Sunday, November 19, 2023

Birthday decisions

I've been ignoring an upcoming birthday.  But then the first card came in the mail on Thursday, and another on Saturday (thank you).  It's not a "big" birthday with a zero at the end, or anything like that, but my son has gone and married into a family that does things like birthdays.

In any case, when the Mythical Son showed up to collect Carl on Tuesday evening, he brought up the subject, with the casual "What do you want to do for your birthday, Mom?"

"Birthday?  I have a birthday?"

"Well, yes.  Do you want to go out to dinner?  Or we could go to the dog park."

Given the choice, it's obvious to me!  I'm still not entirely comfy eating out at sit-down places.  "Weather permitting, the dog park!"  

Of course after he left, that got me to thinking about "weather permitting".  What if it's cold (I mean, it is November, after all)?  And that brought to mind my creeping girth.  Sigh!

So a decision to be made:  commit to once again "slimming down" for the Winter to fit into the existing coat, or spring for a new one.  One has to understand that the old coat was purchased sometime between 2011 and 2014.  When I was at my running trim.  Last year I went on the intermittent fasting about this time on the calendar, and slimmed myself back into the old coat.  

I ordered myself a birthday present: a new Winter coat that will fit me at my current size.  It will also allow for losing a bit or (sigh) a little more creep, but I really don't want the creep.  (Remember that, Barb!)

The website claims it will arrive the Friday after Thanksgiving.  I'm changing coat colors.  You have to do that, or nobody will know you got a new coat, right?😁😁

Speaking of the more immediate Friday, I awoke to 36℉.  This was perfect for the heating check that had been re-re-scheduled to Friday.  I put on my mask (just in case), and proceeded to show the guy around and let him do his work.  I moved the laptop up into the office, as opposed to at the kitchen table and puttered while he did.

His visit, as needed as it is to have this done each year, left me feeling wiped out.  

Saturday I hunkered down, but I did order groceries for curbside pick up.  

I anticipate that I will be on my own for Thanksgiving.  The distaff side of my son's newlywed family is gathering at a pet-friendly hotel and they are packing up birds and dog and all for the trip, about 3 hours down the road.  I opted out.  The Prisoner does not travel.  I did stock turkey breast filets and stuffing mix, and I will make a pumpkin pie for myself!  I am thankful that their family can gather, for the first time since pre-pandemic (that makes it three skipped Thanksgivings and Christmases).  I know they are all looking forward to meeting the latest child born to a cousin.

I received an invitation to spend Thanksgiving with my walking-partner sister's family.  As of Sunday I'm in "wait and see" mode.  

Sunday morning, we started out with overcast skies and rain predicted.  The Prisoner wanted to be outside while he could be. 

My son and I had left the dog park outing as a "weather permitting" thing.  We got very lucky with the timing, and had "mostly cloudy" for the duration of our stay at the dog park.

Carl did the agility course "his way", balancing on top of the "tunnel" tube, instead of going through it.  DIL insisted on a family portrait of The Mythical Son with his Mom and Carl.

Despite there being fewer than the normal numbers of canines out at the park, Carl got his zoomies on, stretching those springs he calls legs fully.

DIL with Carl, getting him to "hold it" (keep a treat on his nose) while sitting atop the obstacle.

Carl does not do "weave" very well, but runs straight through the weave pole obstacle.

A nice outing for Barb's birthday treat, just about as long as it needed to be.  It had started to rain, so the kids headed home with a wet Carl.  He was due for a bath, anyway, as my son noted to me before we set out.

Life is Good!  So keep on sparking!


  1. Happy Birthday! So glad the weather cooperated for your dog park birthday outing.

    1. Thanks! It had been predicted all week that it would rain. We really lucked out with the timing!

  2. Happy Birthday to you…love the color of your new coat! Glad you were able to get out to enjoy some Carl and family time at the dog park. Happiest of Thanksgiving’s to you wherever you choose to spend it!

    1. I like that color, too. We'll see at the end of the week how true the online - real life color match is!

      A happy Thanksgiving to your and yours as well.

  3. Happy Birthday to you!!! I'm glad that everything worked out for your outing at the dog park.

    I finally have to give in and get a new winter coat. I've been holding off until Black Friday.

    Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. Given how many years we may keep and use a winter coat, it's almost as big a deal as purchasing a new car! Good luck in your search for just the right one for you!

      (( hugs back ))

  4. Happy Birthday!! Is today (the 19th) the official day?? A former student (the who has been faithfully writing and answering my letters) has a birthday today, too. It must a special day for all the special people in my life. πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚
    The new coat is very attractive. Looks like it will keep you warm and toasty.
    Have a splendid week!!πŸ₯°πŸ’–

    1. Nope, it's Monday the 20th. I happen to share a birthday with President Biden (although a few years apart). I was a late birthday present for my mom. This morning I found out it was a wedding anniversary for a great-grandmother of mine, too. It's amazing how the events stack up on any given day in the calendar.

      Back when I was in college, I had a professor who did a birthday study, and one of our early assignments was to collect ten birthdays of people to add to his research. Turns out, says he, there is a mating season! And also that in any class of 30 students, there is a high likelihood of at least two sharing the same birthday.

      Have a wonderful week yourself, including the Thanksgiving "official" US holiday!

  5. I like the coat! Looking forward to seeing it IRL.
    No hard feelings if you do your own Thanksgiving ❤️ It actually appeals to me, after the steady peopling of the weekend. Last night concluded with a work session with DD, SIL, their friend/colleague, and DH - he helped with their writing project (to be performed), and I caught up on SNL then dozed on the couch. It’s rare to go back to work to ‘get some rest’ for me!

    1. PS Happy Birthday and I’m glad your DIL got the picture of the 3 of you ❤️

    2. Thanks for the b-day wishes, and yeah, I'm leaning towards the solitary holiday. Of course, knowing me, there could be a last-minute change of heart, but a lot of it depends on the progression of the nasal stuff!

  6. Happy birthday and it sounds like the kind you wanted which is always a blessing. Wonderful pictures too.

    1. Thank you. Yes, for some of us, "quiet" is a preference, not a punishment.

  7. Goood choice, Barb . . . dog park would be my choice to celebrate your HAPPY BIRTHDAY, too.

    LOVE IT! Yes, it is required to change the coat color when you get a new coat so everyone knows it’s NEW! LOL

    DD has Covid for the 3rd time and colds/flu/RSV/Pneumonia AND Covid are going around. Not like during the pandemic (for Covid) but cause enough for us here in this house to mask up.

    We’re going to be celebrating sans kids this year, too. DS is working and DD has Covid, so we’ll get together sometime later. And we have to celebrate cuz DS and his significant other bought their first house. They close on 03 January. Hope for hospitable weather! Only Mother Nature knows for sure!

    Buce oictures! Love arl on TOP of the tube. Yup . . . gotta do it his way.

    Glad that the weather cooperated for the park visit. Hurray!


    1. I'm so sorry for Clara's repeated episodes with Covid! Will keep my fingers crossed for your John and his partner's house closing schedule, both weather and those pesky little issues that can come up!

      I'll be praying for good weather for the Thanksgiving week and those who are driving (including but not limited to my son and his in-laws , as they are taking two cars). At this point I'm grateful I will NOT be on the road myself.

  8. Happy Birthday! Love the coat, especially the color -- burnt orange and white are my alma mater's colors. We rarely wear coats here but I do have one, just in case. Parkas and sweaters fit the bill.

    1. It does look "burnt orange" in the photo, doesn't it? The color in the catalog called it "burgundy". We shall see what it looks like in the package when it gets here! This is like catalog shopping in my childhood!

      Of course you don't wear coats where you are, but here they are essential, especially when clearing the walks and driveways of snow and ice.

  9. Again, Happy Birthday. The coat looks exactly what I'd picture you in, except don't stop wearing your pom-pom hat!

    1. LOL! Well, the pom-pom hat will stay, for sure. And even if it should unravel and die, I'd replace it with another!

  10. Glad you spent your birthday your way😁
    Happy birthday, BarbπŸŽ‚πŸ₯³πŸ€—


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