Monday, December 2, 2024

Sick day, learning day


Well, whatever this side-lined illness is/was, it was not Covid-19.  I still waved off on the opportunity to go to Zoo Lights with the pandemic 5 + 1.  So still a unicorn, never having tested positive for Covid.

Ember behaved as well as I might expect, given that it's been nasty cold outside as well as her Hu-mom not feeling well.  I slept every puppy nap over the weekend.  Ember has had no leash walks since Friday, when she decided to be stubborn about one neighbor's recycling corrugated cardboard boxes, left out for curb-side collection.  Sigh.  Mommy definitely did not feel strong enough to fight another such leash battle on either Saturday or Sunday.

We are still fighting the battle of hats and gloves.  I should not say "fighting the battle" because battles are like games to a labrador retriever.  When she gets one, I either bargain with her that it's "mine" and Mommy needs it if you want to go outside.  Or I ignore it to get her to realize it is a boring game.  However, if it has a tag to tear out, as the one glove did Monday... all bets are off.

In order to get away with the "boredom" gambit, I have multiple pairs of gloves and a few selections of hats.  That way if she swipes one, I can put on a different one and carry on.

One glove had such an interesting texture that she completely destroyed it.  Now I have only one of that pair.  So far, that's the only destroyed glove. She put a hole in one hat, but the hole can be covered up by rolling the band.  Sigh.  I'm still going to use the damaged one, though, because I can't buy a new hat or pair of gloves every week.  

Anyway, as you can tell, I'm feeling better enough to type up a blog now.  I was better enough and determined enough to make a grocery run today, which was expensive but necessary.  Tissues, TP, paper towels (paper goods have gone through the roof since 2020), then I also bought dishwasher detergent and rinse aid, fluoride rinse and floss, dog chew sticks in two sizes and pig's ears... these things add up in a hurry... and none of them are food!  No hat or gloves in this total.

My online coaching program (Recallers, Susan Garrett's flagship dog training program) is on sale again, along with several of her programs.  The one I'm looking at for later on, Homeschool the Dog, is a four-month program that I'd probably like to add at some point, but right now, the Recallers program is about all I can handle.  It has 40 games in it, lasts a year, and so far, we are only on "Day 9".  And we started in August.

The beauty of this program, though, is the claim that "even if you only get 20% of it right, you will have results".  And that is indeed what I'm seeing!  And if you have any interest, here's where you can find her current live session.

Life is Good!  Spark on!


  1. I'm so sorry to read that you have the "icks". Naps are a good thing. Healing. Maybe a pot of hot tea while you are resting and not napping.

    It's frustrating to shop, spend well over a hundred dollars, and there's no food in the cart.

    I hope you feel better soon. Take care of you. 🫖🤗💖

    1. Pot of tea was definitely in order!

      Oh, there was food in the cart, too, which boosted the total even further. Just more "other stuff" than food. And yes, frustrating.

      Thanks for the well-wishes. I've waved off the Tuesday morning trainer session due to lingering cough and giving myself a bit more recovery time.

  2. ALICIA363 Good morning! I’m fighting some crud, too. Coughed so much last night that DH almost begged me to take meds. I acquiesced, and slept better after that.

    1. Yeah, a cough is my "new symptom" since last night at bedtime. But I am starting to feel human again, and we'll see how well I am by 3 or 4 this afternoon, for possible dog park jaunt. Ember needs to uncoil some springs!

    2. P.S. Hope you're feeling better soon, too.

  3. Hope you feel better soon. I can see picking battles, I am having more of that with hubby. We are seeing the doctor about dementia this week. Huge hugs.

    1. Thanks. And good luck with DH and the Dr. Feeling more positive myself as the symptoms of "whatever" subside.

  4. Awwwww, there is something going around for sure. I had the GI flu and I think that was exacerbated by being on antibiotics (never kind to the gut biome!). HOPE you’re feeling better. And yes, for sure, the fur babies pick up on when their hu-moms are not feeling well.

    Yes, EVERYTHING has escalated in price. Not fun to shop for anything!

    Feel better! Stay warm.

    Hugs and healing

    1. Definitely feeling better. Not perfect yet (still a residual cough), but on the mend!

      Hope you are, too... when's the next dental step?

  5. My younger and spouse both had some kind of coughing crud that never tested positive, took about a week plus to improve. My bestie sister-in-law had it, too. Her spouse DID have covid so we suggested he got Covid, she got the -19. All's well though.
    My honey and I have had Covid every spring starting 2022. The first time we were just miserable. By the third time, the symptoms were recognizable but barely an issue. I had a regular cold that was worse. Yet, we buried a friend a few months ago who had co-morbidities and she couldn't recover.
    The vaccines help reduce the symptoms and I'm agreeing with some science that it wears off in 6 months or so.

    As for the hats and gloves, shame on Miss Ember! Time to start listening to her mama.

    1. Six months since my last Covid shot myself. But want to be well before I take on either it or the Prevnar 20 one, also recommended by my doctor.

      So sorry about your friend. Other diseases that we have got "used to" can also be fatal to someone whose system is compromised.

      As for Ember listening to mama? She seems to be entering the dreaded "adolescent" stage, testing all the limits, but also warming the heart with antics. I love watching her scent the air and track geese on the wing. Something peaceful in afternoon sunshine, even in this cold time of year.

      I practically giggled when she picked up the plastic football in the 17-degree morning after it sat out all night... as soon as her mouth felt the cold... Zoomies! I'm not crazy that she wants to investigate the filled poop bags, but glad that she doesn't try to eviscerate them!

      Picking battles. I'm noticing as the days pass, the bad behavior around the gloves as hat happens less frequently, but she invents new things to test. This morning it was putting her paws on the edge of the stove and reaching for my heating milk with her tongue. Yikes. Moved the pan to the back burner and enticed the puppy back to her hot zone.

      On the good news front, her ability to "stay" in her crate with the door open is increasing in duration. If she sneaks out before I release her, I say "Mommy didn't say the word yet" and go stare at the empty crate. She trots back in, and if she then stays, she gets her treat, but not on entry.

      Oh, yes, this is entertaining.

  6. Sorry you're under the weather - Get Well Soonest!!!
    Maybe I'll post a photo of the lil' horsie tote bag that hangs by my back door which holds my assortment of gloves... But my favorite are my ol' deerhide barn gloves which have a hold over my R thumb, thanks to somebody trying to snatch it away from me! (maybe that was Tulip, I honestly don't remember) But all these enticing chew toys must be kept well out of reach, or I wouldn't have any gloves at all!!!

    1. Mine get stored on a high shelf or atop the 'fridge. Clever critters, too. Ember wanted to snatch my lunch today, too. I had to exit through the backyard, around the house and back in through the garage to keep it from her grasping teeth, then toss "search" treats to distract her while I finished popping it in the microwave. Then I enticed her into her X-Pen so I could eat in peace. Love her to pieces, BUT!

  7. I'm glad to see you back; I figured you might have gotten the 'epizoodies' as my grandpa used to call any illness.

    1. Ooh, I may steal that word! Epizoodies... sounds appropriately vague for anything ailing you!

  8. Glad to hear that you are on the upward curve of whatever crud you have been battling! That, along with your bitter cold weather, has definitely played havoc with Embers walking routine BUT her puppy antics require you to be strong….and you alone know IF you’re up to the task.
    It was a bitter 46 degrees when I walked at 7 AM….heat wave for you BUT brrrrrrr for the beach of central FL!! Karen (Eissa7)

    1. Did I hear a rumor that some spots in Florida were headed for a 29 degree morning tomorrow? Hope it's not you. And you're right, I would welcome 46 degrees at 7 a.m. this time of year.

      I will probably blog tomorrow about my situation with the burst drain pipe and the plumber having to hack through iced insulation to fix it this afternoon/evening!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...