Saturday, October 29, 2022

Rubia's home and I feel abashed


Sweet little Rubia spent most of Friday at the vet's.  They called me no less than three times with questions.  

Had I actually observed her peeing in her sleep? I described how I had observed that she would be in a spot, leave it, and there would be a puddle left behind.

Does it smell like urine?  Well to be honest, I hadn't really sniffed at it... but I did sniff at a page of instructions she'd got wet, and to my mind it had a faint cat smell, so I assumed.  

Does she drool?  She was very stressed out at the vet's and was drooling a lot.  They were able to aspirate a lump near her mammary glands (she's spayed, and was spayed young), but the lump wasn't hard, and it wasn't related to the issue I took her in for.  

They were not able to collect a urine sample, saying that her bladder was small.  Her blood work was OK. The x-ray and ultrasound gave them nothing... no bladder wall thickening, no obstructions.

They would send her home for me to attempt to collect a sample for them.  They also sent meds.

But here's the deal... I gave her the first dose of her antibiotic last night, but I observed what the vet was talking about:  massive drooling.  So much that it left small puddles!  I was assuming it was urine, but she was making no moves toward the litter box, so I was interpreting it ALL WRONG!

Now I'm not sure whether to even give her the meds, because they are for an infection that I'm pretty sure is not there.  That does not mean that there isn't a different kind of infection, though.  Anyway, while I wait for the University analysis of the slides from her "lump", she's home, and I'll call the vet again on Monday with my "ah-hah"!  She is, by the way, still drooling but not as badly.  I kept her in overnight so that I'd know.  I let her out on request this morning.  I did give her the antibiotic this morning.  

At least she seems to have forgiven me for dragging her off to the vet, and she's a lot better about accepting the little syringe of pink antibiotic than The Prisoner is (at least so far).  There is an anti-inflammatory pill, too, but so far I have not attempted its use.  

Anyway, wanted to update the blog readers, in case anybody was waiting for it.  We do get wrapped up in one another's fur-friends.

Hope you all have a good weekend, and getting ready for Halloween, if you celebrate it!

Spark on, pets and all!


  1. Good news update, I think?! But, still a question as to the cause of the excessive drooling….now, you’ll have to wait for the Vet to explore an entirely different symptom. Great detective work, Barb! Eissa7

    1. I told the vet when I took her in that she still seemed to be herself, except for the "leaking" (which we now see was "drooling"). It might be some days before we get test results back on the lump, and she warned me they don't always give clear answers.

  2. Poor Rubia, poor YOU! HOPE that Rubia is feeling better.


  3. So glad she ‘seems herself’. 🙏🏻❤️

    1. Thanks. There's still that impending "test results" but that can be thought of next week.

  4. Poor kitty! Now that she's had her Halloween trick, I hope she gets a nice treat. My goodness, Google shows there is a list half mile long of why cats drool. Incredible stuff. As far as dragging her off to the vet...better safe than sorry.

    1. Considering I thought she was having bladder / urinary issues, it's not surprising I dragged her off to the vet. But even if I had been observant enough to know it was drool, I might have done the same. I mean, this was not normal for her.

  5. A concern enough to take your pet to the vet is never a bad thing. email to follow.

    1. Agreed! I got the e-mail, answer sent with details, but the short answer is she seems much better since coming home and getting dosed with the pink antibiotic stuff.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...