Saturday, February 5, 2022

Rabbits and Groundhogs - February is critter month

First of the month, "rabbit day", as my mom used to style it.  I only found out in my adult years that "rabbit day" was celebrated in different ways by others, but to our mom, it meant that the first words out of one's mouth on the first of the month were to be "rabbit, rabbit, rabbit".  Sounds a bit on the "froggy" side, doesn't it.  Other households, I found, had the chore of working the words "white rabbit" into their conversation during the course of the day!  It's supposed to bring good luck for the month.  So, there we have it, Tuesday was Rabbit Day!

Monday night's sunset was a stunner.  

Wednesday was the traditional "Groundhog Day".  This year, the way the date numbers read out, it was also twos-day!  (2/2/22)  

It doesn't seem as though it's time for the groundhog, but here it is.  Since the weather hasn't really gone into "deep winter" mode, the promise of an early Spring seems less of a break, to me.

Groundhog Day, the movie was all about repeating until you got all the mistakes fixed.  Repetition, repetition, repetition.  What was cool was that the protagonist got to keep all that he learned on those repeat days!  

Wednesday, my own repeat was the rescheduled mammogram.  Results showed up online Thursday morning, normal... re-screen on recommended schedule.  Never a comfy thing, but good to do, despite that. That was the last of the things I had rescheduled, due to my little cold a couple weeks back that wasn't Covid.

Speaking of Covid (do we have to keep doing that?)... it was the public health gal's weekly news conference.  The good news was that our case count and testing positivity went down.  The bad news is that hospitalizations and deaths (which lag) did not.  Most Covid patients in our local hospital since January 2021.  I'm sure everyone else is as tired of this as I am, but we are strong, we will survive.  Our grandparents did, and we shall.

Meanwhile, in the "living life" section, we have the daily major accomplishments for Saturday:  changing the bulb on the porch light, handing out dog treats to Barnaby and Caramel (neighborhood doggos), and affixing the new State Park permit to Dexter (the car)'s windshield.  

In the "you've been a naughty cat" category, we have the handiwork of Rubia, shredding the cord that connects the earbud to the bluetooth headset.  She survived, mainly because the headset is seven years old and I've been wanting to put in an order for some Aftershokx.

Here's hoping you're living your best lives, taking care of your health, nad recognizing that you're worth taking care of.

Life is good.  Spark on!



  1. I wish I could repeat a lot of my life till I got it right! lol Glad your mammogram came out great. Keep enjoying life.

    1. 👍 Wouldn't it be great if we could "re-take" life tests?

  2. The sunset was a stunner.

    It would be great if we could repeat certain days and keep the lessons of them. How easy things could be.

    1. 💖 Easy, or like in the movie, we'd just make different mistakes with each trial! But learning from them, and keeping the lessons, would be worth it.

  3. Congrats! Good news about the mammogram.

    We've had your share of winter and a break from all the snow and sub zero temps is more than welcome. I've been looking online for a new tabletop grill. I'm ready to change seasons and the way the food is cooked.

    Beautiful sunset. A sign of better days ahead.
    Stay safe. Be well.

    1. Shopping on line can be fun! Hope you find something suitable. I have a tiny George Foreman electric grill, good for about two chicken breasts or one steak. Probably the most used table-top cooking appliance in my kitchen, other than the Keurig machine.

      Have a great Sunday!

  4. I do a lot of live, reset, repeat! I get some things better on a go-around the try for more. My life's work.
    The weather's been restrictive here. Too cold for me to enjoy being out except to shovel when needed. The snow is gone and replaced with bitter cold.
    Hmmm, kitty better stop chewing cords.
    Your sunset picture is gorgeous.

    I'm trying to behave one day at a time. It's not working so well ;-)

    1. In her defense, this is the first time Rubia has chewed a cord... other than my sweatshirt drawstrings. She's a little wild thing.

      One day at a time, and not always working... sounds like my life, too!

  5. Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit!

    OH my . . . that sunset is stunning! Thanks for sharing.

    For sure it has not taken the usual arctic plunge this winter, but cold enough to know it’s winter. That’s good enough for me!

    Glad your case count and positivity rate are going down. Here, too.

    Uh oh. Naughty Rubia. **SIGH**

    So much in life I am glad NOT to repeat, but . . . there are plenty I’d not mind repeating! BUT for now. . . making the best of what I have!


    1. This morning brought memories of seven weeks spent working in Italy... because of Olympic mixed doubles curling. Italy versus Sweden. I was surprised to note I remembered enough snippets of Italian to pick up the cues the athletes were calling back and forth... at least the sense of them, "buona nina" it sounded like, but it could have been "lina" instead, which would change it from "good child (little girl)" to "good line". LOL. But in my mind, I liked the idea of the woman talking to the stone she just launched down the ice... as opposed to calling to her teammate to not change the line of the throw.

      We get our amusement where we can, right?

  6. Lather, rinse, repeat.
    Life is good.

  7. It would be fun to repeat and fix remembering everything each day but when I look back at things I would fix, something amazing came out of each of them so I guess I really wouldn't change anything anyway. Have a lovely week ahead.

    1. LOVE that attitude... all seeming "mistakes" contain a lesson or a blessing... nothing to repeat, if we learned or were blessed, is there?

  8. Blog gremlins got my reply from yesterday! Will see if this one works.

    1. 🤣 Blog gremlins missed this one. Wonder what happens when the blog gremlins feast? Good to see ya!

    2. My second attempt yesterday was met with message that had temporarily suspended reply feature.

    3. I have seen that message a few times! And I've noticed a couple of times lately that Blogspot doesn't recognize me (my userid disappears from the "reply as" box, and there is nothing else available. When I notice that, I cut my comment, leave the page, come back and it is restored. Then I can paste my comment back in, without retyping it! Don't know what causes it, glad to have a workaround.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...