Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Revenge of the felines

Did I mention that Rubia practically goes feral when Carl visits?  Well, she decided to come back inside and take over her proper place in the house after he left.  But she has retained some of her feral habits.

Example:  I received my box of biocoffee in the mail yesterday.  As I was opening it this morning, Rubia wanted to "play" with the box, and was in the way (as she often is).  I went to pick her up and move her, and she bit me!

May we say "Really?  Did you have to be that clichรฉ, Rubia?  Biting the hand that feeds you?

Anyway, I tossed her outside (she was not happy) and then washed and bandaged the hand.

I don't think she's sorry.  She was begging to come back in shortly after, and is back to her normal inside nuisance behavior, "helping" with everything.

Following my first workout back at the gym, and a soothing shower, I took a nice nap, before relaxing into a house full of purring kitties.  Who'd have thought two cats could take up a whole house?  But they do.

Carl, meanwhile, is soaking up the attention back at son & DIL's house.  Lacey is off work for a few more days, unpacking, doing laundry, and seeing that the invalid canine eats his meds.  She's using the peanut butter treat method, which was what I was going to try if I ran out of turkey!

I washed the bedding and the cat throws, and called it a day.  Tomorrow will be soon enough to tackle the furniture throws and the rest of the laundry.

Life returns to "normal", whatever that is...

but it is good.  Spark on!


  1. Oh no! The Prisoner must no be a happy camper. I don't miss those scratches that the cats would get me. It's nice to hear everyone including animals are getting back to their normal.

    1. The Prisoner is a bit of a suck-up, so his reaction was rubbing against and purring. It was Rubia who in a "don't you touch me" move, bit my hand. Later she went into purr and infringe on the lap mode.

  2. speded2 (Jeanne)May 2, 2023 at 8:42 PM

    New revenge wounds and scars were my prediction. Those kitties were highly p.o. d to be booted out by a dog. ๐Ÿ˜ธ Hopefully they won't hold a grudge. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. Nope, not holding grudges... they are happily taking over and asserting their dominance in the domicile.

  3. Tigger is feral but as we are apartment dwellers she does not go outside at all, but don't bother trying to pick her up or pet her. Hopefully Rubia gets back to her sharing the home self soon.

    1. Thanks for the good wishes. If I lived in an apartment, clearly I would not be able to take in the dog for a week's stretch! Rubia wants attention when she wants attention, and not otherwise. Just now, she's stretched out on the end of the table and twitching her tail, and classic cat behavior signaling alert irritation, but suppressed.

  4. Cats.
    I never warmed up to them although they are pretty. Glad I don't have any in the family. Give me a dog any day.

    I'm sure you are enjoying your almost back to normal household.

    1. One laundry load at a time, yes, getting back toward normal.

  5. That Rubia…just a bit of a reminder from her to you that she was less than thrilled by your allowing Carl into her space!! Cats are so very interesting! Hope you are getting back into your pre-Carl routine!

    1. Part of it has to be me, having to switch from dog body language to cat body language. Working on routine re-establishment. Next challenge: in three weeks or so, checking in on my sister's geriatric cats while she goes road-tripping with a retired teacher "extra sister".

    2. Make that a not-quite-retired yet teacher. Which is why it's not for a few weeks... school's not out yet.

  6. OH my gosh! Rubia bit you???? Yep, I’d have le her be outside for awhile to cool her jets, too!

    I bet Carl is soaking up the attention from Mom and Dad. Peanut butter is Miss Lilly’s treat of choice. And w/the peanut butter, she cannot (usually) spit out pills.

    Hope Rubia settles down and that the routine returns! Take care of that poor hand!


    1. Yeah, I let her cool her heels for a while, but then let her back in. Peanut butter works for Carl, too! The hand is healing. I may be old, but the body still works at healing itself for this kind of minor thing.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...