Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Cooking for human not always safe for doggos


The meat is safe, of course.  Some of the veggies are, but some of them are not.  There are mushrooms and onions among those things underneath, so before Carl gets a sample, it will be carefully curated.  No powdered spices (which can be too intense) in this pot.  No added salt.  Potatoes, green pepper, and carrots, oh, my.  Classic pot roast, in the crock pot.  It will be ready in time for supper.

Meanwhile, out in Colorado, the honeymooners are at a "stay two nights" place, and are out exploring Mesa Verde National Park, among others.  Their trip involves a whole bunch of National Parks, that are located in that quadrant of the Rocky Mountains.  This is a part of Colorado that I have never explored, so I'm thrilled to be following along in their shared photos.

Carl and I both slept through the night.  Tuesday morning we went on a leash walk around the nearest block, following the route of the puppy parade.  We came home and Carl checked to be sure the perimeter was secure.

Tuesdays is the day that all the lawn service companies hit our neighborhood.  This Tuesday they seemed to take turns.  One neighbor, then another company for the senior condos to our north, then after a while, my lawn guys came by.  They all made more noise with their machines than Carl does with his barking.

I ordered groceries online for pickup this evening, as Carl can't go inside and I don't leave him alone in a car, no matter how nice the weather.  Nor do I leave him alone in my house.  Well, except when I'm just out doing stuff in the yard and he can come and go.

One advantage of having Carl "in residence" is that it gets me out in the yard, and I do more yard clean up.  I'm grateful that it's a cooler week, weather-wise.  And I'm grateful for his 4 year old self, past the puppy stage.

The yard waste bins are starting to line up.  I have five of them and expect to have them all full by Friday morning's collection.

Wednesday morning, The Prisoner showed up on the deck rail pre-sunrise, looking like he does coming in from an overnight outside.  Carl stood at the door, but did not bark at the cat.  It might be that he knows we are quiet in the morning, but then again... maybe I'm making some progress.  Prisoner would have none of it, not even a silent pup... over the rail and off he went.  

The avian visitors are flitting about, too.  This chipper cardinal hopped about on the top of the older section of fence.  I took the photo through the kitchen window on Tuesday afternoon.  On Wednesday morning, Carl chased a cheeky squirrel away from that same spot, and raced up and down the fence line with joyous declarative barks.  No more squirrels... or at least make them retreat to the neighbors' trees.

Meanwhile, to the West and South of here, the kids hit "Four Corners" on Tuesday, as well as driving through a snow cloud and a dust storm.

Not sure which foot is in what state, but between the two of them, they are straddling New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, and Utah.  What a very touristy thing to do... and both came out smiling.  The non-smiley part of the day was when their truck got pelted with hail outside a brewpub they visited.

And life continues to be GOOD (always beats the alternative, eh?)  Spark on! 


  1. OHhhhh, Carl is one VERY lucky boy! That pot roast will be so tasty! Sounds like he’s being a good boy!

    What a beautiful Cardinal! Really have not seen many here. Unusual.

    Sounds like the newlyweds are having a wonderful time. So much to explore in CO.


    1. There really is a lot to explore, and I have never been to that corner of Colorado. My daughter in law is both photographer and artist, and the photos she is taking spur the curiosity: abandoned pueblos, beautiful architecture, makes one ponder over the forces of nature, migration, or loss of resources that led those who lived there to pull up stakes and head elsewhere. Or was it post-civil war forced migration of native tribes?
      Today's adventure was at Hovenweep National Monument in Utah. Hovenweep, the sign says, means "deserted valley". All that beauty (they have been very lucky with weather, sunny with blue skies today), will probably get me reading up more on the folks who were here before us!

  2. In my head that sounds like a fun thing to do (the standing in 2 different stares at once thing), but the getting there part… not so much. Traveling isn’t a fun thing for me 🤷🏻‍♀️
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Not a hugely fun thing for Carl either, and some of these places are not dog friendly (I mean, if you have a national monument that is ecologically fragile, you don't want a bunch of pups roaming around). So... I've never been to that part of Colorado either, and my traveling days may well be behind me.

  3. Seems like the newlyweds are visiting a ton of sites and seeing lots of the natural beauty of this country….I’d think the parks would be less crowded right now, making it less of a hassle traffic-wise. Glad they’re enjoying themselves!
    Carl seems to be really loving his stay; you getting yard work done is an added benefit! Poor Prisoner…he was soooo hoping that Carl had gone home LOL! Eissa7

  4. Looks like the happy couple are enjoying their trip. They must be getting the weather that we didn't get at all. We got rain, but nothing more. I've done that four corners touristy thing.

    Oh Carl is going to love what you give him. I had to look up and see what I can and cannot give the little man. He loves when I make him food. I'm going to make him some more this weekend.

    Enjoy your Carl time! Have a great day!

  5. How much fun and learning we had climbing into kivas by log ladder or kneeling to get into ruin doors. I like that the 'youngsters' have an interest. DH and I have been all over that are.

    Lucky Carl who has a hu-grandmom who thinks of his delicate stomach (and your own carpet). Made me think pot roast might be a good idea for tomorrow's dinner as it's still chilly outside and something hearty might be welcome.

    Enjoy your time with Carl. Sorry, to the cats.

  6. That is the wonderful thing about dogs, you have to go outside with them. Although not so fun in the winter but now, lots of stuff to get to. I love the 4 state picture!

  7. The "grands" are fun to spoil...human or fur baby.
    Happy memories for the happy couple.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...