Wednesday, June 28, 2023

People I know are dropping like flies!

Last Thursday I missed a memorial service for a former co-worker.  Over the weekend, I learned that another former co-worker has passed on.  This morning, it was someone I met in a weight management (local) group.  I mean, I know we all have to go sometime, but it seems as though the losses come in waves, and I'm in the middle of one at the moment.  

These are not super close folks, mind you... we're all retired.  Two of the three, it was cancer, so in some ways you are grateful for a ceasing of suffering.  Cancer sucks!  BUT!

In any case, another of my former co-workers is seeking homes for two cats that belonged to one of the departed.  I took on Cyndi via the same former co-worker, years ago, and she lived a few months at my house, surviving a careful separation from Diamond, the GSP (also long gone by now).  In a fit of compulsive compassion, I started asking her questions about the two kitties:  how old, male/female, indoor/outdoor, how old, etc.  I'm pondering over whether Prisoner and Rubia would tolerate the introduction of newcomers.  And at the same time, a part of my brain is screaming "NO!  Lacey is horribly allergic to cats!"

I'm hoping, therefore, that someone else beats me to the punch.  This is Nicky, one of the kitties in need of a new human.  

And this one is Max, the other of the bonded pair.  

There was a trio of us at the old workplace, including the recently deceased human of these cats and the gal who is trying to find them a new home, and myself, who all had shirts that looked very much alike.  

We used to get the giggles if two or all three of us wore that shirt on the same day.

Me in my version of that shirt, Halloween 2012.  The baby?  My great-niece Ivy, who now lives in Philadelphia.

Life goes on, and is still good.  I'll let you know what happens with the kitties, and hopefully it will be that they have a fine new home soon.


  1. What beautiful cats, especially Max.


    1. I found out after I posted this that there is a third cat, a 16 year old female in need of a home. But they want the two boys (above) adopted together. I saw a prospect post on FB for them, so fingers crossed.

  2. It seems that the older you get people you know start passing away. The cats are beautiful. I do miss having a cat around and have entertained the idea of getting one, but I don't think Scoots would like it.

    Enjoy your day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. See, that's the thing... once you have expanded your family for one pet, any addition has to take them into account. Sometimes it can be good for them, but after watching Prisoner and Rubia fighting on my dining room table this morning... thinking it's a "not here".

  3. Compassion tempered by Lacey's allergies. Family over felines? πŸ€—πŸ’•

    1. Yep. Plus Prisoner is "getting up there" in age, and I don't want to disrupt his life just now.

  4. Ooooh I know how tempting it is to take in more cats, but our Tigger would not be happy at all and we would have to pass. I don't know if your kitties would be happy with the newcomers either. You might have to hold yourself back about it.

    1. I think I have successfully overcome the urge... but we'll see.

  5. ((HUGS)) Our own mortality sure smacks us in the face when you lose so many you know. Hmmmmm …. That is quite a decision to take on 2 more cats, but I hope for the best for them. Yes, it’s hard dealing w/allergies. I am allergic to cats and DD has 2. I can be in their presence for short time as long as I take my Zyrtec. Nicky and Max are beautiful creatures!

    Here’s to a good Thursday.


    1. I saw a post on FB this morning of a gal who might take them both... fingers crossed! As for the allergies, Lacey can only enter my house masked, and for a very short time... no sitting down and having tea or anything like that. In her case it's "carry the epi-pen" level allergic.

  6. Hopefully, someone will save you from your self’s good intentions!!
    Your head knows the answer BUT your good heart is rebelling!
    They are beautiful …. Eissa7

    1. Thanks. You have that right... the head-heart battle!

  7. My DD2 had to be resuscitated last year due to cats so one will never enter my family!
    I feel for the feeling but between your current felines and not only Lacey but Carl's visits, it might not work out.

    As to people leaving this life, it seems to come in waves for me. Currently all the bad 'juju' is elsewhere.

    1. Yeah, that bad juju is in my neighborhood! I can totally understand choosing people over cats. Or dogs. Or any animal. You know that Garfield is drawn by a cartoonist who cannot have a cat because of his wife's allergies.

      I'm gratified that someone else is stepping up to adopt these two, it looks like.

  8. The 28th marked the first anniversary of my moms passing. Seems like much longerπŸ˜”
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Time doesn't have a steady flow, does it? ((( hugs ))) for that anniversary.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...