Monday, December 23, 2024

Coffee mugs are the new T-shirt


Lunch with my former co-worker on Sunday was a lovely catch-up.  She included me as an "Emerita" member of the team by presenting me with one of the mugs she got for the whole team.  She said she had considered T-shirts, but coffee mugs are one size fits all.  I'm cool with coffee mugs, in fact have quite the collection already, and I prize the design she worked on herself, representing not just the team but the tool we used to produce our piece of the system.

We sipped on coffee (decaf in my case) and noshed on salads while filling one another in on lives and pets and kids and what's happening at the old stomping grounds.  

The weather moderated even more Monday, getting up into the 50's, and Ember and I took advantage with a long visit at the dog park.  She came home from that nicely tired out.  I am grateful for the days when we can do this.

During puppy nap #1 Sunday I baked the Oatmeal Scotchies, the original recipe, that I haven't yet told "the kids" I shall be bringing on Christmas morning.  Now to just keep my own hands out of the cookie jar!  I gave some of them to my former co-worker.

During puppy nap #1 on Monday, I unwrapped and laid down the area rug in the family room.

Like everything else this year, there's a doggy reason for this.  It is to give her better footing for some training games that I want to do in that room.  It is yet to be seen if the area rug will survive it.

Sure enough, as soon as she was let into the room, she went after the far side of that rug, digging to chew on the pad under the rug.  I distracted her and put the gate back up.  I figure we'll have to do a few "introductions" to the room with some other things, like simple commands, games, treats, etc., to make that attractive nuisance less attractive.

We had an appointment for her heartworm test at the vet's office.  This is required once a year to have her on Simparica Trio for pest control.  The test came out negative, which clears her to continue on the preventative for 2025.  She has moved up a weight class for her dosage now, at about 90 pounds (she wiggles on the scale).  But the old weight class topped out at 88, and this one goes up to 132, so it will probably fit her adult weight.  I ordered six months' worth.  

Interesting observation of the day:  I notice that if Ember's doing something I'm not happy with and I get her jazzed about putting on her harness (the new one), she seems to become "all business" ready to go on our next mission.  It worked to get her away from that area rug and head over to the vet's office.  It worked again after puppy nap #2 when I figured we'd try this into to the area rug again.  We just went out in the back yard on harness and leash, took her off lead and the two of just existed out there, watching people walking by, listening to sirens or dogs barking in the distance.  It was something like 47F, a really pleasant afternoon to be outside.

After I fed Ember her supper, I decided to tackle the cheese puffs.  The plan was to form them, freeze them, and have DIL bake them Christmas morning.  I thought I might do this during puppy nap #1 on Christmas eve day, but I was feeling it Monday after supper, and I started my annual tradition:

Prep the dough.  16 ounces mild cheddar cheese, cubed, 3 Tbsp softened unsalted butter, 1 cup flour (barely had a cup), sifted with 1/2 tsp ground cayenne pepper.  Process in the food processor until it is in crumbles and can be worked.


Shape each ball, a good handful of the crumbles.  Add more until you have enough dough to cover the filling.

Insert the filling (in this case it's a sausage bite).
and in this case, it is a green olive with pimento.

I made about a dozen of each filling and put them in separate containers so I can tell which ones are olive and which ones sausage.  Yay!  The son and I will get our olive ones!

Bake on ungreased cookie sheets in a hot (450F) oven for 10 minutes and serve hot.

Merry Christmas!  I am now a bit ahead of the game!

And Happy Festivus to those who Seinfeld celebrate!

Life is good!  Spark on!


  1. Your day sounds fulfilling and enjoyable. You've captured the essence of a typical day with a blend of everyday routines, special moments with your dog, and preparations for the upcoming holidays.

    Have a wonderful Christmas! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. You have a wonderful Christmas, too. Today, Christmas Eve, I have planned to be a "dog and me" but who knows what might unfold!

  2. There are no friends like old friends. Catching up is usually a fun time.
    The Scotchies will be a nice Christmas surprise. Last year, after you were kind enough to share the recipe for the cheese balls, all the necessary ingredients were purchased. Never got them made.
    ??? I have no idea what happened. Maybe this year, I'll try again for the new year.
    Happy Christmas Adam Day. Heard this one on the news this morning. It's Christmas Adam Day because Adam came before Eve. For me, that's a new one. πŸŽπŸŽ…πŸΌπŸŽ„πŸ’ž

    1. Christmas Adam Day? Totally new to me, too. I'd heard "Christmas eve eve", but Christmas Adam makes a certain kind of comedic sense!

      Good luck with the cheese balls if you do try them! Beware... addictive, even if a lot of work!

  3. Sounds like the best of times, wishing a most Merry Christmas to you and Ember!

    1. And the Merriest Christmas to you and yours also, Alicia.

  4. Cool mug! How nice of your former co-worker to remember you w/a team mug. That is just special.

    Glad that Ember and you could have a good walk. Our weather isn’t quite there yet.

    Happy to hear that Ember’s heartworm test was negative! Go Ember!

    Those cheese puffs look delicious! Going to try it! My vote would be the sausage. But Jason, a green olive w/pimento man, wants olives. So guess we go half-sies when I make them.

    Hugs and Merry Christmas to you, Ember and your DS/DIL.


    1. Hugs and Merry Christmas right back at you, Barb! Enjoy the process... good exercise for grip strength, by the way, shaping that dough! And wishing you better weather, for Miss Lilly's sake and your own.

  5. Thanks for the recipe, I'm going to give it a go.

    1. Enjoy! Ember got her first drive-thru pup-cup today. She was all stinky from the leash walk (during which of COURSE she took me to all the old carcasses she has previously located and rolled in them) but sat at the garage door, so I opened it, and the back door to the car, and in she hopped. I got a Mr. Mint Mocha and order her a pup cup. A fitting way to celebrate Christmas eve for an old lady and her puppy.

  6. PHOENIX1949

    Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!


    1. Thanks Susan, and the same Christmas wishes back for you and your loved ones!

  7. Merry Christmas Eve!!

    We had our Christmas dinner yesterday, with some friends over. My daughter must work Christmas, so we always celebrate as close to a holiday as possible when she and son-in-love are both off.

    Was Miss Ember impressed with her pup-cup?

    1. She gobbled it right up. I don't know if she'll expect similar on the regular, but it was a pretty cool experience for me.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...