Saturday, April 8, 2023

Happy Easter from the Prisoner


"How does this selfie thing work?"

The pages of the calendar keep on flying.  The news cycle keeps on flipping.  I read or listen and then change the channel simply because no matter how I feel about it there's not a whole lot I can do about it.  I hate the giddiness of those whose issues seem to be going their way, and the cockiness of those who want to spin the bejesus out of things that are NOT going theirs.  Pick your issue.  Whatever happened to quiet, intelligent conversation?  Apparently that does not generate clicks and eyeballs.

Meanwhile I escape into fictional tales, including Kiefer Sullivan's latest, "Rabbit Hole".  I'm still following each new episode of Picard as it comes out.  I am loving how the characters from three separate Star Trek series get woven together in this one.  Prime has started airing a new series called "Power" about young girls developing a new organ (that generates electricity) and learning how to use it.  If you are of a philosophical bent, you can see themes of use of power to hurt or to heal arising.  We shall see how it develops.

On Good Friday morning I got a phone call from the mythical son, as he had a hole in his schedule.  I'll take the calls as they come.  Partly he was letting me know his dad RSVP'd no to coming out for the wedding, not feeling up to the trip.  It is a heck of a haul, to be sure, from upstate NY, and his dad is not a flyer.  I am sad for my son, who would have liked to have his dad present, but as we both know, this was not particularly surprising.  At least he and his bride to be did get out to meet him last Spring.

Now that my son is provisionally credentialed, he has an actual office space, and a case load, as that's what a social worker or therapist has.  He informs me that they have loaded him up mostly with angry teenaged boys.  To be honest, he is among those best suited to help them, having lived through that stage of his life, and come out on the other side in one piece.  Sometimes it helps a kid to have proof that challenges are survivable.  

From a mom's perspective, I remember those days.  They were scary.  I feel for the moms of these angry adolescent males.  Son said he can easily see how he might have wound up in the position his clients are in today (a truancy case, for example), and I reminded him of the lengths his father and I went through to make sure he was spared that particular experience.  One always second guesses whether they did the right thing during difficult times.  I am grateful that the end result in this case is a strong, capable, and compassionate man.  Hopefully his experience can help others.

Because of the nature of his case load, though... it still gives him a schedule that's heavy on the after school hours, leaning toward a "2nd shift" kind of working life.  

Two weeks to the Wedding, then I get Carl for a week while the bride and groom head off to their honeymoon.

Life is Good.  Spark on.  And Happy Easter, Passover, or Ramadan... whichever you happen to observe.


  1. Yes, I feel it is important to know what's going on in this world, but . . . . have to limit it as I know I can do little to change it (other than be aware of my own behaviors).

    Well, wishing your DS all the best with his career AND pending wedding!

    LOVE the Prisoner selfie. Handsome boy.


    1. I had to laugh at that selfie... the angle makes him look like a baby kitten, but he's really a hefty 11 year old cat!

  2. Rabbit Hole keeps me on the edge of my seat. Picard is about to wrap up. Other avenues of Trek coming soon, or so I read.

    You gotta walk the walk before you can talk the talk. Good luck to DS.

    Happy Easter. 🐰🐣

    1. Thanks!

      Those edge of the seat ones I have to take a single episode (or sometimes only part of an episode) at a time.

  3. Life IS good. I take it for what I can make of it and shut the world off at times. Thinking back over alllll the years, did I ever see a time when it wasn't 'us' vs 'them'? I always hope someone gets that "come to Jesus" moment and learns to love their fellow man. At least for a while.

    That being said, I have 3 grands sleeping over. We watched the Super Mario movie; first time we took them to a cinema. It's been a blast. They are all getting big. I made little miss a long, ruffled, glittery dress and she wore it to the movie looking like a princess. GS2 is sporting a full arm cast; broke his humerus above the elbow. GS1 looks like he's sporting a bit if a shadow on his upper lip! Where did that time go? You well remember the birth of all three!
    Happy Easter. May the season of renewal be just that.

    1. I do remember their arrivals! They do grow up so fast. And it sounds like a wonderful set of Grandma memories are being made this weekend. Shadow on the upper lip? OMG!

      May your season of renewal bring hope and many hugs and grins and giggles!

  4. I agree about the news. I watch a little in the morning on CNN just to see what is going on. I watch our local news at night to see what happened the rest of the day. It can take such a toll if you watch to much.

    Good luck to your son with his new career. It takes special people to take on trouble teens and others having problems. That's why I went into teen counseling. I was a troubled teen and felt my history could help them and make them see you can come out of it. I applaud him.

    Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks. My son's years in service gave him a wealth of experience to draw from, above and beyond his personal journey, too. I applaud your work with troubled teens, too. It's not easy growing up... never has been. It seems that each generation brings a new set of challenges, but also that the experience of prior generations can help, if we old-er folk keep an open mind. The new generation may have new ways of working their way through obstacles, too.

      Happy Easter.

  5. Big grin crept across my face as soon as I saw the pic of Prisoner.

    Happy Easter!

    I've been listening to a lot of the folk music of the 60's recently. Mankind/humankind sure has messed up this grand experiment. Hoping for some turnarounds by the masses -- encouraged by the youth getting actively involved seeking betterment on serious issues instead of childish name-calling and behaviors. Peace out.


    1. Amen to being encouraged by the youth stepping up. After all, my own years on this planet are waning, but they have whole lives to build! Shall we put on our Hippie beads and go to a sit-in?

  6. Lol and omg that picture of Prisoner is adorable!
    I think you’ve explained why I’ve recently been drawn to fiction; not a lot I can do about reality. Whatever DID happen to civil discourse?
    Just finished Every Man A King, and ready to read more as the author continues the series. It’s pretty new, and I’m new to this fiction game, so I don’t know how long I’ll have to wait for a sequel.

    1. Hope you find some fiction in which you feel comfy... my taste changes as time passes. This morning, keeping my head down and watching Kate and Leopold (love me some young Meg Ryan).

  7. Love catching up with you! Prisoner looks how I feel this morning. :D

    1. LOL... that can be interpreted many ways! Startled, curious, or in search of coffee?

  8. Happy Easter

    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Thanks. Hope you had a pleasant Easter, too.

  9. Good for your son!! We need more like him in the world helping instead of hating and obstructing.

    I have an online subscription to a semi-local daily newspaper and usually just peruse the headlines, which is about all the news I can stand now. A lot of it seems to just reflect the hate that people have for anyone different than what they believe in, and ways to control others' lives to more reflect their own sorry lives...

    That said, I hope you've had a lovely Easter and got to spend it with pleasant company.

    1. Thanks. It was a lovely day, warm and Spring-y. And cats make for very pleasant company when you're storing up social energy for a wedding to come.

  10. With Easter being over, and since it is almost mid-April, signs of Spring must be popping out all around you in Nebraska! I’m sure you, and the kitties are happy about that! My DH and myself are over Covid although we both still tire easily…so haven’t been able to walk my usual 4 miles every morning. I do hope to begin that on Thursday. It is a lovely 79 degree sunny FL day, so my goal is to take a short walk to enjoy the lack of humidity while it lasts! Your son is perfect for the caseload he’s been assigned…he can relate, as well as speak from experience. Whatever hoops you had to jump thru to help him achieve his potential were well worth it…Pat yourself on the back for a good parenting job! Spark on, Barb! Eissa7 (Karen)

    1. Yes, it was warm here today, the flowers are starting to pop out, and that means allergy season.

      Thanks for the kind words about parenting choices. We all just do what we can, right? Thank goodness children grow up in spite of our choices and if we are lucky, grow up capable of loving and living and contributing to society.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...