Friday, March 4, 2022

Continuing the emergence toward "normal"


The next daily life step as the risk dial keeps dropping

Inside the grocery store this morning!  I picked my own produce.  That is such an every day joy.  As I loaded them into the car, and replaced the cart into the corral, I noticed how as shoppers, returning carts, we mostly organize them... little carts on one side, the bigger ones on the other.  But there's always that ONE shopper, who didn't get with the program.  😆

I felt perfectly OK still wearing my mask, as while I wasn't in the majority, there were other "seniors" like me, and everybody was polite and friendly.  

But of course, the world is not currently normal

It is not new, this spinning of "facts" to suit the narrative desired.  It's been going on since the days of Yellow Journalism, as they called it in the history books I learned from as a school girl.  The publishers had an agenda.  Watch the old Spencer Tracy / Katherine Hepburn movie "State of the Union" from 1948.

But nowadays, with the speed of the internet and the ability to reuse old footage and claim it to be images of something current?  It's downright tiring to track down "truth".  I was talking with my fellow gym client yesterday.  She has twin boys, in their teens.  

Mothers of teenagers, around the world, can have solidarity with one another:  we want a world at peace.  Our conversation reminded me of a VHS tape that the granddaughter of a family friend sent to my parents... in it she had juxtaposed photos from the era and did voice over of her reading letters that were exchanged between her grandparents and mine.  My paternal grandmother received a letter from a friend concerned that my dad might get "called up" for Korea.  This was in the years between WWII and Korea... my dad managed to miss both, but it did not stop his mother or her friends from being concerned, from praying.

Or maybe wars of some sort is normal for the world?  There always seems to be armed conflict somewhere!  Even if it is "normal" it is not right.  I feel for and pray for all the mothers of the world, because no matter where you are, the "accident of birth" (where you were born), it is their children that are sent into danger when there is such a conflict.  

Back to the daily, coming out of Covid restrictions

Our risk dial got bumped down two more notches, to mid-yellow, the mask order had already been dropped.  I still wore my mask to the grocery store, and to the trainer.  After all, it's that time of year when my nose is drippy, and "just in case" I am protecting others from either the panic of seeing the drippy nose or the off chance omicron is there, undetected.  "Just in case" I also took another at home test on Tuesday morning, before going to the trainer.  Yes, negative.

Real progress... planning fish dinners.  Seems my niece's new hubby bought a large bit of salmon, too much for one meal, enough for at least three at Costco, before finding out that niece would not let him cook it in their apartment.  Her dad won't let fish be cooked in their home either.  I got dragged in as a household (of one, with two cats) that will allow fish to be cooked here.  With the Covid restrictions lifting... shock, shock, I shall be entertaining once a month until the fish gets used up!  I haven't hosted a dinner at my house in over two years now... do I still know how?  It's going to be awesome, and we're having fun with the "getting to know you" planning as there are only three of us in on this fish conspiracy.

Personal pep talk

One day at a time, right?  No promises about tomorrow.  But I got through ONE day tracking it all, yesterday.  So here's to putting another day and starting to build a streak?  Like we used to on SparkPeople?  

You are worth taking care of.  Treating yourself and your health poorly is NOT going to help others either nearby or far away.  So, let's get back to what we know is right... nutritious food, moderate activity, hydration, and rest!  And of course, prayers for the state of the world.

Life is good.  Living in peace is better.  Spark on!


  1. Yes, our risk dial is going down too. I am still masking, washing hands, and just being cautious. Nothing wrong w/that for sure.

    OH my. Costco sized Salmon portions . . .. enough for about 6 meals in this house! LOL But it is good.

    Here's to a great weekend.


    1. This would be six meals here, too, but with three of us eating, it probably trims down to four meals. Nephew in law has three great sounding recipes, and we'll try them all.

  2. Very happy that the stats about Covid keep declining, YAY! I had a chuckle with 'not letting fish be cooked' at their places because I won't let fish be cooked in my home lol Well, nice time for bonding at your place over fish. Thanks for the pep talk. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Years ago I would have been the same, as the smell of cooked fish does tend to hang about, but since it's just me... oh, well!

      You have a great weekend, too.

  3. Our numbers are going down as well and the masks are off. I was happy to see that many people are still wearing their masks. I know most people realize it is safer with one and continue to wear one. We will still wear ours when out and about.

    Oh, I get it. That fish smell will stick around for a while and it's not pleasant. I can't even remember the last time someone came over to the house.

    1. Yes, it seems like forever since I had people over except for outside visits.

  4. Salmon and cod (my favorite) are excellent prepared on the grill. All the smells are released into the great outdoors. ;-)

    1. Unfortunately, I donated my grill to my son's household years ago, and since I don't entertain... have never replaced it.

  5. Hi Barb, So glad that you are able to pick and choose your own is truly the small things in life that bring joy! AND when is that salmon dinner?? I LOVE salmon!!!
    Have a happy, healthy weekend!

    1. I don't have a schedule yet for the salmon fest(s). There will definitely be more than one. And the beauty of it is that it will give ME a chance to get to know my new nephew in law (they married in December, the only time I met him).

      I'll think of you when I do, and likely there will be a blog written celebrating the joy of "having company". Little things do mean a lot.

  6. So many thing prompting my comments!
    DH and I are the ones who walk through the parking lots snagging 2 carts apiece on our way into as store; even when we don't need one. I love the 1/2 carts as they limit my purchases. Now if only they came with automatic scales!

    Mmmm, salmon. I'm the only one who eats fish here. Dad used to have it 2-3 times a week but he'd kill it. He'd put it in a dish with halves of potatoes and when the spuds were done, the fish was really dead. I've taken to salmon burgers which are easy to cook with DH's favorite beef burgers.

    There will always be bullies who want more than their share.

    1. I can just see you, organizing the carts in the parking lot! We could make a game of it! Do you remember the era when some grocery stores put calculators on the cart handles? That little fad did not last long!

      Never liked salmon as a kid, but then I tasted it when it didn't come out of a can as an adult... and was cooked right. Looking forward to our little soires!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...