Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Indulging exhaustion


Sleep, wonderful sleep!  I've been indulging in "catching up" on the sleep I missed last week and the adrenaline I expended in dealing with Carl and his doggy-injuries.

It's been a week on Monday afternoon since Carl went home.  I have heard from the young couple that their vet has him scheduled to get the stitches out on Friday the 12th of May.  They figured out a better cone attachment method, looping the collar through the loops on the cone.  Makes it harder to take the cone off and on, but also stabilizes it, and he can sniff the ground better, so Carl is living his life.  He should be done with the meds by now.

The cats have resumed their normal control of the household.  

It is the year when we get new physical license plates for the cars at renewal.  You know they decide on how long to keep the plates?  Is it based on how long it takes to memorize the alphanumeric soup of the plate number?  Once you've finally memorized your plate number, they issue you a new one to learn all over again?

I was pleased with myself that on Sunday afternoon, I took out the Phillips head screwdriver and put the new plates on.

I had skipped going to the grocery store Sunday morning or afternoon, and only found out Monday morning that there was a bomb scare at my regular store on Sunday!  Turned out to be a hoax, you know the kind.  Anonymous call, cause a stir, but nothing found.

On Monday, I started on my "financial planner homework" and discovered a wealth of things I am going to have to make decisions over.  

The simplest should be the standard "Last Will and Testament".  Who should be the executor?  Do I really want to put that burden on him/her?  What about a backup if that person is unable or unwilling?  Is the default of a person's "share" going to their children even appropriate?  So I suspended it for a while, to contemplate and maybe ask a few questions of the people impacted.

I decided I'd had enough of my hair blowing about and getting in my eyes, and got it cut on Monday.  

Then I got groceries before coming home.  

Correction from prior blog:  I noticed on the news coverage that my impression of 8 pounds for the crown's weight was a bit "over".  They are reporting (CBS, which is reputable) that it's more like 5 pounds.  Either way, wearing a 5 pound weight on your head and having a 70 year old neck holding it up?  A feat of strength!

Tuesday morning it was back to the trainer.  Life goes on.

And life is good.  Spark on!


  1. 8lbs, 5lbs, still had me thinking if he had any strength training program prior to the day. Might sound silly, but I’m with you about his age. Regular things become more difficult to do, and this is one thing he HAD to do for himself!
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. I did see on various programs that the woman (head of privy council) who had to carry the ceremonial sword throughout the ceremony had done "press-ups" to train for the event. That's Brit for push-ups, I believe. She did have nice looking arms, clearly result of training!

  2. It's still heavy!
    Nice haircut, I like your natural color.
    Interesting about your plates. Ours are for the life of your ownership of the car.
    We did estate planning back when DH was not promised recovery but could understand what was going on. 9 years later(yes!) we are going to go back and tweak a few things. Ours was soup to nuts with medical and financial administrators as well as wills. Made me feel in control! Good luck to you. It's a gift to give to your family that you've taken decisions of their shoulders.

    1. About the plates: this is the third physical set for this car. We get them, then stickers for five years or so, then new plates. No idea why. Every state I've ever lived in did them differently.

      20 years ago when I was newly divorced, I did will, power of attorney, living will (health care POA, here)... and you're right, it was the same "made me feel in control" sort of deal. Since that time a lot has changed. Children have grown up, one sibling has died... you know, life happens! So, yes, re-doing.

  3. speded2 (Jeanne)May 9, 2023 at 7:20 PM

    Personalized plates are on my car. In Missouri, we get stickers for the plates, good for two years, with the year of expiration, no plates to change. A piece of cake!!

    I've been working on Swedish Death Cleaning. I've mailed boxes and sent packages of various items the kids have asked for over the years. Two weeks ago, I paid for my cremation and the necessary death certificates. I purchased my urn shortly after DH passed. I'll join him at the Veterans' Cemetery and be placed in his niche. No services.

    We did not designate an executor. The will divides everything equally between all the children. Bob's parents and mine, had all the arrangements made before they passed. It made things much easier, no arguments, no decisions; it was all done they way they wanted.

    Nice haircut. I'm past due. Hopefully, next week.
    Keep sparking!!

    1. You're making good progress on the Swedish Death Cleaning. Arranging and pre-paying departure expenses is something we just "do" in the family. My folks did, dad's sister did, my great-aunt specified her service down to the "family is not allowed to speak, but friends are". It really does make things easier.

      Our plates also use the stickers, but they design and issue new ones about every five years or so. Third set on this car.

  4. Your kitties are beautiful…I know they are happy to be back in usual- routine- mode! I’m sure Carl is happy to be back in his pack, as well!
    My Mom did a thing called POD or “payable upon death” with her lawyer…no probate court involved…worked very well. We, on the other hand, living in FL , cannot ask our busy, Midwest inheritors to settle the estate..so we have our legal firm as the executors. They do this for a fee, of course. Never easy to face these decisions BUT I feel so much more at ease knowing it’s been handled and there is a plan.

    1. It really is a kindness to the kids to take these things off their hands!

  5. It's nice to see the animals getting back to their normal. Glad to hear that Carl is doing better.

    My mom put her will together when my dad passed. Once a few months passed we went back and she made other changes. It takes time and something to think about. Hope you figure it out.

    Have a great day!

    1. It does take time and thought, and should not be pushed down the road too often or you'd end up like my brother, with only about half the things you'd thought about done before you go and it's someone else's problem!

  6. Part of my decision was, who would do as I requested and who would not want to deal with it. The DD who would go to the ends of the earth was the best choice for me. Whoever goes second will probably have to update the will but for now it is good. I learned a lot dealing with Mom's stuff last year. For a fee the lawyer will help the executor though so they won't be on their own and so does the funeral home.

    1. Exactly. I remember my mom and her father made a pledge to one another about not being hooked up to machines, as his mother had been during her final days. That influenced their decisions: who would be able to stick to what you decide you want during your own ending days. If you don't execute a health care power of attorney (living will), someone will be stuck with deciding for you!

  7. Glad that you’re catching up on your sleep! Hope all is well w/Carl.

    LOL! I believe you are totally right about how they decide to issue new license plates.

    Huh! Was it a Meijer’s? We have 3 Meijer’s in the vicinity and all were evacuated due to a bomb scare. Apparently a threat was made to detonate a bomb unless the caller received an active gift card. Glad I wasn’t in the store on Monday! And yes, it was found to be a hoax here, too. **SIGH**

    At our ages, DH and I really had a hard time w/the executor decision. Have left it where it was @ but will have to make some changes.

    Like your haircut. Looks nice on you!

    Here's to the rest of the week being good.


    1. Nope, we don't have Meijer's around here. It was a regional chain, though, and just this one store affected.

  8. Photo of our cars w/license plates clearly visible on our iPhones and on my phone I created an even quicker access by setting up a Contact named LicP's and on the Company line put in the letter / # combo. When I read Benjamin Franklin's autobiography in my 20's something that stuck with me was that one should not waste time recalling details as long as one knew where to look them up. In the older days I loved my office and home Rolodexes with heavily cross-referenced cards!

    Been 'nagging' about updating our legal paperwork for a couple of years and preplanning funeral services but it hasn't happened. We're each other's backup first followed by two siblings as Estate Primary & Secondary backups; however, one asked to be removed and the other has moved away and works impossibly long hours. I'm having surgery next Monday to remove a cancerous bladder tumor and take many biopsies from surrounding areas & spouse gets the results next Tuesday from his recent biopsies of a mass with an 80% chance of malignancy. Bothers me to not have things lined up as I would like.

    Today we finally got all our damaged trees cleaned up from the ice storm in February. Our formerly beautiful Crepe Myrtle tree is now a scraggly bush with some promising green shoots. Our front lawn's grass died last summer and was scheduled to be re-sod this afternoon but we've had heavy rainfall and it's too wet to cut and 80% chance of heavy rains tomorrow through the weekend.


    1. Smart ideas for quick reference of license plates. I've already got this one pretty well down. My mom used to give us pneumonics to remember: Heavenly Tree in a Sick Zoo was one, many years ago, and I still remember it!

      Hope all goes well next week with the medicalizaing. Always good reminders to "update" legal stuff.

      Can I borrow just a little bit of your rain? We might get some overnight tonight, even so.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...