Monday, March 7, 2022

Kevin time


This has become a family thing.  You see, on the day my brother Kevin (known to Sparkers as MOBYCARP) died, he was wearing bib #404 in the Shoreline Half Marathon.  They retired the bib, in his honor, from that race.

Those of you who know the story (from 2019), know it, but ever since that time, whenever Ace or I see 404 in any context, we pause and remember our brother.

For those of you who do internet searches, you are probably familiar with it in this form, "Page not found":

As my sister said, spotting the error last week:  "What used to bring frustration now brings warm feelings of love". We choose to see that, we choose to feel that.

From 2015... three sibling "runners". He drove 1100 miles to run this race with me. Our tag-along sister was not to be left out and trained up to also run / walk that half marathon.

Three years later, I returned the favor. I drove in the other direction to run/walk a half to his full marathon in September 2018, in his back yard, in New York state.

Cling to love. Love never dies.

LIFE is good. Savor it. Cherish it. Work to preserve it, but never forget that quality trumps quantity.

Be kind. Do what you can, when you can, and live with the goal to have no regrets.

In the pursuit of life, Spark on!


  1. Serendipity! Such a unique way to honor your brother.
    Cherish those special moments. Blessings for you and yours.

  2. What a wonderful way to remember your brother.


  3. I DO think about him when 404 comes up!

  4. That is a wonderful way to remember your brother. Always cherish those moments.

  5. That is just such a sweet and lovely way to remember your brother. And so many wonderful memories to dwell on. Huge hugs.

  6. Love never dies, that's for sure. Beautiful tribute and remembrance of your marvelous brother.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...