Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Indian Summer

I really do know it's still officially Summer for two more days, but there is this magical post-Summer season that we used to call Indian Summer, back in the day.  The sunlight may be waning, maybe you've even had the first hard freeze, but then there is this stretch of unseasonably warm weather.  I've always been a fan of Summer, but this extra bonus of Summery days was a favorite of mine, even as a child.  This Tuesday morning I was savoring 78℉ temperature, morning angled sunshine, and a light breeze as I headed out to pick up a prescription.  It brought back poignant memories of years past when Indian Summer would be savored on walks to and from school, and the playtime between school and supper.

I snapped a photo that turned out to be quite fuzzy, but in it you can see that our trees are still green.  The sky is completely clear.  It is an unusually warm one by afternoon.  The TV news informs me we have broken the record for the high temperature, at 103℉.  On September 20th!  Expect a cold front and weather coming through tonight.  Tomorrow's high will plunge 30 degrees, compared to today's!

I've taken a nap or two after that marathon with all the Royal funeral coverage on Monday.  No trainer workout Tuesday, as the track meet (the trainer is also a track coach) was scheduled for early due to the heat.

Yesterday one of my nieces posted that she'd gone out for the first time in a long time (she named three bars she went to), and that she now has tested positive for Covid 19.  Yikes.  This is a young woman in her 30's.  She declined to tag the friends she'd gone out with but she was posting a heads up for them to get tested.  So, no matter what the President says about the pandemic being over, the plague is still out there, so, cautionary tale, eh?  Glad I got my latest booster.

Has anybody else caught that they are resuming the series Quantum Leap?  I used to love that show, and just watched the initial episode of the new run today.  Promising start.  It's on NBC, which I don't get, but I added Peacock, so I'll have it.

Short one today... remember to take care of yourselves!  We Spark refugees really do know how... we've got those rules down.  It's just a matter of following them!  And remembering that we are each and every one of us worth taking care of.  After all, even the Queen, come the end of her reign, ends life as simply "a child of God".  As do we all.  Be kind to one another.  Give each other the benefit of the doubt.  And live in peace.

For Life is Good.  Spark on!✨πŸ’–πŸ”₯



  1. I remember my mother always hoping that Indian summer would come around Halloween so we could trick or treat without winter coats. I can remember a couple of Halloweens when it was snowing.

    Our local NBC channel has been on the outs with Dish since several months before the pandemic. It's amazing how you don't miss what you don't have. I figure it's NBC's loss.

    Going for third booster next Thursday. Cleared my calendar for several days following because if it's like the others, it will kick my butt.
    It's not over...it's playing hide and gotcha!!

    1. Wise to allow time for booster side effects. Mine were relatively mild this time. I laid low Saturday, enabling me to go ahead and kayak on Sunday, but Monday between the sleep deficit for funeral watching, and the shot, I kind of laid low again. Tuesday I'm back to "normal" whatever that is for me these days.

      I also remember a couple of Halloweens with snow... notably the year my son was in 4th grade in Iowa. That year was the one and only time I was in a car with other moms while our boys ran from door to door. It was the first time I heard Jeff Foxworthy's comedy, and I nearly died as one of the other moms was a smoker. Funny the stuff you remember, eh?

  2. Yes, Indian Summer was here for the past two days in the high 90's, but we're going to be cold the rest of the week. I'm so ready for the cooler months.

    1. Hope you're liking Wednesday morning up there in Colorado. Our high temp here was just after midnight, and it's down under 70 already this morning. Looks like a great day ahead.

  3. Yup, covid is not completely gone as some try to say. Mom's home always does a test when you come to visit and you have to show your proof of shots and keep a mask on for the full visit. So far I still get thumbs up to visit but you never know.

    1. I'm glad they are careful, to protect your mom and the other residents. Better safe than sorry... and I'm sure you and your family are being careful for yourselves, as well. It's not spreading as wildly as it was before there were vaccines, thank goodness. But there is much that we're still learning.

  4. It sure was unseasonably warm here in Rochester MN (here for Jason’s post op check up). It reached 90! Unheard of. Usually the trees are beginning to show their colors, but really, very few have color right now. Weird weather. But today, high of 65, so more seasonable.

    OH no. Sorry one of your nieces got COVID. YES, the plague is definitely still among us. **SIGH**

    Here’s to a wonderful Wednesday.


    1. The patterns of change and the speed of changes in the weather are interesting as I scan my fellow blogger's local reports. I can read Paula's and expect my local weather will follow along in a day or so. Yours and mine seem to be on a par, although our separate latitudes may have a different high or low by about 10 degrees. Community is wonderful.

      Have a fine Wednesday!

  5. Seems the general public hearing the pandemic is over means letting ones guard down. The past two weeks my brother and his wife (mid-70's, vaxxed and boosted, mask wearers outside of home) have tested positive and taken a course of Paxlovid (twice for her). Today both testing negative and fingers crossed no Paxlovid rebound for him that she experienced.

    Medical facilities that I've been in recently have upped their safety protocol with COVID still active and flu season upon us.

    Ages ago, Dr. Fauci spoke about hopes of it changing status from a pandemic to endemic (like flu). It seems to be time for a very public announcement about the differences in status.

    "The U.S. has a chance to move COVID-19 from being a pandemic to an endemic, which 'means that the disease is still around but that it's at a level that is not causing significant disruption in our daily lives,' said Dr. Parodi, an infectious diseases physician."

    Source: 01 Apr 2022 AMA article excerpt from https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/public-health/how-we-will-know-when-covid-19-has-become-endemic#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20has%20a%20chance,can%20be%20at%20high%20levels.

    1. I reached out to my niece to make sure she was "doing OK" despite the diagnosis. She tells me she's taking Paxlovid, because "whenever I get sick it goes straight to my lungs". She feels better, but of course is still taking care of herself.

      My Dr.'s office is a testing site, so masking required there. "Significant disruption"... yeah, it's not so much that. A little extra hassle to mask up, a little paranoia, etc. BTW, did anybody think "mass spreader event" while watching the big funeral? Just saw a blip that says Queen Margrethe of Denmark tested positive after attending. She's 82... wishing her a full and speedy recovery.

  6. We’re supposed to be in the high 80°s again over the weekend and into next week.
    I’ve been catching the old episodes of Quantum Leap; when they were on I was a kid and our TV only ‘spoke’ Spanish back thenπŸ˜‰
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. We started out with a high of 81 on Wednesday, right after midnight, and it dropped from there. I think I would enjoy watching a TV that speaks in another language... in fact, I did, while on assignment in Italy. Learned a great deal of Italian that way... watch old episodes of "I love Lucy" or "Star Trek" then go to work and ask the Italians who spoke some English what this or that word meant. Also church services in both Italian and then English helped. Having studied Spanish in high school gave me a "romance language" boost. I was very puzzled that the Italians didn't understand Spanish, or the Dutch understand German, as it's kind of like a Bostonian understanding Texan...

      Hope you're having a good week, and I don't know about you, but 80's are MUCH better than 100's!

    2. I’ve gotten bf to watch movies we’ve seen over and over(in English), in Spanish! The voice over actors make me laugh, but he’s learned new words, for sure. Knowing some of the script helps.
      80°s are definitely MUCH better than the 100°s!!
      -RunKeeper Dee

    3. It does! I had to smile at your mention of the voice over actors... Lucy doesn't sound like Lucy in the voice over... until she sings, and then they don't bother with either voice over or translation. Oh, and the Star Trek was a rip because when they spoke Klingon, the closed caption was in English!

    4. Definitely a rip off! 😁
      -RunKeeper Dee


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...