Monday, October 10, 2022

The selfie collection from Friday


The five of us, selfie taken by son's long arm Friday night.  "Boo!"

This one was taken by Lacey's mom

And of course, they are each other's "Boo"!

The selfie the kids were setting up turned out very well:

Starting the gratitude list for 2022:

October 10th, Canadian Thanksgiving - day 1:  the warm blankets I crawled out from under, this cool morning.

Today the kids had a new kitchen/dining table delivered, and as you can see, Carl is taking on the role of Maitre d'.

It may be a few days before I get my sleep cycles back 'round to where I like them, after having adjusted to Hawaii race times, and Sunday the Chicago Marathon slammed me right back into Central Daylight Time.

I tracked my brother's friend Christine through her whole 26.2 miles of Chicago.  She was running as a fund raiser for Alzheimer's research.  Alicia had a couple of people to follow as well, a TikTok creator who goes by Mrs. Space Cadet was running for Team Fox (Parkinson's research), and another fellow from NYC who is in an online group she follows.  Since I had the app downloaded, I tracked them, too.

I did not do a very good job of catching them at the finish line, though.  With 40,000 runners on the course, and aging eyes, it's hard to read bibs fast enough to know who you are looking at.  Heck, it was hard in person at Boston to pick out my brother, and I should know his gait, right?

Some of those runners looked in quite a bit of pain as they came across the finish line.  Not that different from the Ironman races I watched on Thursday and Saturday... and these folks "only" did the run part.

Here's hoping we're all remembering to do what it takes to take care of ourselves as the calendar pages keep flipping by!

Life is good.  Spark on!



  1. Great photos of fun times/things/people & handsome Carl.

  2. Great photos! Carl must get good reviews on yelp for his whine recommendations. ;-)

    1. 🤣 Oh, yes, and he takes tips in table scraps.

  3. Oh it looks like so much fun! I love when you have the holiday lights on at night.

    1. With the green "lane lights" we all looked like witches, too.

  4. ♥️ The BOO background!
    -RunKeeper Dee

  5. Really great shots! Wonderful pumpkin displays! I like the diningroom set too and Carl, of course. Happy Week ahead!

    1. What's not to love about a well-behaved pup? Thanks!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...