Thursday, March 10, 2022

Personal signs of Spring

The personal sign of Spring:  new running shoes!  Don't they look Spring-y, with their fresh greens and yellows?  One pair of Brooks, which will be my indoor gym shoes, and one pair Nike Pegasus, which will be my outdoor walk/run shoes.  I'm so excited for this harbinger!  I usually purchase two pairs at a time, and the last two pair I bought go down the scale to "knocking around the house" shoes, then down a rung to "yard shoes"... until they either completely wear out, or if they haven't been ruined, get donated.

The weatherman did not come through with the larger amounts of snow predicted.  That lot went South of us.  I heard the phone chime with a text message about 6:30 a.m. and it was my trainer, proposing an earlier time than originally scheduled.  I went and peeked outside before responding that yes, I could come at the new proposed time.

I wanted to make sure I wasn't snowed in.  As you can see, it didn't even cover all the grass!

When I got home, I went upstairs to shower, and when I came down, I saw footprints in the snow on the driveway where I had not walked.  Opened the door, and there were my new kicks on the porch!  I honestly did not expect them until next week.  I only order them yesterday, but apparently they had them in stock in Kansas City, so BAM!  They are here, next day.

It's a week of deliveries... also today my monthly stock of Biocoffee arrived in the mail.  And yesterday my spare bluetooth mouse showed up on my doorstep.  Here we go again, supporting the economy, right?

On the "don't say the quiet part out loud" I have now actually tracked my food intake for a week... today will be the 8th day.  What normally happens is that if I mention it here, and I fall into a period of rebellion a short time later!  

Here's hoping for all of us that we'll carry on taking care of our health in all the important ways:  

  • Food that strengthens our immune systems
  • Water to help the body do its daily work!
  • Activity to help both mind and body
  • Connection to remind us of our shared humanity!

Life is good.  Spark on!  Be kind.



  1. We are south and we got the snow. It's been snowing since about daylight. Area schools are closed tomorrow. One accident notice after another...the roads are treacherous.

    The shoe on the left has the colors of Ukraine. Since the State of the Union, I notice the color combo more, whether it's intentional or not. ;-)

    Use that spark of rebellion to show yourself you can do it, instead of giving yourself permission to quit. Fear of success is just as real as fear of failure.

    Take care of you!

    1. Thanks for the cheers for the rebel! 📣

      Bet the farmers near you are glad for the moisture that snow will provide. Sorry about the accidents... hope they bend only fenders, not people. I try to sit out days when the roads are like that. Here, they pre-treated the arterial streets, anticipating more than we got, so I felt totally safe in my two miles to the trainer and two miles home. Only the parking lot and one side street were a bit slick.

  2. Our snow stopped and melted away, but part turned to ice because it's freezing out there.

    I love your new running shoes, the colors fit the season.

    1. Thank you... there's something energizing about new running shoes!

      Be careful on that re-freeze ice!

  3. I know what you mean about saying those things out loud. I do the same thing. If I point out - look I am doing it, I rebel too and throw it all out the window. Here is to doing what we can't say out loud.

    1. Yes, Ma'am... and glad I'm not the only one who does that. It means that we, collectively, can fight it!📣📣🏁 And hopefully, in the end, win the prize, which is... good health!

  4. Ooooh, I love the spring colors!
    I haven't checked out the Brooks brand, from a 'running store'? LOL, last time I went to one I had to get men's shoes as 10W wasn't in their system. As Mom always said, It takes a large foundation to build a cathedral! No shame in my big feet!

    Spare mouse....funny you mention that. Lately I've been pulling out and re-plugging the mouse stick in the USB port... I should get one.

    Signs of spring here for me is seeing the robins on the lawns and watching chipmunks run around. Both in abundance today before the storm which will mostly be a rain event for us.

    Good for you tracking your food. I'm happy to say that doing that has got me 10 pounds below my Christmas stuffing high!

    1. About the mouse... usually when mine starts acting wonky, I start by turning it off and back on again (classic IT strategy) and when I get weary of that, replace the battery. But, I also have the problem of two felines who on occasion decide it's a mouse, so let's knock it off its table... I figure having a back up for when it dies for real is a good idea.

      I've got big feet, too. My mom's were big AND narrow. I felt lucky that I can get away with a 10B. Mom used to joke about being a poet, her feet show it... they're Longfellows.

      I hear so many more birds out there chirping away as the morning sunlight hits. Draws the kitties to want out more. Which... heading back to the start... is healthier for my computer mouse!

      Have a great Friday, and weekend ahead, and may the rain not freeze up on you.

  5. The shoes are delightfully springy! Glad the snow storm skipped you. Enjoy all the deliveries you received. It feels like Christmas, doesn't it? Have a lovely Friday and a wonderful weekend.

    1. It really did... between "the first snowfall" and the deliveries! Wishes for a good Friday and weekend ahead for you, too.

  6. YES! Love the colors of your newbie shoes! Spring-y indeed!

    Glad that the weather decided to go south of you. Ours did, too. BUT supposed to get snow tonight and again tomorrow night. Winter’s not through yet.

    Well, I’ll just wish you luck w/your tracking. SHHHHHhhh.

    Hard to find computer mouse in stores anymore! Just ordered a new one in December. Pleased with it.

    HUGS and enjoy your goodies!


    1. Thanks. Hope the weather is kind to you tonight and tomorrow. We had to have at least a LITTLE snow here, because we had the high school basketball tournaments in town. It's tradition!

  7. I really like the shoes.

    Howling winds here in Central Texas giving our 38F temperature a below-freezing wind chill. Some of our spring flowers bloomed in early February so it will be interesting to see which ones bloom this spring.

    My spouse and I have been participating in a COVID vaccine research study and yesterday got the results of our third set of tests (done every 3 months) indicating we have not had the COVID virus and that our vaccine antibody levels are very high. A nephew in the same study learned after the second set of tests that he had had asymptomatic COVID. If the study is funded further we hope to be allowed to continue in it.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. My brain just did a glitch and I read "asymptomatic" as "assymetric"... kind of the way my ears hear "food oil" when the TV announcer said "crude oil". It's not just the ears, it's the brain!

      I hope the same for you, and am very glad to hear your antibody levels are high. Is this with the three shots (2 plus a booster)?

      Brrrr! It's 30F and Sunny here this Friday morning, and sunshine always lifts my mood, even if it's cold.

    2. Yes on all 3 shots. Dec 26, 2021 we went to an outdoor family gathering where one sister and her 2 sons were not vaccinated so that was our only exposure to a chancy situation.

      I open all the curtains and blinds as part of my morning ritual to let the outdoors in, sort of.

    3. That was pretty low risk outing, if you ask me. I'm with you on opening the curtains and blinds to let the sunshine in. Just now, the western exposure is showing the sun dipping toward the horizon. It heats the bricks so that overnight the warmth from the bricks radiates through the sleeping house.

  8. We do! I can just feel the thrill of the new embroidery thread arriving... I'll just bet the colors feed your soul, and the texture soothes your spirit! Have a wonderful Spring!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...