Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Prisoner's diary

 Mom kept telling me my nephew Carl was going to come for a visit, but I wasn't believing her.  Then Saturday came, and so did that noisy canine.  I fled to my tree hiding place.

Meanwhile, Mom comes out of the house every day to talk to me (whether I come out from the tree or just meow from within its safety).  She leaves offerings of food and water.  If I come out she pets me and tells me I'm a good kitty.  She always tells me I'm safe and that Carl is shut up tight in the house before I put in an appearance.  Even though he's inside the fence and I'm outside it is not enough.

At least the weather has been nice for a camp-out.  And I'm an indoor-outdoor cat anyway!

This is my hiding tree.  I get under those branches and mom can hear me, but can't see me until I decide it's safe.  It's really a neighbor's tree, but I'm a cat, and don't respect property lines.

The beast that plagues me with his barks!

Oh, yes, Life is Good.  And Keep Sparking.


  1. Hang in there, Prisoner. Stay safe outside and know Carl won't be there forever!


  2. Poor kitty. You reward your mom with purrs when you rest on her lap and she banishes you to an outside tree when the "beast" shows up for a visit. 🌲🐈‍⬛

    1. Mom wants to make it clear that *she* does not banish Prisoner, he banishes himself!

    2. Another thought: this can be revenge training for when a tree sprouts inside the house after turkey day. 😼

  3. Prisoner is one smart feline to hide close enough to home to keep an eye on the canine Carl situationπŸ˜‚! He knows, that for him, it’s a temporary inconvenience…hope Carl is settling in and allowing you to get some sleep! Eissa7

    1. Prisoner is indeed smart... that's how he's survived to the ripe age of 12, so far. Carl was willing to let me sleep last night, but my brain would not shut off and the insomnia monster visited me from about 1 a.m. onward. I stayed in bed and closed my eyes, and eventually gave up and got up at 4. Oh well!

  4. I'm sure you saw my photo of Jaguar Lucius camped out on my couch between 2 of the big dogs. He keeps them all in their place!

    1. LOL! Prisoner is a lover and a flee-er, not a fighter. Although I'm sure Carl would fall in line if Prisoner pushed just a little.

  5. Oh, you know Prisoner will be glad when Carl goes home. Thank goodness the weather is good. :)

    1. Only two more days, Prisoner. Two sleeps, and two full days.

      Meanwhile, Carl gets spoiled. And Prisoner a little bit, too. "Breakfast in bed"?

  6. ❤️ a Prisoner blog.
    -RunKeeper Dee


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