Saturday, November 30, 2024

The exercise of gratitude may be "over", but...

 Thankfulness is an everyday job.  I just don't post it publicly most of the year!

Ember:  What does this "in, or out?" thing mean, Mom?

While playing with Carl on Thanksgiving Day, Ember got a small cut under her eye.  It was truly small.  We in the family are a little bit paranoid after Carl's similar injury (but on his snout) got infected and needed stitches, a year and a half ago.  

Ember's little scrape, though, is healing nicely, and even showing hair growth.  I didn't notice it this morning and forgot to look until a message from my daughter in law reminded me to do so.

Today I posted one more thankful on FB... today I am thankful for tea.  I'd posted gratitude for coffee early in the challenge, but today I'm feeling a little stuffed up, so tea is the beverage of choice.  It is soothing, and I drink my tea "black", no lemon, or sugar, or milk.  Earl Grey, Hot.  Like Jean-Luc Picard.  

I'm trying to keep a low profile today with the hopes of being well and able to go to Zoo Lights with the family on Sunday evening.  Meanwhile, the weather has swung to the "colder than average" range, and Ember still wants to lay in the threshold of the sliding door, not caring whether it's 21℉ or something more balmy.  One good thing:  I am noticing myself become acclimated to the seasonal temperatures.  This is good because 21F, or 17F are only the beginning.  The negative temps will be coming... tomorrow starts December, and we have three weeks of Autumn remaining before the solstice.  Somebody in the TV weather community started announcing that December 1 marks the beginning of "meteorological Winter", and in fact have moved up the seasons by those three weeks all year long!

Here's hoping that everyone has a blessed and peaceful weekend as we lead into the season of holidays... which holidays depending on your own faith.  

Life is good!  Spark on!


  1. Sorry to read that you are feeling poorly.
    The weather outside is frightful! "Only a dusting," they said. "Fine snow with blowing," they said. "No accumulation," they said. "They" lied. We now have 3 + inches of snow. My phone is blowing up with all the wrecks in the area and on the Interstate. At least it will be back to 40* by Tuesday. I'm grateful that I was/am prepared.
    With the pup in the open doorway, I predict higher heating bills.
    Stay warm. Stay safe. Hope you feel better soon. 🫖💊

    1. Higher heating bills? Predict? Guarantee! Even if she doesn't stay there and delay the door closing, just all the opening and closing will boost the heating bill!

      Yikes! 3" of snow? We got your "only a dusting" up here.

      Thanks for the get well wishes.

  2. Tea day for me, too. Chamomile for the tummy! Works wonders.

    Glad that Ember’s little cut is healing.

    OH boy, it is definitely cold here, too. Snow flurries this morning, more tonight, and Monday. Then again mid-week. C’mon Mother Nature! We would be perfectly fine skipping winter!

    Stay warm!


    1. Oh, dear... seems it's that time of year when everyone is exposed to everything! Between the teeth in transition and a tummy upset? Hope you feel better soon.

  3. I can't remember how many times we ask Tigger to close the door when she comes back in. After all she can get it open, you would think she would be polite and close it but no that is what she has us slaves for. - LOL Have a great day and feel better soon.

    1. LOL! Clever critters, all! Thanks for the good wishes. I'm slowly improving, but still napping every chance I get, and counting on Ember to exercise herself with outdoor zoomies in this cold weather!

  4. ALICIA363 Oh, I do hope you’re feeling better for Zoo Lights!
    This cold snap has wreaked havoc on my sinuses. It’s not allergies and indeed, I feel better *without* those meds! Experiment of one. Sigh.

    1. I called it a "hard no" on Zoo Lights early Sunday morning. I'm glad I did because I had no energy, and they were able to find a friend to invite who was able to make it. I'm still not at 100%. First time Ember has been put in the position of dealing with a Mommy who just isn't feeling well. She's doing pretty well, all things considered. No leash walks, Mom just can't. Backyard visits short, Mom has little stamina and Ember doesn't like being outside alone, but she put up with it a few times Sunday.

      We made it through Sunday, now embarking on Monday with some improvement. Mom ate breakfast. We'll see how that sits.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...