Saturday, December 14, 2024

Countdown to Christmas - 11 days to go!


Saturday was the morning that Frosty the demented Snowman had to evacuate from his post in the family room.  We were having a morning, Ember and I.  It was raining, so somebody doesn't want to go outside to do her business, although we did get out briefly before sunrise.  She ended up leaving two glow in the dark balls out in the yard, not even bringing them back once!

We played indoor games.  A little tug, a little hot zone, a bit of hide and seek ("find Mommy"), some crate games and solo recalls.  I was trying to introduce a new game to her called "Treats in the corner", and I needed a carpeted corner for this game.  Pretty much that means the big room in the basement level.

We did three successful repeats of "treats in the corner" before moving on due to distractions in the room itself.

A short while later, while I was taking a bathroom break myself, you-know-who decided it was time for hers, too, and that big room in the basement level got three plops deposited.  I was anticipating, due to the weather, that this could happen, so I did not freak out.

Mom the cleaning lady showed up and was about two-thirds of the way through with the job when there was a bit of a noise upstairs.  Ember had pushed down the baby gate into the family room.

Frosty, as you may recall, was belly-full with cookies from Friday's baking session.  Doubly attractive to the pup!  I scooped him up and rushed him to "high ground" atop the bookcase just outside Ember's X-pen.  Whew!

Ember snatched the whisk broom from the family room counter while I was moving Frosty and brought it to the X-pen to chew it up.  OK, let's be opportunistic.  I shut her in the X-pen, leaving her to her game of "destroy the broom", while I went back downstairs to finish the poo patrol cleanup.

Ember soon tired of the whisk broom and I was able to clean that up and put it away once I let her out of the X-pen.  I cooked my own breakfast, and she settled down to chew on a rope toy.

While the oats were bubbling, I heard the sounds of "something is coming back up"... sure enough, the cast-iron digestive system of the lab did its job.  Up came breakfast and along with it two "short" chew sticks that somebody had wolfed a bit too fast.  Cleanup again, and wash hands, again, before heading back to finish cooking my own breakfast.

I put on the dog calming video while I did so, and Ember settled down, chewing on another toy.  By the time I finished my own breakfast, she was ready for puppy nap #1, and that is where she is as I write.  

Do we wonder where the slapstick comedy writers got their material?  Life!

And Life is Good!  Spark on!


  1. Sounds like both you AND Ember needed a nap after the escapades! Sheesh. Glad no harm came to Frosty the Demented Snowman!

    Hope the afternoon is a little more calm!


    1. We got super lucky with the weather warming up above freezing, so we got a leash walk in before puppy nap #2, a visit from kid sis Alicia, and a calm afternoon before puppy nap #3.

  2. That would have put an end to breakfast time for me. Glad you were able to save Frosty. ☃️

    1. Sensitive tummy yourself, by chance? Sorry to hear that. Frosty is just fine.

  3. Oh my goodness, what a Saturday you had! It sounds like a whirlwind of activity, from indoor games to unexpected bathroom breaks and a Frosty rescue mission. Ember certainly kept you on your toes!

    It's funny how even the best-laid plans can get derailed by a determined pup. I can only imagine the mental gymnastics you had to do to adapt to the changing circumstances. I'm glad you were able to keep your cool and handle everything with humor and grace.

    I hope the rest of your day was quieter and more relaxing. (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. It was a good day, taken all together, thanks. But those mornings... well, all I can say is I'm glad I'm retired and not on a tight schedule, because "rolling with the flow" is essential in puppy-land! That, and thank goodness I'm a morning person! LOL!

      Hope you're having a good weekend! (( BIG and little HUGS ))

  4. Wow, that was a busy morning and all at breakfast time! Happy to hear that the rest of the day was a peaceful one. Huge hugs

    1. Most of my biggest "challenge" moments with Ember happen before puppy nap #1, i.e. before breakfast!

  5. Thank goodness you rescued the snowman ... for his sake and the sake of Ember's tummy from cookies and paws in case of broken glass.

    It's a good thing you've been vigilant about your health, or you'd never keep up with her!

    1. Good point about having to be vigilant about health and fitness when you take on a large-breed puppy!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...