Sunday, September 18, 2022

The world spins on!

Sunday the 18th of September was the last day for the kayak rental company, and my friend and I reserved the earliest we could, at 10 a.m.

It was a cool and peaceful lake as we paddled out, and I had to snap at least (and it turned out only) one photo of the sunlight on the water.  That's Gerri over the bow of my little kayak.

I dutifully got my booster shot on Friday, and watched for the side effects, which were similar to what I'd had with the earlier shots.  Not as severe as with shot #2 of the primary series, which I think was my strongest reaction.  I did not take any meds in the wake of it, did have a bit of a fever (99.4 ℉) on Saturday, and took a couple of naps.  

I was fine in time to kayak, which was the goal.

Between naps, I did continue to watch the coverage from London, and was fortunate enough to catch the vigil of the grandchildren in "real time".  When you consider how spread out the Queen's children were, it's not too surprising to see the range in age of the grandchildren, the youngest being a 14 year old.

Being me, I was doing math in my head about the length of that line and when they will have to cut it off, so as to be done by 6:30 Monday morning, UK time.  I'm pretty soon we are close to that time when they will shut it down, but also the crowd may be self-selecting itself "down" to respect the security needs for the funeral itself.

While paddling this morning, my friend and I did a catch up, and I found out she has a regular funeral, of the father of one of her co-workers, to attend tomorrow in Omaha.  I know there's a lot of fuss over the loss of the Queen, but everybody's ordinary cycles of life, death, mourning, birth and celebrating... is continuing.  

Both my friend and I have new great-nephews, both they and their mothers doing well.  

I had to laugh at the most recent video my daughter in law to be posted of Carl at the dog park.  He joined a game with another dog, who was bumping a balloon in the air with its nose.  The owner of the other dog picked up the balloon and passed it to Carl, I presume hoping the dogs would pass it back and forth, but NO!  Carl popped the balloon, thinking this was great fun.  He was not, as some pups might be, put off by the noise.  So the owner of the other dog offered "the kids" a few balloons, and they are trying now to train Carl to NOT pop them.  I wish them luck, as my tummy keeps jiggling in amusement!

Here's your reminder to hydrate, especially if you're under drought conditions, as we have been around here.  We got some rain yesterday, but not enough to counteract the lowering of the lake waters.  You can see where the lake has got smaller.  

Life is good.  Spark on!



  1. We're going to pull an all-nighter and watch the funeral live. I've been watching the coverage too. I'm sure its going to be unlike anything I've seen before.

    I'm so glad that you got your booster. We're scheduled to do it in a couple of weeks. I usually have a reaction for twenty-four hours.

    1. I'll probably sleep and wake up for the actual service... my normal sleep cycle. Early to bed... early to rise. I'll think of y'all while I watch, knowing you're interested. I married the year that now King Charles married then Diana Spencer, and my new husband and I got up at the ungodly hours to watch it live on television, in the days before VCRs and DVRs were in our household. I'm kind of hooked on the pageantry... I also listen to the live "Lessons and Carols" Christmas services from Westminster ... they pretty much match those of our local church, with the exception of the accents reading the texts and giving the sermon.

  2. Maybe Carl was showing how smart he is knowing that those things pop. Wow, last kayak paddle of the season.

    1. Maybe! 😊 The weather is still nice enough to paddle, but the rental place is done for the year. That summer sure went fast!

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful kayak trip. LOVE the picture of the sunlight on the water. So beautiful.

    LOLOL! I can see Carl popping that balloon! Good luck training him NOT to pop balloons!

    Hope you feel better now after your vaccine.


    1. It was lovely. Now to get my sleep straightened out after my time-zone shift to watch the funeral doings!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...