Tuesday, January 9, 2024

And Second Day SNOW


From the evidence on my front door, I would say the wind kicked in overnight, and the snow got plastered on the glass by its sideways trajectory.

I snuggled under the covers until about 6:30 a.m.  Then turned on the local news/weather to hear that the snow would be ending here sometime this morning, but the wind will keep blowing it around.  Temperatures will plunge for a few days, especially over the next weekend.  But seriously, folks, a high of -6℉, and a low of -11... let's be honest, not as bad as it CAN get in January!

Local schools closed for the second day.  I waved off the trainer for Tuesday.  The drive and walks look like my efforts of Monday "never even happened" as the silly commercial says.

I started out in sessions.  The wind makes it feel a lot colder than when I was scooping yesterday.  The Uzbeki neighbors were taking photos of dad and son with their snow shovels (likely to post for relatives).  I shouted across the street that they ought to make a snowman.

The dad came across the street to tell me this snow wasn't cooperating for rolling into big snow balls.  It's too dry!  This morning's top layer, that is true.  The slush on the bottom will roll into ice, and then the top snow won't stick!

Oh, well!  It's still pretty!

Not deep enough for "Grinch" height drifts, but the wind is piling it up in all the usual spots.

By 3 p.m. we got sunshine, and it looks quite cheery out there.  I'm done with my labors for today, I'm thinking.

Life is still good.

Keep on a-sparkin'!


  1. Our snow started last night but hasn’t stopped. Maybe sometime tomorrow, but it is slowly getting windier here, too.

    THEN the polar plunge. So, have to get the snow cleared so it doesn’t turn into an ice ball.

    Stay warm, stay dry, stay safe!


    1. Sounds like you are about a day behind us in the weather patterns. Stay warm, dry and safe yourself, too. And healthy... for us all!

  2. A plunge to -11 ??? THAT is seriously dangerous!! Can’t believe you were back at the shoveling in sessions and made great progress…hopefully no more will fall! You have earned R&R time!
    My area has survived the rain and winds with little problem but storms/tornado warnings are east and south. Can’t believe this is January in FL!! Eissa7

    1. I ran a 10K in -10F one year (New Year's Eve run, lit up runners at 10 p.m.) I will be sleeping through that -11 Sunday night. Thank goodness for working furnaces!

    2. Enjoyed the snow pics.

      Love the mugs I got for myself and my siblings. Thank you for the contact info. Not sure when I will see any of them (only one lives in town) so debating on sending note with picture of mug on our sibling group text.


    3. Phoenix: I'm sure you'll do what works for you and your sibling group. My older sister was the first to unwrap hers (on the day I drove her to her cataract surgery). Next my youngest sister (in North Dakota) got hers in the mail, and asked via messenger if it was OK to unwrap (it was still before Christmas), and Alicia was the last. Even though I gave her the physical package first, she had a lot going on, so she waited until Christmas eve. All kept it as a surprise for the others. Had it been an old fashioned all together Christmas eve we would have done one of those "these three must be unwrapped at the same time" deals. Sometimes the unwrapping is as special as the gift!

      And it's something that ties us all together, every time we use them.

  3. Still rain here, it has been raining non-stop since yesterday morning, now with wind. Very, very gloomy here. I actually really enjoyed seeing your snow pictures, I miss the stuff here - LOL. Have a great day.

    1. You've got me smiling this Wednesday morning. The sun is just coming up. The snow is pretty and white, but it's not as deep as it sometimes can get. My body is feeling creaky after the efforts of the past couple of days, but I agree, the white stuff can be quite cheerful when snow-kissed, before it becomes mud!

      LOL. Have a great mid-week!

  4. Windows and doors here look very similar. I cleaned and salted the deck yesterday. Even though it's covered, when the wind blows like it did yesterday, it doesn't stop the snow from piling up. The sun is out and the thermometer is predicted to reach 40* this afternoon. Mr. Sun should do all the heavy clearing work. It's only temporary! Below zero temps and high wind predicted for the weekend and beyond. Big sigh!
    My wonderful farmer neighbor called last night and told me that this afternoon he is bringing hay bales to line the north west corner and north side of the house. Caring neighbors are a blessing.

    Sixty nine days until spring, but whose counting?! Stay safe. Stay warm. 🤗❤️

    1. Who's counting? US!

      It is a blessing to have good neighbors, and I am glad of my own, too.

  5. I parked my car in the shade this morning, after I got back to it after the gym workout the temp gauge said it was 1° out. It was def cold, but I think my gauge was being a drama queen LOL
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. That's SUPER cold for your section of the country, lady! And funny thing about electronics, they don't like the cold... I remember my phone deciding to bonk on me during a cold, wet run, a few years back when I still ran!

    2. I wouldn’t mind the errant temp report, if the heater wasn’t a part of it too! I have to turn everything off so the heater doesn’t stay on full blast, thinking it’s helping me!

      -RunKeeper Dee

    3. Yikes! When it is tied to other automation, no bueno! I had that problem with my furnace several winters back, in the late evening and it would not turn off. It was a bad thermostat. It got up to over 80 degrees in my living room and still kept pumping the heat!

      Thank goodness my HVAC guy was able to come and install a new thermostat right away, and I would have paid ANY surcharge to feel safe going to sleep!

  6. Thanks for reminding me of a recent happening of the snow day. I was taking Benji out, and lady was taking a picture, standing by the dumpster masking. As Benji and I walked around her, I saw a man and half grown girl with Cheshire Cat grins, the girl holding a lump of snow in her hand. Delightful! “Oh, snow!” I said smiling brightly. Then I said, “I grew up here, so, oh, snow” with a sadder face and grumpier tone. Don’t know if they understood me; just smiles and nods, no words said. But it was nice to be reminded of the miraculous delightful side of the white stuff. -Ace

    1. First snow of the season is delightful. 30 snows later, not so much! Hope you have a good Thursday. I waved off the trainer again in anticipation of tonight's additional snow. The 70 plus snow thrower needs an extra rest day!

  7. I hate to say I'm envious, but we've not had a good snow in several years. The exercise is good, too, as long as it's only one storm!

    1. Ah, yes, "as long as it's only one storm". Storm #2 is blowing in this afternoon, to last until tomorrow night. Sigh. It takes me a storm or two to adjust to Winter.

  8. I should be careful what I wish for. Storm projected for Tuesday!

    1. LOL! You know better, too! BTW, we're storming away here!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...