Sunday, March 13, 2022

Happy Spring Forward weekend


Rubia has decided she's in charge.  This regardless of my human-ness and mad skills with canopeners and door handles.  

I am not a fan of Daylight Savings time.  I lived the first few years of my life without it, and never did figure out what was so great about it.  Changing what time the clock says does not change the actual sunlight.  It just shifts the workday.  So I guess that's some form of consistency, at least.

Regardless, I set the microwave clock ahead an hour before retiring for the night Saturday, and let myself sleep until I awoke on Sunday.  We shall see how the week ahead behaves, sleep to the sun versus trainer time (which has not changed, so is an hour earlier, right?)

Today the sun decided to warm us up good and proper and it was 67℉ when I went out to walk.  I was not alone out there... many families at the playground, kids riding scooters or bikes, dogs being walked, just overall a wonderful Spring day.

After the chilly weather of the past week, it felt like waking up again, indeed.  

Offering up continuous prayers for the world.  Reminder for my fellow Spark refugees:  failure to take care of ourselves, our bodies, and our health will not help those half way 'round the globe who are in such dire straights.  So take care of you, in order to be able to "do your bit" once you recognize just what form that bit will take!

  • Eat to support your immune system.
  • Stay active for your mental and physical well-being.
  • Hydrate!
  • Remember to breathe.
  • And at the end of the day, as you prepare for rest, be grateful, and let it all go... and rest gently.  If you have done your best, that's all you can expect, you've earned it.  If you have slipped a bit, tomorrow is a fresh new day... so rest up for it!
Life is good.  Spark on!  Be kind to yourself and to others.


  1. Thanks for the reminder!

    Not a fan of DST either.

  2. If the powers that be would just pick one and leave it.

    Enjoy the warmer weather this week. A nice change from the frigid cold, snow, and ice.

    1. LOL! Wonder if it would be a debate over which one to choose?

      Since where I live is close to the Western edge of the time zone, it is as though we are on DST according to the sun, anyway, so when the nation goes DST, we have a double dose of it.

  3. We had the same kind of weather and lots of people outside in their yards.

  4. Find it hard to adjust to DST, but . . . it will happen.

    Wow! 67 . . . fabulous. We’re supposed to get to 48 today, and maybe 50 tomorrow. I’ll take it!

    My, Rubia does look regal! A queen.

    Hugs and peace


    1. Yes, no matter how much we kvetch (complain), we will adjust! Headed for the 50's today (Monday) here, and pretty decent all week.

  5. Rubia rules -- I wouldn't mess with her, lol -- pretty cat.

    A friend from high school lives in northern Indiana and when 3 of us siblings paid her and her husband a surprise visit back in 1973, we were surprised that the bank she worked at across from the Dairy Queen we were eating at were in different time zones. I need to ask her if that has continued to be the case.

  6. Rubia is adorable. Enjoy the warmer weather. Thanks for the wise words. Happy Monday and wonderful week!

  7. I am not a fan of DST either. I liked the saying that goes around that only the government would cut the top off a blanket, sew it to the bottom and try to convince you that it is longer. Then they talk about keeping DST not taking into account that would mean in December, kids would be going to school in the dark, all for more shopping hours in the light at the end of the day. Do they not think things through? Guess not, anyway, here is to us getting out there in warmer temps. Oh and don't feel bad, Tigger is the boss of our house too - Hugs

  8. It's easier for me adjusting to the time changes as I'm retired, so most things I do including setting the alarm are my choice. :D I'm not a total fan of it, but esh, small fries in the grand scheme.

    Praying daily for Ukraine.

    Happy Tuesday.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...