing I had.  You know, nowadays, not only do we not have telephone books, but we also often don't even know one another's names.  I know Susan "Frank's Mommy", and have her phone number, but I don't know her last name.  We today, accosting this gal at the grocery, I acquired both her full name but also her phone number, and I can now text her for help walking Ember!  

On Sunday I got out the Horse Jolly Ball for the first time for Ember.  She immediately attacked the handle, and has already chewed it up pretty badly.  But she loves this toy.  I used it for our Sunday "get in the car" enticement, as well as using the car as a circuit center for a game of Smoke Ya inside the garage.  

The Scooter's Drive-thru was busy on Sunday.  We had people walking about for Ember to watch.  That makes the car ride so much better, don't you know?

Sunday's Super Bowl game... yikes... y'all know I live near "Chiefs Nation", right?  Some of us were both appalled by the loss, and relieved to not have the volume of fireworks that would have accompanied a win.  I stopped watching at halftime, taking Ember out for her "Last Call" so I didn't see the halftime show.  I did watch the first KC possession of the second half, then turned it off, mercifully.

Monday morning, Ember was not ready for breakfast at breakfast time.  I worried (as paw-rents do) that she might not be feeling well, but then I remembered I fed her extra and later in the day on Sunday.  When she perked up a couple of hours later and ate her breakfast and we went through our normal pre-breakfast (for me) routine of games, I felt better.  She has now settled down in her crate for her traditional time after my breakfast, although about an hour later than most days.

Life is good.  Keep living your own life, your way!  Spark on!


  1. Awwwww! So glad that Ember likes her crate. IT’s a safe place for her and allows YOU to do what you need to do.

    My dear, you missed absolutely nothing not seeing the ½ time show. Rappers. And I just was not interested. DD loved it, but whatever. So . . . you didn’t miss anything!

    Well, gearing up for a truckload of snow. Guess Mother Nature is flexing her muscles. She can stop any time!

    Hugs and peace


    1. Our turn comes Tuesday night thru Wednesday afternoon with the snow. Just in time for my last appointment with the periodontist before she retires. I love this gal, she really helped me with my dental health! She will be missed, but I love my regular dentist, too, and I will be letting go of the specialist care.

  2. Sounds like a lovely day. It's wonderful that in increments Miss Ember is getting better about getting in the car, particularly as she has the bad associations with retching during car rides. I think if I puked every time I did an activity I'd resist it to. :D

    My kids' dogs (two different sets) did not like riding in the car as it meant going to the vet, which they feared. So, they went in the car to grandma and grandpa's (my parents) on the regular so they loved car rides ever after.

    1. She gets car rides to day care (which she loves), to the groomer (who she loves), to the dog park (which she loves), to visit her cousin Carl and his humans (which she loves), and she loves her vet, too... and she also rides through the coffee drive-thru, the pharmacy drive-thru, the bank drive-thru, etc. We may be "behind" in developing positive associations, and at least a large part of it is the level of attractive distractions in the garage, or the parking lot, or wherever we happen to be when it's time to go get in the car. But we will get there, just as we got there with the crate!

  3. Do you, by any chance, watch Good Morning America? They had a segment with trained dogs that made me think of your pup adventures.
    Three dogs and lots of treats and chew sticks.

    1. I don't have a local ABC station (I'm assuming GMA is still an ABC show?) So, I missed that one. Maybe it's out on YouTube somewhere. Lots of treats and chew sticks, and hungry dogs... yep, that makes for good training environment.

    2. yes. it's still on ABC. I hope you can find it.


23 Years

After much self-debate, I did drive over to the periodontist appointment on Wednesday morning.  I was mega early.  The hygienist told me I w...