Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Lather, rinse, repeat... it's Winter!

 Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day

A good way to spend today, when our "heat wave" took us above 0℉, to +1!  

I did go outside to clear the south side of the house's sidewalk, that my neighbor had blown clear TWICE, and it drifted back in yet again.  I did not go out on Sunday AT ALL!  Fingers were icicles coming back inside after just that brief session, in the afternoon.

Dumb question:  anybody else ever live in Iowa?  I ask because it's Caucus day.  I only lived in Iowa for about a year and a half.  Yes, I voted there, but when I think back on it, that would have been 1994, so there was no Caucus.  There were Presidential motorcades disrupting normal traffic in Des Moines.  Bill Clinton was President then, and he came to town a couple of times while I lived and worked there.

I decided to wave off Tuesday's trainer workout, in a prolonged "rebellion" against going anywhere in the cold.  It's supposed to be minus 6 at my scheduled time.  I have to go out on Wednesday, as it's my blood draw for medical stuff.  

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Another cold morning, but we knew it was going to be.  The show in Iowa was over fast.  I watched some of the coverage, and believe it or not, I kind of "got" the rationale of the Trump faithful.  No, they don't see him as Jesus... or at least not all of them.  They see him as King David (as in David and Goliath, David and Bathsheba, etc.) a powerful but flawed man being used for God's purpose.  But you know, if we're going to do Biblical metaphors, remember that King David took power, but it was his successor that rebuilt the temple.  Of course, history does not ever exactly match the past.

The disturbing bit, from my point of view, is that everyone is smoking their own stuff and talking past one another.  The words in the questions being asked are NOT interpreted the same by the pundit asking them and the respondent.  The polls are practically worthless.  I know I refuse to answer polls because I am "polled out"!

Like many, I long for the days when "People of good conscience can disagree".  And be civil.

Today's task, suited for such a cold day: cleaning and descaling the coffee machine.  The box on the descaling solution says do this every three months.  I am generally less frequently than that at getting to this task, but when the machine starts showing certain signs, it's time!

Meanwhile, with the sun shining brightly, The Prisoner demanded to be let out on the snowy deck.  He came to his senses once all four paddy-paws touched that frozen stuff and his fur allowed the wind to tell him how cold it really was.

Surely you jest!

Wednesday we have a heat wave predicted:  a high of 23℉.  I shall have to go out because it's that time of year:  blood draw and Medicare annual screening.  It might even break ten above by the time I'm due to have that done.

Thursday is the next round of predicted snow.  Onward!

Life is good.  Especially when there are at least a few things you can control?  Spark on!


  1. Currently, the deck thermometer shows 8*. The sun is shining, so maybe it will climb a bit more before it goes down for the night. We got just enough snow overnight to make things slick and slippery.

    There have been several articles that compare the former _____ (fill in the blank) to King David. Some of my former colleagues, (whom I greatly admired) and I, have parted ways because of the articles. My tongue bled from biting it. Education is supposed to be the path to "civil disagreement". Sigh.

    Good luck with the trip for medical screening and blood work. Predictions for above freezing temps for tomorrow. I hope to get out and run some errands before the bottom falls out again this weekend. Much warmer by the middle of next week. I hope Mother Nature has gotten winter out of her system.

    Happy Tuesday! 🤗💞

    1. I ended up losing online friends during Covid and the 2020 election because I could not stand the memes they posted without commenting, and trying to reason/persuade. Anything I said fell on deaf ears and subjected me to attack. So, yes, tooth imprints on the tongue. When you know there is no way to move forward, and you can't "agree to disagree", it might be healthier to part ways. Imho, NOBODY is Daniel in the Lion's Den, Jesus, Moses, or King David but the originals.

      Actions speak louder. Kindness in lived life is a better example of faith than any article, speech, or meme.

      Thanks for the good luck wishes... you're getting to above freezing before we will (a week of highs below 32F yet before it's predicted). Somehow I doubt that Mother Nature is done with us yet... but the calendar keeps on moving forward!

      Have a great mid-week!

  2. We are @ 0F right now. Can’t say it’s a heat wave, but . . . that apparently is coming tomorrow . . . maybe reaching 13F?? We shall see. At least today there is sunshine.

    The only thing I can say is, Trump is using bullying tactics and that is never right under any circumstances. BUT we shall see what the November election brings. I sure agree . . . I long for the days when you could respectfully disagree w/a viewpoint. Seems those days are long gone.

    LOVE the caption on Prisoner’s photo. Yup . . . for sure. Surely you jest!

    Stay warm. Prisoner, too!


    1. Brrr! We're actually above zero here in the afternoon sunshine, but it's heading back down again. Tomorrow they are giving us hope to get up to 23*F!

      Attacking personal traits... a woman's looks, a man's injury, etc., or calling someone a sucker or loser because they actually were heroic and put on a uniform... all completely unacceptable. Politics is supposed to be about policy, not personality!

      You stay warm also, Barb!

  3. Just stopping by to say hi ❤️

  4. Our heat has finally went back up to 32 today. The sun came out and I went out to do the snow. It took me about ten minutes with the snowblower.

    I can't understand the whole Trump thing. I mean think they have been such die hards for him that they don't want to be wrong and so they won't budge. It's crazy.

    Have a great day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. Jealous of your 32. It might make it to 24 here today, but I'm due to the doc's office at 9:30 a.m. and it will be maybe 10. Still, this will be the warmest day of the week.

      Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  5. Currently 16 here. It's the first snow we both sat on the couch and said "No way" to going outside to shovel. Guess we've reached 'that age'!
    We mostly had mist on top of 1-2 inches of powder and it did so all day. The cars look like ice-drip castles. DH finally went out at 5 and used the metal ice scraper on our walkway and part of the driveway. Our 100ft frontage sidewalk is going to remain untouched until a partial thaw.

    1. Stay safe and warm. "that age", indeed! I'm there!

  6. Yesterday was so cold that hubby and I thought we would go out in the afternoon to get our groceries as it would be a little warmer... nope... once more we learned that if we don't do it in the morning, it will not get done. I am with Prisoner for sure, a good blanket and a place to snuggle.

    1. Wednesday is our "warmest day of the week", meaning today! I'm glad, it's the day I have to go out. I'm ready to hibernate, seriously.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...