Thursday, November 16, 2023

Carl Day Care day on Tuesday


The Prisoner put a monkey wrench in the works.  He didn't go out when Carl arrived.  Then when I went downstairs to move the handkerchief laundry from the washer to the dryer, he tried to come out of his hiding place (revealing it to me), Carl came charging down the basement stairs, and Prisoner had to back up and reverse course back into hiding!

Great way to start day care, right?  I then took Carl outside to help with yard work.  We were back inside before 10 a.m.

I brought out another interactive toy:  the vacuum.  Many of you have dogs that are not vacuum cleaner fans.  At least Carl does not attack it... he does try to flee from it, get out of its way.

Then the lawn care guys showed up and I thanked the heavens that we were inside, and I didn't have to persuade Carl back in while they were there.  He jumped up to a good viewing point at the bay window, and I stood right with him, petting him while they unloaded their machines, used them got out the leaf blowers and used them, and eventually re-loaded and departed.  I was SO PROUD of Carl.  He did not bark at the lawn service guys!

Granted, he did bark at other dogs being walked past, after the lawn guys left, but he was such a good boy!

Carl:  "I know that cat is up there... I can smell him!"
Grandma:  "So we'll just close the laundry room."

Carl sulked for a bit, resigned over being at Grandma's house.  He had no clue how confining his day would have been had he been "at home."

At Grandma's house, there's the Purple People eater to deconstruct!
And there's a squeaky ball that Grandma will toss for Carl to retrieve.
And when Grandma opens the sliding glass door, there is the interactive Squirrel that runs up and down the fence-top highway for Carl to chase and bark at.  During this episode, Grandma was giggling over Carl's 4-foot vertical jump in pursuit of that pesky squirrel.  Grandma wasn't quick enough with the camera today to capture the image of the squirrel.

Carl got Grandma motivated to work on the weeds and volunteers again, too.  By end of day, four of the five available bins had been filled.

By the time his daddy came to collect him it was dark outside.  Daylight wasting time (my brother used to call it that) is in full force.

After Carl and the Mythical Son left, I opened the laundry room door and announced to the Prisoner that the house was once again his.  Prisoner squirted right out and demanded a trip outdoors.  The request was granted.  And an exhausted Grandma went to bed as soon as she could manage it.

Wednesday had me feeling a bit of relapse of the respiratory crud.  I thought it was "progressing", but I did wish the energy was back at full. Nodded off in front of the TV, unable to concentrate on anything serious. 

I did manage the "sister walk".  Being a school secretary, she's not scared of the crud... she's already had it.  We wryly mused over whether it doesn't matter what we go out and do, post-Covid, we seem to come down with something.  No wonder we turn into hermits!

Thursday morning, I woke with a sore throat.  I examined my throat in the mirror and saw that one side of my tongue looked raw (as opposed to coated), inflamed.  Sigh.  I confirmed not coming to the trainer.  Between the dust being kicked up and the dry leaves being blown about, and me getting out in it... yuck!

So, life goes on.  And despite such inconveniences, I'm still breathing and grateful for it.  Life is good.  Spark on!



  1. LOL! Yup . . . the vacuum is ‘that big, huge, noisy machine used to scare me’ in Miss Lilly’s mind. Definitely does not like it.

    Sounds like Carl had a good day @ Grandma’s house! Good boy, Carl.

    Glad you at least had energy for he Sister walk, but sorry you have the crud again. DD called today and boy, she’s got the crud, too. Thankfully she works from home, but she’s losing her voice. Gave her some self-care tips and hopefully she’ll feel better sooner than later. Since she’s had Covid twice she definitely picks up anything going around. *SIGH*

    Here’s to a good Thursday.

    Feel better.


    1. I continue to be impressed with Carl's level of mellow in regard to some things that used to drive him nuts when he was younger. This does not apply to squirrels, though... they still drive him crazy! I think he considers it a personal insult when they encroach on his yard... whether at home or at grandma's!

      So sorry about those lingering sensitivities that your DD, my sis, and oh, so many are dealing with "after Covid". I still have never tested positive, but... seem to get sick more easily than in the past if I go anywhere maskless, be it the symphony or the dog Howl-o-ween party, or to get my hair cut!

      Here's to improving! Thursday and every day! Hope yours goes well.

  2. You and Carl certainly had an action-packed day together….glad The Prisoner was able to avoid a confrontation with the house guest! He’s a master at hiding and remaining undetected! Sorry that your crud resurfaced…feel better!

    1. Thanks for those healing wishes. Seems I can use them!

  3. A busy week. Are you sure the "icks" have come round again? Maybe it's a case of still there, just in hiding. Maybe a trip to visit with your doctor? You've been feeling poorly for far too long.

    Poor kitty! In the photo, with his paw to his chin, he looks pensive about the paperwork.

    Sure hope you get to feeling better soon!! 👨🏼‍⚕️💊🤗💕

    1. LOL! Pensive about paperwork?

      Yeah, many layers under "why do I keep getting sick", "is it the same thing or something different", etc. When I was moving my Spark blogs over in 2021, I noticed how many blogs about being sick and recovering were tucked in the corners of Spark history (mine, that is).

      Thanks for the good wishes, and you're adding to my pondering over when the right time to go to the doctor might be. I have a lifetime of resistance to the idea, from childhood up!

      Hope all's well in your life!

  4. Scoots hates the vacuum. He barks and attacks it. So glad Carl enjoyed his time with Grandma, but poor Prisoner suffers because of it.

    I hope whatever crud you're fighting passes soon because there's nothing fun with feeling crappy.

    Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. LOL... I'll bet Scoots defends the furniture well from that nasty vacuum! Prisoner gets pampered in the wake of every Carl visit.

      Have a great day!

  5. Hubby seems to have the same as you, seems it is gone and then the sinuses fill up again. Really seems to hang on a long time. Love hearing about Carl and his visit - I would have been pooped too.

    1. Getting a little better each day, but I truly do have to pace myself, or that nasty relapse especially overnight when I'm laying down and trying to sleep.

      When people comment about my long blog silences, and then the flurry of blogs when Carl's around, I recognize that he gives me content, beyond the laundry, trip to the grocery or the trainer, and "lather, rinse, repeat". I generally avoid politics and religion in the blog-o-sphere. And wars and rumors of wars... so, silence at times!

  6. Sorry to hear you've got 'the crud.' I do as well, for weeks now. At first it was thought to be a sinus problem, but apparently not, or was and morphed into this. Gotta laugh; pre-Covid most of us teachers just went on into work and slugged down the cough syrup. Even if it were allowed I don't think I could do it now. Nor should have done it then; but resting as needed to heal was not a thing.

    I have started taking my morning walks in the park after speaking to the doctor; not getting enough movement in is not good for my diabetes or arthritis and I just feel more tired by the day when I don't stay a bit active. Like you, I just tire more quickly than usual. Sooo glad I'm retired.

    I do have plenty to do around here. Most of my Christmas gifts are taken care of; the Christmas cards are addressed and I've started writing notes in them.

    I hope you start feeling a bit more energy soon.

    1. Thanks for the good (and healthy) wishes. I keep on keeping on, getting a little better each day but still not the me I know at my best. I'm convinced that some of it is the waning sunlight hours, making my natural rhythm slow down, too.

      I will by on my own for Thanksgiving, and I'm grateful, as there is no pressure. I can heal as slowly as I like! I'm impressed with anyone who still does Christmas cards. I used to do a ton of them, I used to decorate my own stationery, I used to do a lot of things that I don't do any more.

      Meanwhile, I enjoy going back in time via period pieces on the TV... the new season of Julia is on HBO, and I'm savoring both that series and The Gilded Age. There's a good use of "down time", eh?

  7. After various wonderings over what is irritating my throat, I’ve concluded it’s one of my meds. Dries my mouth and throat all night, I wake up trying to “clear” the invisible nothing in my throat and sound like Barry White most of the morning! 🤷🏻‍♀️ Something to discuss at the next visit. Take care.
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Side effects to meds... ugh! Yes, do discuss with Dr. next time! We often have to diagnose our own allergies and side effects... I will never forget how my doctor laughed when I showed up with hives from the Amoxicillin! His nurse on the phone had tried to suggest it was a reaction to soap or something else, but *I* knew!

      Hope you feel better, too!

  8. Benji attacks the vacuum, so we try to run it when he’s gone - Wednesdays at daycare, or often when he’s on a weekend walk with just DH I’ll remember.
    We’d love to have you join our Thanksgiving gathering that is sloooowwwly coming together. It will be at our place, I don’t have a time yet, DH and SIL are in charge of the food. I think vegan DD has SIL making a pumpkin curry soup. Usually we eat after listening to the noon broadcast of Alice’s Restaurant. SIL’s little sister will be visiting, too.

    1. LOL! But what would Benji do if he "killed" the vacuum? Probably be very proud of himself, protecting his pack from the monster!

      Thanks for the invite, and I will consider it, but right now I'm leaning towards being a hermit for the day itself. We'll see what weather and health unfold between now and then.

      (( hugs ))


Blog delayed but no earth shattering news

  One of the more recent toy acquisitions.  We are learning to enjoy tug.  Sort of.   Both of these photos are from the sunny afternoons on ...