Thursday, October 13, 2022

Walking in Autumn

It really is starting to feel like Autumn, and to look like it, too.  Just now (Thursday afternoon), the wind is howling outside.  It is howling because it is gusty.  I feel for my trainer, who is also the cross country coach at one of our smaller high schools.  They have a meet this afternoon, about an hour's drive away.  Should be interesting.

Yesterday afternoon I went walking through the neighborhood, which is when I started taking these photos.  They appear here in reverse order of the walk.  Lots of orange, in honor of my son's lady.  Orange is her favorite color.  I've probably said that before.  I do repeat myself.

I do love seeing the Halloween decorations that families with children tend to spend energy putting up.  I do the minimum, and spend my energy appreciating what others do.  No need to be the star.

The natural resources district is working on the stream and drainage that goes down through the neighborhood park.  They have installed a new foot bridge, and the footings around it have been poured fresh this week, so it is all blocked off.  I was kind of grateful that we did not have a sister walk scheduled this week.  

Next week it will be a bit worse... starting Monday they will be shutting down traffic on the street that goes by my house, from the next intersection over to the corner after the park entrance, so we'll be adjusting our walk route next Wednesday.

 Hope you're all having a good week, taking care of yourselves, preparing for the change in season, and getting your rest!

Life is good.

Spark on.



  1. That is a beautiful and very colorful walk. I love the leaves changing to all different colors. I imagine you had leaves crunchy under your feet while walking and the autumn smell.

  2. The color in that 4th photo screams October!!

    Query: Did you delete the gratitude post?

    10-13 Today I am grateful for taking off my bra at the end of a long day. ;-p

    1. I took it back to draft to add the 13th and 14th, it's back up now. An experiment in progress! And I totally understand the "taking the bra off" gratitude... one of those little ones that could be lost in the haze... but so true!

  3. Great fall pictures! At least they put up another walking bridge. In one of our little parks they just blocked off both ends and took it away now no more 'pooh sticks' at the playground.

    1. Another thing to be grateful for... that bridge! A couple of years ago, this one stayed closed for several weeks while repairs were "pending".

  4. Yup, feeling like Autumn here, too. Love the pictures. Very ‘Fall-ish’! The trees are just gorgeous colors. That’s my favorite part of Autumn. Thanks for the pictures!


    1. The colors remind us every year how much we love them, huh?

  5. PHOENIX1949 here in Central Texas. Our high yesterday was 96F so we're looking forward to this weekend's predicted cool front with expected rainfall. Fall is my favorite season although our seasons are not really distinct from one another.

    1. Every place has its own way of changing seasons! And I am jealous of your expected rainfall. May it soak in well.

  6. 10-15 I am grateful for the many things I have. I am more grateful for the many things I do not.

    1. 💖 Boy what a solid agreement... grateful for the things we don't have can be taken many ways... diseases, disabilities, etc., but also things we don't possess, so we don't have to stress over taking care of them or worrying about losing them? Deep thoughts! Hope your Saturday has gone well!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...