Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Wildflowers and hair day

Fall wildflowers are in bloom below my deck.  

On Friday, I decided I'd had enough of my hair growing out... I kind of get it cut, then forget about it for a while, ignore it getting irritating, and then eventually... "off with it"!  Last time I got a haircut, according to this blog... April 11th.  So 5 months and twelve days!  No wonder it was driving me nuts.

Should be good now until about Christmas... or at the very least Thanksgiving.

Interesting conversation with the stylist, as I was the first client in the door that morning.  They had been working through some confusion in their salon's schedules.  It brought to mind when I used to work a job that had schedules that varied, week to week.  I had dreams about failing to check the schedule for years after I left that job and moved on.  

This led to discussion of how these days everything is online, and you just print it off.  Back in the day when I had that job, you had to write it down yourself, because, gee, PC's didn't start to enter the picture until I was halfway through my 15 years in that company.  The web didn't show up until another 10 years beyond that.  Technology changes how we do everything!

Speaking of technology, the various video platforms make it possible for so many to publish "content" that it gets crowded.  As Big Brother rolls to a close, I have to break myself of YouTube, where all the various commentators on the live feeds move on to other shows, and I don't care to get sucked into any of those.  

On Saturday, my neighbor across the street brought over a share of his produce... it's wonderful when the neighbors grow more than they can use, and nothing's better than home-grown tomatoes!  

I'll have to figure out how to use them all.

He told me that he was just back from a trip to London!  Oh, my goodness!  He was over there while the UK was going through all the National Mourning thing.  He said he did not get to see nearly all of the things there are to see.  But he did get to the British museum, which was a goal for him.  He did not wait through the line for the lying in state, but he certainly did see the crowds.  He had a purpose in being there, but it wasn't the Queen's funeral.

Sunday night:  the Big Brother finale.  I was happy with the choice of the final 2, and either one of them winning will make US regular BB season history.  As it turned out, Taylor Hale, Miss Michigan USA, became the first female of color to win a regular season of Big Brother USA.  I was fortunate in having another former Sparker who was a fan of the show doing a "facebook watch party" with me, swapping reactions back and forth.

The season had elements where discussion of racism and colorism were front and center, especially as one player used it as strategy to further his game.  Because of the reading I've been doing (White Fragility), I saw elements of how automatic the defense mechanisms of being white play in, and also how people of color have been living with the inequality their whole lives.  I never watch in a vacuum, my experience of this game is always spiced by what's going on in my everyday life.

Slept late Monday morning.  Do you ever have times in life when you just feel LAZY?  That's me, lately.

Tuesday morning I had my workout with the trainer, then got a wild hair and decided to make the appointment for my flu shot Tuesday afternoon.  I filled out the forms on my phone, and even got an e-mail confirmation of the appointment, but when I got there, they couldn't find them and so I had to fill the forms out on paper, all over again.  Still, despite that short hiccup, got the shot in the opposite arm to the one I got the Covid shot in.  All set for the Fall and Winter.

Daughter in law to be has invited her parents and me to join the youngsters for a pumpkin art outing a week from Friday.  Awesome.  They will drive, so I don't have to drive at night.  Even more awesome.  Glad the son's fiancé is one of those family centric people.

My niece that has now recovered from Covid is plotting a garage sale this coming weekend, so there is a loose plan for me to make my way over and visit her.  It's been WAAAAAY too long since we've seen each other.  I think it was a 4th of July party, over ten years back.  We've stayed in touch on line, but just move on different ends of the clock!

It's been dry here, and it's starting to get more seasonal in the temperatures, but I hear other Spark refugees have had weather!  Here's hoping those in Canada that got pounded by Fiona and those in Florida that are being targeted by Ian stay safe and don't sustain too much damage.  I know a drought (such as we're having here) is also bad weather news, but it's not as immediate a threat as hurricanes and wild fires can be.

So everybody, take the best care of your health you can manage, one day at a time, and we'll keep on keeping on.  

Life is good.  Keep Sparking!



  1. Nice haircut. The older I get the shorter mine gets cut. During the pandemic, when I refused to enter any kind of shop and I was cutting my own, using the clippers for a super short cut was very tempting. The only humans I saw for 2 years were the guys who delivered my groceries curbside and those here at home. No one would have cared.

    Those cherry/grape tomatoes are eaten here like candy. They are sooo good!

    It's pumpkin season...everywhere...everything. Enjoy the pumpkin art with your family. Is it a participation event or spectator? Maybe both?

    A good time of the year for a garage sale. Cool weather brings out the people. We've had a couple of cool mornings here this week. House plants have been relocated to their inside home. Tomorrow morning the temps are predicted to be in low 40s/high30s. I'm going to open the house and run the furnace for the first time to eliminate the burned dust smell. Turning on the furnace won't happen until the low temps hit freezing. Hot tea and sweater works for me.

    Covid booster this Thursday. I'm ready to be down and out. It happens every time. My wonderful daughter made chicken soup and has it in her freezer and I'll pick that up when I stop to pick her up, too. She promises she will get her booster, too.

    As usual, I've gone on too long. Have a sparkling week. Stay safe.

    1. Go on as long as you like, Jeanne! I always plan for the "down and out" time, even if it doesn't happen, and if it doesn't happen, I count it a gift.

      The pumpkin art is spectator for us... I forget how many artists contributed, I think it's 50 or maybe even more. The display runs for about a month, kind of like a Christmas tree light show. Since we had a family mini-golf outing in September, are having this thing in October, then for US Thanksgiving November, Christmas in December... the holidays / family gathers are upon us.

  2. I'm glad your niece is recovering from Covid. I'm getting my booster in a week. I also need my flu shot.

    1. They tell us we can get them same time now. I once again dragged my feet, but at 10 days apart, I'm getting closer. Onward!

  3. I am like you about haircuts but now my hairdresser books me at regular intervals so that I keep it neat. If it was left to me, I would be months until I didn't like it anymore and then get a radical cut. I like yours. There is a covid outbreak in mom's nursing home, she tested positive yesterday. We shall see.

    1. LOL... that's me and my dentist and doctor... at each appointment, they sign me up for the next one. I was honest with the doctor when I first went to him... if he left it to me to call and make the next appointment, he'd never see me again!

      So sorry about your mom's testing positive. I do hope it's only a mild case and that she recovers well. I know it must be hard to not be able to go visit, due to the rules at the home.

  4. Heat your non-stick skillet with a bit of olive oil. Halve the tomatoes and place cut side down. Add chopped onion or garlic don't stir and let the tomatoes start to char. Stir it up with herbs of your choice or fresh lemon juice and a bit more oil and serve on a bed of lettuce with chicken or shrimp. Can do the same with pasta.
    Or just eat 'em plain!
    Nice haircut!

    1. Sounds delicious... and I haven't used them all yet. In fact, I sent a few home with the Ace after our Wednesday walk!

  5. To your comment on Val's blog...Wash socks. I was told you don't know someone 'till you wash their socks.

    1. LOL! I don't believe that was the one I grew up on, but I love it!

  6. Your hair cut looks nice! I get mine cut next week and it’s @ that irritating stage, too.

    Oh my, those tomatoes look fabulous!

    The British Museum is breath taking. Was there in 1975.

    Glad you got your flu shot. It’s making the rounds. That’s on tap in this household on Saturday.

    Enjoy seeing your Niece Family time is so renewing!

    Yes, keeping all those recovering from Fiona and all those still being pummeled by Ian can get on w/recovery – it will take a long time. I feel for them!


    1. 💖 I gave some of the 'maters to my kid sis, and cooked up some more, and still have some left for future use! I'll have to touch base with the niece tomorrow to see if we're still on and best time to stop over.

  7. I cut my hair based on the Farmer’s Almanac 🤭 on a day to increase growth, usually after summer, but 1 We are still having very hot weather 2 I recently swapped hair brands and it seems to have gotten rid of the crunchy feeling ends. Now I’m not sure when the cut will happen; maybe just a reshaping trim🤷🏻‍♀️
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Funny thing about hair... it challenges us all, but often in different ways! Sounds as though you know your own challenges and that some of them are different this year? And in a good way, too. Farmer's Almanac is good for so many things!

    2. I remember in high school it was: The straight haired girls wanted curls/coils and the curly haired girls wanted straight hair. I was a straight haired girl, but now it seems the shorter I cut my hair the more it curls! So there is that bit to take into consideration as well.
      -RunKeeper Dee

    3. "The grass is greener"... as the old saying goes. Yes, I wished for thicker hair, mine being so thin and fine, but I was OK with the color... strawberry blonde. I remember being told as a child that shorter hair would curl more. My older sister's hair was thick and wavy/curly... mine would not hold a curl at all. My sister's senior photos and her wedding picture... wow! For the hair. Oh, well... we both have the thin fine gray kind now! Lesson to be learned? Be grateful what you have and careful what you wish for, right?

    4. I remember my straight hair not holding a curl either 🤔 I also remember getting it permed in 10th grade. I tolerated it only a few months and had it permed straight😳 I desperately wanted to be a red head, too 🤦🏻‍♀️ I cut out all the damaging nonsense in my mid 20s Grew out all the dye. I’ve donated 19 and 14 inches of hair to Locks of Love… I’m actually waiting for the grays to come in, they are few and far between still.
      -RunKeeper Dee

    5. You are so fortunate to be able to grow enough hair to donate, and to have it keep its color is awesome. It likely benefitted by your dropping all the damaging stuff when you did.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...