Just Carl and his two grandmas, Ember is off in the foreground, closer to the photographer. It was a great romp for all the dogs on Sunday afternoon, when it was over 50 degrees Fahrenheit. December, the last few nice days. Monday afternoon the rain even comes, as it will still be above freezing, but it is forecast to change to snow if it continues into the overnight. And then we will be returned to our "normal" (whatever that is) weather for a while.
But it's been great taking advantage while we can!
A tired dog is a good dog, as Ember collapses on her "hot zone" towel in the kitchen while mom prepares her supper after that outing.
I returned home to the news of Jimmy Carter's passing. I always admired him for his fidelity to his own faith. Whether you agreed with his politics or not, he did his best to live his beliefs, before, during, and after his time as President of the United States.
Rainy Day also known as Monday
The forecast called for rain to begin at 10 a.m. That would be just at the end of puppy nap #1. We needed a pre-nap car ride, and we took another car ride post-nap just as it started to rain. On car ride #2, we got a pup cup. Have to have some rewards on car rides, to keep her interested in getting into the car.
After the pup cup we did achieve a sugar crash, and some good couch puppy time. I can feel my own body relaxing as I sit with my pup and stroke her gently as she naps.
After the sugar crash we got outside between some of the light showers to take care of business, and I cooked a couple of eggs, one for her, one for me, at lunch time, and then she kenneled up for a proper puppy nap #2.On the human front, I cleaned off my vanity and vacuumed under my computer chair. It's not much, more like what my mom used to call "a lick and a promise" rather than a full cleaning, but it counts.
She may have destroyed the couch, but it saved the area rug... temporarily, at least. My son says she no doubt knows I'm not pleased with all the destruction, and she'll not do it as much. I remain skeptical!
The weather made it a tough day for Ember. It took quite a while and luring to get her into the crate after supper before "last call". Same story after last call.
Tuesday morning, last day of the year 2024!
Made it through the morning and the drop-off to doggy daycare. I have a spare 20 minutes until I need to leave for my workout, so I'm going to wrap this blog up.
In retrospect, 2024 had its ups and downs. Ember and I had our own ups and downs. But on the last morning of 2024, we had some precious couch time as well as a happy drop-off. I may not be very good at "managing the environment" to stop her from rehearsing undesirable behaviors (like chewing up my furniture), but nothing matches feeling yourself relax into your bond with your dog.
"Look, Ma, I skinned the cow!"In 2025, there won't even be the start of the pebble calendar. It went away in 2024 when Ember's reach got to the buffet/sideboard where I had kept it. My bookshelves are either empty or behind closed doors. I don't keep the computer where she can get to it.
Later, after my workout, I may do some rearranging of things, or I may choose to go get my hair cut! I have let The Prisoner back inside and opened doors for him to wander. Before I go get Ember, I will have to button things up again. But in the meantime, the kitty has his domain back!
I hope that Ember will come home good and tired, with her extroversion satisfied.
Life is good. Spark on!