Friday, October 28, 2022

Life is Good

Prisoner was very focused on something the other side of the deck.  I never did figure out what, but loved that alert look on his face.  We've had mild weather for a few days, following a colder than seasonal patch.

How perfectly lovely that Sunday was looking for a record high temperature, and the Good Life Halfsy was being run a week or two earlier than in years past.  They time it for a bye week or an away game weekend (football competition for the section of town that holds the finish line).  I ran that half marathon four times over the years, but not this year.

I was offered an outing Sunday but turned it down.  I'm in full hermit mood.  Still working my way through old episodes of Murder, She Wrote.  I've got up to season 8, when Jessica moved to an apartment in NYC, only going back to Cabot Cove on the weekends.  In my prior reviews of old episodes, I never got this late in the series.  Perhaps because it hadn't been available on the streaming services I then had; perhaps due to burning out on the series.  Nowadays, no matter what series I may be watching or re-watching, I tend to mix in "live TV" and "YouTube" sessions, so I can let the experience soak in.

Later in the day Sunday, I flipped over to catch the local news, but it was still some football game.  However, across the bottom of the screen was an alert for evacuation of the southwestern part of our county.  Yikes, the drought has made wild grass fires a reality in our state, and this is the closest one has got to our city.  

The family Facebook messenger group filled up with "are you aware" questions, appropriate responses, and later in the evening, my older sister's posts made it clear that being the closest of us to where the fires were... she had packed the musical instruments, etc. into her car, "just in case".  She had seen the coverage of fires in the Western states and how quickly one has to act if ordered to evacuate.  Thankfully, that did not happen, and Monday morning they reported the fires to be "contained", unfortunately with two volunteer firefighters injured, one seriously.  It rained some on Monday, so that helped in the fire areas, but we are still very, very dry.

Wednesday afternoon's walk with kid sis had a destination.  For the first time since the pandemic began, I ate inside a Subway sandwich shop.  Turns out we were the only customers, and there were only two servers on duty, probably due to the "off" hour.  It was very pleasant.

Tuesday and Thursday I have my regular workouts with a personal trainer.  It dawns on me that I've been with this same trainer ever since I retired, except for taking 2020 March through 2021 May "off" for the pandemic.  I started going back once fully vaccinated.  I continued to wear a mask.  Why?  Because I have a chronic drippy nose.  The few times I skipped the mask, I was having to use my sweat towel to also wipe the nose drips.  When I mask, the mask catches it without my having to pause to wipe. Mask goes in the laundry, same as a hanky would.  Shall we call this my auto-hanky?

On Thursday morning I discovered that I once again have a leaky cat.  I at first suspected The Prisoner, since he had this problem last Winter (or maybe even the Winter before, not sure).  But the "puddles" were in the wrong places.  They were in all of Rubia's spots.  I watched them carefully, and Thursday night Prisoner was out all night, and there were puddles / wet covers in all of Rubia's spots again Friday morning.  Now Rubia is at the vet, and I am washing couch pet-covers for the second day in a row.

And suddenly, it's Hallo-weekend, as one advertiser is calling it.  I have not yet laid in the treats for the tricksters, but will probably do so sometime in the next couple of days.  It's supposed to get up to 70℉ on Monday (Halloween), so the great outdoor adventure of trick or treat will be repeated.  It worked well last year.

Hope you're all well, and taking care to adjust to whatever your local season is.  Remember whatever the season to hydrate and get your nutrients!  A little activity is a good thing, too.  Don't forget proper rest, either. After all...

Life is Good...

We can all keep on Sparking!



  1. What a great photo of Prisoner. We've had out the mini-carpet cleaning machine as the older dog Bailey, 13, has been leaking again -- third UTI of this year. PHOENIX1949

    1. Oh, dear, so sorry about Bailey's issues. Prisoner is pretty spry for 11, Rubia's only 8. But there we go. Rubia is about to become a very expensive cat, as we're getting not just blood and urine, but x-rays and ultrasound... and sedation for the process as she's being "active" on the exam table. Oh, well.

  2. OH my. So sorry to hear about the wild grass fires. Glad your family was safe, but so sorry to hear about the injured firefighters.

    Sure hope Rubia is all right. Poor baby.

    Continue to take good care of yourself!


    1. Turns out it was caused by accident, a farmer shredding
      vegetation sparked it. That's the problem when things get so dry! A spark from machine can start a fire, and the wind just takes it!

  3. What a purrfect photo of the kitty. It looks like he's striking a pose for a fall/Halloween photo shoot. ;-)

    Glad that all in your area are safe from the wildfires. The one here last Saturday night was several miles away, but the high winds made it dangerous just the same.

    Ragweed is in all its sneeze producing bloom. It was my hope the hard freeze for 2 nights would do the trick. No such luck. The weeds are way too hardy.

    I've been catching up with all things Star Trek and Star Wars, among others. I am a total sci-fi geek.

    Hope you are able to get your leaky kitty some meds and that it's nothing serious.

    Happy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Sorry your frost didn't knock the ragweed out. Have you watched all of Picard? Discovery? I haven't done the cartoon Trek series, although I did watch episode 1 of Star Trek: Prodigy a while back. I greatly enjoyed the Strange New Worlds series.

      In waiting for results from the vet at this point. They had to sedate her for xrays and ultrasound... in more polite words, they were telling me she was acting like her usual self on the exam table.

  4. I have to sneak around to go to our nearest Subway - it is in the same small shopping center as our gym, so when I ducked in last week, I soon had a query from Hubs (who was at the gym): "Did you go to Subway?"
    Yes I did - just bcz your orthorexic self won't touch it with a ten-foot pole doesn't mean it's off-limits to ME!
    Leaky dogs are why we no longer have carpeting downstairs, it's all laminate flooring now...

    1. LOL! Sneaking around to go to a Subway! Okay, then... we do what we have to do. Understand about flooring choices related to pets... a whole lot easier to clean up!

  5. Poor kitty, I hope things can be discovered and fixed soon. Funny on the mask thing. I agree, it's good to have a 'cover'.

    1. She's home now, still a little woozy, but purring. I have three meds to administer, and we started with the antibiotic. They didn't see anything in the xray or ultrasound, but there is a lump that should be "unrelated" to the current issue, and they are sending some slides off to the university labs. Rubia just became a very expensive barn cat. Might as well be, the Prisoner is, too.

  6. A nice full week for you. With the weather getting cooler here I'm in hermit mode to and don't want to go out if I don't have to.

    Oh no! I hope Rubia is okay. It's scary when our fur babies get sick.

    1. We are in "monitor and wait for test results mode". But she seems somewhat better now she's home and being extra pampered.

  7. I love catching up with your week and all the things you get up to even when you are in full hermit mode. Hope your kitty is home and better soon.

    1. She's home. We're working on the "better" part.

  8. Enjoyed reading the “week in review” synopsis!! Hope Rubio is feeling OK now that she’s home and on meds AND that the lump diagnosis is benign! Loved the pic of Prisoner…
    Wildfires are so scary…glad your sister prepared to evacuate and am happy she didn’t need to.
    I admire that you are able to continue on with your trainer! I am currently dealing with left shoulder/bicep issues which makes anything other than walking totally impossible. But, I continue to walk 4-5 miles every morn…do what ya can, right?! I deal with allergies too, Barb…I definitely empathize with your drippy nose! ❤️ Eissa7

    1. You are so right about doing what we each CAN do. Living!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...