Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Waiting for the snow to fall

Here, far from where the "Breaking News" is being recorded and reported, we wait for a Winter storm.  The warning is scheduled to start at 6 p.m. Wednesday, and end Thursday afternoon.  Right now, you wouldn't know it, looking out the window.  Sunshine.  Cold, but sunny.

Monday morning, we woke to a bit of snow that had fallen overnight.  It didn't last.  It melted off before the day was done.  Tuesday we had a high of 52℉ (11℃).  So that bit is "all gone"!

The cats are a little on the crazy side today, out, in, out, in.  That lasted all day.  

The clouds rolled in by 10:30 a.m.

I dashed out to the grocery store, as they had bananas on sale for 19 cents a pound, today only.  It made me think about Lynda!  I had run out of apples and oranges, too.  So quick before the snow arrives, stock enough to get through the weekend.

A few tiny flakes danced solos first in the morning, and early afternoon.  I'll spot one, then ten minutes later, maybe another.  Alicia decided she did not want to walk in the frigid temps, but she did want sister time, so we shared a cuppa tea at my dining table and did our usual info dump.  Both being a little squirrel-distractible, we probably only each dumped about half what we might have before the flakes started to come more steadily, so she headed out before the streets could get slick, around 5 p.m.  

We lifted our tea mugs to our grandmother, who was born 125 years ago today, and I wished Ace a happy birthday tomorrow!  

Here's hoping that the snow will be "moderate".  They are saying so, 2 to 4 inches by 1 p.m. tomorrow.  To be continued...


  1. I hope the winter storm provides good needed moisture to the soil and is not destructive at all. Stay safe and enjoy.

    1. Looks this morning (Thursday) as though the forecast has changed, and most of it has shifted to our South and East. We do have a bit on the ground, but not the 2-4 inches predicted, closer to 1/2 to 1 inch.

      The good news? Streets should be OK for my trainer session this morning.

  2. Yep, winter is not ready to give up it's grip yet!

    1. It is tradition here, to have snow the week of the high school BB tournaments!

  3. Our storm is predicted to start tonight after 9 and continue through Friday morning. This morning I heard a HyVee commercial for bananas at 19 cents a pound. I doubt the chain can be found in Canada.

    Tea with your sister to reminisce about your grandmother is time well spent.

    I'm all for moderate snow accumulation. Six inches is what's predicted.

    Stay safe. Be well.

    1. Yes, HyVee is Iowa based. We have them here in Nebraska, and that's the closest grocery store to me. They have good produce, so I'm pretty happy with them.

      We have not yet got the snow levels they had predicted. Which is on brand for this winter!

  4. It's been snowing all day and night here. It'll continue until tomorrow afternoon. It's sticking to the ground pretty good. I'm so glad I'm inside with the heat because its cold out there.

    1. As I was saying goodbye to my sis, we commented, "it looks like Christmas"... and that's really how we feel this Winter. The snow came late!

  5. My ex-husband had his birthday this day too. If he had lived he would have been 75, he died so very young. My sister and I will be having a video chat today. I am hoping she will be able to visit in July this year.

    1. I had a nephew that also shared March 9th as a birthday. He died too young, in his 30's, leaving behind a wife and two young daughters. Hope you and your sister have a good video chat, and that maybe in July you'll be having tea together!

    2. That would really be wonderful!

  6. We are cold here again in Central Texas in spite of weather forecasters saying we had already had our last cold snap of the season. Mother Nature seems to be reminding us we aren't in charge.

    1. Weather forecasters get it wrong again... hardly worth a headline? But yep, we barely got the edge of this one, but at least we got SOME moisture. Less than an inch of snow.

  7. Nice you got to have tea w/your sister! Sister time is precious!

    Sounds like Prisoner and Rubia have spring fever!

    We're expecting snow overnight, too, but not much apparently. That suits me just fine!


    1. I got really confused by the comment you deleted (they get emailed to me) but figure it was meant to respond to someone else's blog entry!

      Our snow turned out to be "not much" in the end, and now, Thursday at 3 p.m., it's all melted away! I was very happy the weatherman was wrong!


Spring? Not just yet!

  Crocus?  Or daffodils?  Whatever, near to the foundation, the escaping warmth of the house and the warm weather of late is encouraging som...