Thursday, September 22, 2022

Spilled coffee


Not a good way to start the morning.  I was dressed a bit nicer than usual on Wednesday, as I had a meeting schedule for mid-morning.  I still follow the practice of being dressed "down to the shoes" before heading down for my first cuppa.

In any case, I paused in my coffee making to fill the kitties' dishes. I absently clicked the button before doing so, neglecting to place the mug under the spigot.  Yikes!

Fortunately, there is a catch basin under the grid, and I was able to put a mug under before it overflowed, but still managed to splash a drop of coffee onto my trousers.  Sigh. 

It's been cooler, and nothing was going to stop this from being a good day.

It turned out to be mostly that.  The meeting went well, plans were laid in place for the next year, and I came home to get on with it.

I checked in with the niece who'd come down with Covid, and she's doing better, on Paxlovid.  She's young (40's), but has always had respiratory things settle in her lungs, so being proactive with it.  I'm glad she's right on top of it.

Later in the day, I heard from my son's ex wife... with sad news of her cat, Kalimdor, passing away overnight Monday.  She's devastated.  I remember when she brought the two kittens into their home, 13 years ago, while he was deployed in the desert.  The other one passed rather suddenly and unexpectedly, two years ago.  

Time is so strange... it seems like both forever ago, and just yesterday.

That's about it for the "slow news days"... here's hoping my old Spark buds are making each day a good one, and taking care of their health and well-being!

Life is good.  Spark on!💖🔥✨


  1. Surprise for me! When I clicked on a previous link to leave you a message, here was a new post from you. Do you get notices when you receive a comment on your previous posts? I've looked for you on the Google former Sparkers page, but don't see anything that says it's you.
    Anyway, knowing that you are a Star Wars fan as I am, I wonder if you have Disney+ and have seen the new offering "Andor"? Disney streamed the first 3 episode yesterday. Started a bit slow, setting up the characters, but it didn't take long to gather some speed. I plan to watch all 12 episodes.

    I truly miss the Spark days when it was possible to leave comments on a page or send a private message just to chat. AND...edit after delayed proof reading of which I am sooo guilty.

    It sounds like you needed your coffee before the kitties needed their food. ;-) It's been a cool, beautiful first day of autumn here. Coffee tasted especially good this morning.

    Glad that your niece is recovering from Covid. I've waited until the last minute hoping my shot next week will take me through the winter in good health. The numbers locally have been on the rise again. Scary!

    Have a sparkling evening.

    I'll leave you with this:
    use or pressure

    1. Sent you an e-mail, 'cause I don't know if you get notified when I comment back or not. And I recognize it's a lot of work to keep checking back! And I too miss being able to go to a Spark page and just leave a comment!

  2. Gotta love the Spark mug, Barb! Glad you were still able to have a good day despite the coffee mishap.

    Sorry to hear about your former DIL's cat passing. It's hard to lose our fur babies.



    1. I still have three of them that haven't yet broken. In ten years if they survive they'll be memory mugs. Kalimdor was a Siamese/Burmese mix and he had the softest fur! He will be missed.

  3. Oh a Spark mug! I should have gotten one of those, but sadly did not. I've sometimes had a K-cup in the machine and just wanted water and made a mess.

    It's never easy when a pet goes over the rainbow bridge. She must be devastated beyond.

    1. This one was a gift after I broke one I had purchased. I have broken three, over the years, and given one away. And you are right, my former DIL is indeed devastated. Kalimdor was her baby!

  4. I think back on pets that have past and still feel sad at the loss and for her because they were her company when she was alone that makes it so much sadder. Huge hugs. Miss the spark fun too. Have a lovely Friday!

    1. Pets very quickly become family, don't they? And especially if you live alone, even if you have relatives nearby. They are furry faces to greet good morning and say goodnight to. Have a fine first Autumn weekend!

  5. “Both forever ago and just like yesterday” -SO true!!
    I was faced with this just this morning as I got my hug from my nephew (another trip around the sun for this old gal). He’s at least 2 inches taller than me now (at 13) and I remember holding him in the hospital telling my sister: He will NEVER, EVER, EVER be this little NEVER, EVER again. She cried and snapped a photo of us. ***sigh***
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Happy Birthday, my friend! Oh, my... memory flashback to my son at age 11 putting on his dad's old Army uniform, and it fit... (the suit coat part of the Class A's). Already as filled out as his dad had been at 20. Hug that nephew tight, 'cause they keep on growing!

    2. Thank you!
      We’re in the awkward side hug phase 🤭teenagers🤭

    3. OMG, Dee! I remember that phase! It's the "I don't want to know my mom knows about this kind of stuff"...

  6. I recently heard a segment on NPR from a woman who wrote a book about why we keep getting pets even though we know they will die. Dang, this aging brain, I can't remember the title or her name. I'll get it.
    Just got back from a 2,000 mile road trip and did not wear my mask once. We got cocky. So far, so good. When I'm tired of cleaning up emails, bills, laundry and other things, I'll post a blog with pictures to bore my old Spark friends. I believe I'm down to about 4 here on a good day.

    1. Welcome home, and may there be no "after effects" of your travel. Sounds about right... we love those furry companions! It's someone to talk to, that isn't gonna talk back!


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