Sunday, November 26, 2023

Black Friday and the weekend


My neighbors from Uzbekistan made me a plate of leftovers from their feast, and walked it across the street Thanksgiving dinner-time!  People are so nice!

Shokhsanam is an excellent cook, by the way!  Every time she's brought me something, it's been marvelous.  This was no exception.

And, as anticipated, the morning after the feast day the scale responded as it would.

Friday morning I fulfilled a promise to a fellow military mom.  Her son is in uniform and will be away from his family for Christmas.  The card is sitting in my mailbox with the flag up, ready to head for his APO address.

I don't do Black Friday shopping.  I haven't for years.  My whole marriage was spent avoiding it because my husband was not a fan of crowds.  I think I went once or twice in my lifetime, once with my youngest sister, and once when I was a 20-something single (I think I went with a girlfriend).  

Friday was laundry day.  Leftovers day (yummy, but easy to overdo).  The weather was overcast and cold (high was under freezing).  I filled the time with binge watching of old West Wing episodes, taking short breaks to check on the hostage release in the middle East.

Saturday we have some snow predicted.  The weather sites differed in their predictions of when it was to start and how much, of course.  The traveling party was to be driving home from their family thing.  The snow started here between 10 and 10:15 a.m.  Half an hour later, got a message from DIL that they had crossed from Missouri into Iowa.  They had encountered flurries, but it wasn't sticking yet.  

About noonish, the message came of their safe arrival home, and before snow had really accumulated here.  Yay!  A successful holiday trip!

On Friday I got the "new" Christmas tree out.  I bought this tree online after Christmas last year.  It was because the old one wasn't lighting right.  Drove me nuts!  

So... first time out of the box... the new tree did not light right.  And of course it is now long since any possibility of returning it.  

This tree is a foot and a half to two feet shorter than the old one.  The old one had five plugs that you had to organize to get it to light up the way it should.  The new one has only TWO plugs.

I could not keep away from it... kept tracing the wires.  I kept futzing with it, and finally on Saturday afternoon, with a twist of the bulb closest to the juncture... lights!

With the lights finally working, I ran out of gas!  I will save that annual trip down memory lane of setting up ornaments for a Sunday afternoon activity.

Sunday morning I got up to snow on the ground!  Welcome back, Winter!

Drive safely, everyone, the Holiday weekend is almost over!   Hope your hearts are full, you got exactly as much family gather as was right for you THIS year, and you're ready for the next few weeks.  We have only twenty-five days of shortening daylight before it starts to grow again!  

Life is good.

Keep on Sparking!


  1. What a treat for you! Those kinds of neighbors are rare.
    It's great that you figured out the light problem. Kitty will appreciate lighting his journey up the branches. 🤣🤣🤣
    The message of safe arrival home surely caused a huge sigh of relief from you. Snow overnight here with cold, north winds. Brrr! This is enough winter. I'm ready for spring. 🌻🌼
    Wishing you a splendid week. 🤗💕

    1. These neighbors moved in the first year of the pandemic. They now have two little boys, and this morning as I did a pharmacy run, I came home to see the older of them out clearing his family's driveway. Good people.

      LOL! Ready for Spring? Naw. We need a few good cold days. I'll be ready about the middle of January, I'm thinking, though.

      Wishing you a great week, too!

  2. How lovely that your neighbor brought you a Thanksgiving feast composed of foods from their home culture.

    No Black Friday shopping here, either. Honestly, nothing I need, and certainly nothing I want badly enough to get out in the crowds.

    We are having snow here, too. Started sometime overnight and supposed to continue on through the day til mid=afternoon.

    Well, glad the tree finally lit up for you! Sheeesh

    I am counting the days til the days get longer.

    Have a good, restful Sunday.


    1. Thanks, and a wonderful and restorative Sunday for you and your whole family!

  3. I did laundry on Friday, too. Which explains why I was having a hard time holding the 10lbs dumbbells Saturday morning 🤦🏻‍♀️ hindsight…
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Every day household tasks can tire the same muscles as weight-lifting. Last year it was my 8 pound mixing bowl being stored in an awkward place that knocked me for a loop for several weeks! I changed where I stored it and have not had a repeat of the problem.

      Hang in there and pace yourself, my friend!

  4. Replies
    1. Indeed! It was a great sense of success when it finally lit!

      The time is going to fly for the next few weeks.

  5. We didn't go out on Black Friday either. It was snowing, but why go out and buy a bunch of things I don't need just because they're on sale.

    You ahead of me with the tree. We need to get a new one because the lights are all out on our old one.

    That was so wonderful of your neighbors to bring a plate of leftovers for you. So sweet of them.

    Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. Have fun with your own decorating... I know it's a big deal at your place!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...