Sunday, April 23, 2023

Finish Line Syndrome

 Training / eventing goes from "are we there yet" to ... "is that all there is?"  

Seriously, finish line syndrome won't kick in until the happy couple get back from their honeymoon and Carl has survived his week with Grandma (me).  This photo is from the reception:  the groom's side of the family, plus the bride added in.  On somebody else's phone is a similar shot of the bride's side with the groom added.  Both of them added Carl in for good measure.  He was of course a star at the reception, and all of us who've heard names of the other side of the family finally meeting one another in person after three years of pandemic carefulness!

But it does strike me that a bout of finish line syndrome will be appearing soon!

Speaking of the reception, it was a wonderful time.  Most of the time, others were holding Carl's leash or spoiling him with treats and pets.  He was a great hit with the children in attendance and showed off his tricks to acquire treats.

Meanwhile I sought out Grendalbane, a gaming friend of my son's from the era in which he lived in my basement and learned about teamwork and commitment from a massively multiplayer online game (Ever Quest).  I had never met this gent in person, but on Saturday, I sat with him and his plus one... and chatted about their lives on the Eastern edge of Iowa... they had driven about four hours to honor the couple.

And I was in the same room as all three of my sisters for the first time since we lost our brother in 2019.  "Weddings and funerals", right?  One of those sisters and her hubby drove 8 hours to come.  I'm mega jealous of my niece's hair (on the far right hand side of the above photo... see it's down to her waist?)  She usually wears it up, but on Saturday she had it flowing down in all its glory!  It was so nice to have a happy occasion to gather us together!

Here is Carl showing good manners being petted by Lacey (bride)'s Dad and by his mother.  Since you can't really see her in either of the shots, I offer up two at different angles.  Lacey's grandma lives in a local senior care facility, and they brought her and her power wheelchair over.  So glad to finally meet so many of Lacey's family in person.

The couple had met just as the pandemic was starting up, and so many times plans to get together were thwarted by illness or caution.

On Sunday I got a FB friend request from one of her aunts, whose name I had heard so many times over the past couple of years... families expand!

It was later than originally estimated when they got all packed up and dropped off my visitor.  Both cats are now outdoors, and thankfully the sun has come out and it's warmed up (got down below 30℉ overnight... i.e. a hard freeze).  Carl and I went out to check the perimeter and one of the first things he did was to put his front paws on the ladder to the playhouse.

I stepped up one step to check out what he caught the scent of, and sure enough, was greeted by golden feline eyes.  Rubia has chosen this as her hiding place for the week!

Carl was actually pretty happy to be dropped off.  He seemed to recognize the signs of a road trip in what all was packed into the truck.  He happily bounded into my house, and he's so far been a gentleman for grandma.  We shall see how the night goes and how quickly he settles into Grandma's routine, but so far, so good.

Hugged the kids goodbye and alerted them that they will see snow (Colorado bound), using Paula's report that the weather man in Denver said "off and on through Wednesday"... isn't it great having friends from all over?

At bedtime we'll have the talk about 8 sleeps until mom and dad come back... then tomorrow about 7 sleeps... etc.  

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. I am happy that you are so happy!
    I feel a sigh of contentment here. I hope Carl sleeps. He had a very busy weekend, too.
    Cats. I guess they'll survive, eh?

    1. Cats will forever be cats, and their existence will forever fascinate Carl. He slept pretty well... until 3 a.m., and some days I get myself up that early, so I gave up, took the allergy meds, and got up for Monday. Sigh. He's actually settling in pretty well.

  2. We had nice weather today, but the snow is coming. It depends on where you're at, but the mountains will get hit a lot. We should get a couple of inches. Hope the happy couple doesn't get caught up in it.

    1. They made it to LaJunta for their first night. Looks like their itinerary is in the Southern part of Colorado. Mesa Verde/Cortez, Pagosa Springs, Fort Morgan... then home. I have my fingers crossed for weather for them!

  3. So nice to hear about the reception and being able to connect faces with names that you've been hearing. Making connections with others lifts the spirits and gives us much to think about. Have fun with Carl!

    1. Some of the faces were easy because I'm online friends with them, but being able to converse in real time is pretty special, even with those!

  4. What a lovely time! I know what you mean about weddings and funerals, just seems to happen that way as we get older. Getting together is a bigger deal than in our youth. Great pictures!

    1. You're right... that getting together becomes more meaningful as we get closer to a time when we won't be able to do so!

  5. What lovely pictures (and memories!) from the wedding and reception! Glad Carl was a good boy and that he was spoiled! What a lovely family.

    And Rubia looks pretty content in her special place while Carl is there

    Yup . . . you said it . . . weddings and funerals.


    1. Food has been placed in the playhouse, and at the base of the deck fencing for the kitties, and they haven't shown their whiskers.

  6. There's no doubt those are your sisters. The resemblance is remarkable. Getting to meet the faces that go with the names must have been a special treat. Big smiles that fill the family photo tells the story with the happy ending. 💘

    1. LOL! We used to say that we all SOUNDED alike; one of the sisters commented on the four sibling photo that we had turned into our grandmother and her sisters... there were four of them, too!

      And so right about connecting people whose names you've heard at other family gathers, but who hadn't been there.

  7. Enjoyed the photos as well as the narrative. Good times!



A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...