Monday, June 21, 2021

Day 15: In the Spirit of SparkPeople - realistic goals


The trusty Spark mug
It's morning, fellow refugees!  Monday morning, at that!  How did the weekend go?  Are you assessing how you did?  Giving yourself some kudos, or some corrections?

I was getting on the scale this morning (yes, I'm one of those "every day, pop up on the scale and see what it says" types), and patting myself on the back, before a number would even appear.  Because I *know* I've been doing the right things for myself.

I know I've been eating my fruits and veggies.  I know I've been drinking my water.  I know I've been getting some moderate (and fun) activity in, and regularly.  OK, maybe my sleep hasn't been as long as I'd like, but it's summer time, and the sunlight does linger!  But I'm mentally giving myself credit for doing the things that I know will support my health and well-being.

So when the scale pretty much said, "meh!", it was NOT going to bother me.  Instead, I went down the path of, "I did NOT do the weekend overindulge and see the scale RISE thing!"  Good for me!

You see, for the pandemic year, and if I'm honest with myself, pretty much since retirement, I've been on the old path of the yo-yo... being good "for a while", then indulging for a while.  This is NOT a good path, and I know it.  It's how I got to my highest weight back in 1989, and how after maintaining a healthy weight for nearly five years, saw it head back that way in 1994-1995 (worst rapid gain, ever!)... etc.  What I have learned since is to look at the reasons for eating, to do the mental emotional work needed to understand what feelings ARE, and try to recognize and deal with them before having to do a post-analysis when I find my spoon at the bottom of an ice cream carton!

Back on the path of self-care with more consistency for the past few weeks, I am well aware that so far, this is NOTHING in the timeline of self-care.  But it *is* a motivating start.  

Some things we just have to forgive ourselves for if they throw us off track for a while.  And we have to remind ourselves regularly that we are worthy of that self-care, "no matter what".  The important message to self is to treat this ONE day as though it is the only one I have.  Because it is.  

So let's take care of ourselves, with good nutritious food, with moderate activity, with hygiene, with mindfulness... and with compassion for those selves on this one and only Monday, June 21, 2021 we'll ever get. Let's LIVE, for LIFE is good!💗😍🙏🙋

Spark on!


  1. I think you had a marvelous weekend!! Mine was also pretty good!! Daughter/son-in-law took us out for dinner Saturday for Father's Day and we didn't indulge in the ice cream with the grandsons afterwards. DH has been working hard on his health ever since a pre-diabetes diagnosis came a couple of years ago, so it's easier for me now. Last night we had cottage cheese and plain yogurt with tons of different fruits for dinner. Delish!! We still have fruit in the bowl to use so my breakfast wasn't the usual with fruit, yogurt and grapenuts. Guessing we'll have the same dinner or else I'll have it for lunch...

    1. Finding the joy in healthful choices -- that's us! Have a great Monday.

  2. So great to find you over here from Spark! Trying to figure out how to comment.
    Third try!

    1. You figured it out! Thanks for popping by and have a great Monday!

  3. This really spoke to me: "Back on the path of self-care with more consistency for the past few weeks, I am well aware that so far, this is NOTHING in the timeline of self-care. But it *is* a motivating start."

    It is a lifetime commitment and, yes, it *is* a motivating start.

    Glad you're acknowledging the things you're doing to take care of yourself and are not overly focused on a data point on the scale.

    I know you love Mondays. Enjoy it!


    1. Yes... Mondays are a celebratory day for me, for no particular reason. Hope you have a good one, too.

  4. As long as we recognize they are just data points, and that it's not a matter of "static" ideals, a daily weigh in can give us insights into how our bodies react to our behaviors... what their natural rhythms are, etc. Thanks for stopping over.

  5. This blog was very worthy of a copy and paste. My Yo-Yo pattern has a deep grove in my landscape. I bold faced those words about self care.

    And this IS what I need to remember. TY
    What I have learned since is to look at the reasons for eating, to do the mental emotional work needed to understand what feelings ARE, and try to recognize and deal with them before having to do a post-analysis when I find my spoon at the bottom of an ice cream carton!

    1. You never know where you will find what you need for the day. That is the power of community! I can't say I am 100% effective at preventing lapses, but I'm a lot more alert to the tendency now.

  6. Absolutely I can "hear" the commitment to self-care in this blog . . . and the confidence that the results you want (physical AND emotional AND spiritual) will follow. You ARE on the "good path" now . . and that's the most important thing!! There's joy in your life and in your commitment to YOU.

    1. LOL! And all it took was for Spark to announce its demise to REALLY put determination into my attitude? Sometimes it seems that way... put a little adversity into my life and I fight back by taking better care of ME.

  7. That's it! We have to absolutely forgive ourselves, move on, take care of ourselves the best we can with the knowledge we have @ that moment.

    I am a daily weigher, too. BUT I mark it down, and look @ the trend. If the trend is in the wrong direction after a weeks time, time to look @ is it problems w/nutrition, exercise or both? And make a course correction.

    Thanks for the share.

  8. Appreciate the pep talk. PHOENIX1949

  9. Much appreciation for this pep talk. 🤗

    1. More to come. Today I got brave enough / enough stored energy to use... to start archiving the blogs I had saved. I put them here on Blogger, in a separate "Blog" called "Spark Archives: blogs and success stories from the past". You can get to it via my profile. I will work on them when/if I have time & energy, but you might be interested in the "Nobody TRI's Alone" one, since you're in it.

  10. I get on the scale every morning but the number doesn't upset me like it used to. I know I am doing my best.

  11. I tried quinoa for the first time yesterday, the jury is still out on whether or not I’ll have it again 😕

    1. It took me a few experiments with quinoa before I found a way to cook it that worked for me! Nowadays I will sometimes add it to a rice or beans dish, pairing it with spices like cumin or chili powder and tomatoes. I've had it other ways, including in some take out salads... but it's not an every day grain here.

      Trying new things is fun, but they don't always make it to the regular lineup.

  12. Emotional eating ... yuck, poo. Just as I think I am winding down .... blimp, I'm at it again.


    1. Be kind to yourself. Another way to soothe? Bubble bath?


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...