Sunday, October 15, 2023

Scrapping posts and editing

Two full weeks have passed since I last posted.  In those two weeks I have started and scrapped content, but not posted.  

I wrote a bit on the first of October.  This month starts to bring the calendars from charities.  They come from charities I've donated to in the past and from charities that want me to donate this year.  I love wall calendars, and date books, and planners.  They also send address labels, most of which I shred.  I so rarely send snail mail any more.  I don't even bother to keep the "purse sized" date books any more, as my phone takes care of that need.

Then I wrote a bit on the Monday that marked Thanksgiving in many countries around the world, including Canada, so hope it was a Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrated.  

Over on Facebook I started posting my gratitude of the day.  I was finding it heavy lifting, even though there is much good going on in my personal life.  The news on so many fronts and for so many people has been a huge downer, and I find myself considering how much personal privilege is reflected in what I am grateful for.

The brick masons came back and power-washed their work.  I wrote them a big check and they went on their merry way to the next project.

On Monday the 9th, I got my latest greatest updated Covid-19 version.  They didn't have the Moderna one, so I accepted the Pfizer one.

Funny thing about the Covid shots... I develop amnesia about the side effects / reaction, every blasted time.  And this one had a kick to it, mostly hitting overnight and all day on Tuesday.

Wednesday brought a reprieve from those side effects.  I noted that Facebook pushed a 14 year old memory photo at me:  the day I put my son on an airplane and did not see him again until the following August.  A whole lot "went down" in the intervening months.  The passage of time does not make it all whole, and every time the world goes crazy, those not so great memories are stirred up.  The tendency to withdraw from life comes with that stirring, but one cannot let it win. 

My kid sis made it over for our walk, Wednesday afternoon.  We had not walked for a couple of weeks because she had been ill.  So she became the first to look over the brickwork and pronounce it good, in person.  An online friend or two did a check in because I hadn't blogged in a while.  Wednesday night I got a call from my son, and we talked through a lot of the stuff.  

Then Thursday, I was sick again!  "Did I overdo on Wednesday?", I asked myself.  "Is it the weather front coming through, and the allergies?"  "This can't be side effects still!"  Regardless, I tried to take care of myself with OTC medications, hydration and watching carefully what I consumed, going for "mild".  Thursday and Friday were pretty well spent hiding in sleep, days and nights.

Saturday the 14th, I was still not up to much, and didn't get up until about 1 p.m.  At this point, I wanted to avoid the news as much as possible, and realized it was Ironman World Championship day in Kailua, Kona, Hawaii.  This year only for the women, as they have split the race into independent competitions for the women and the men, splitting both the date and the location.  The men raced in Nice, France, in September.

So I joined the online streaming coverage well into the bike ride for the professional women.  I rooted on my favorite, who went on to win, and savored the commentary by the stars of years past.  When Lucy Charles-Barclay of the UK was crowned World Champion I rejoiced.  I think I have followed every year she raced Kona, from the year she was an age-group World Champion through four second place finishes as a pro, to this year.  She's earned her place in triathlon history!

During all of this I've managed to do a few things that needed doing, like laundry and vacuuming, and making sure The Prisoner got the door opened and closed for him, as well as fed.  He tried to comfort me, being a lap cat to purr my worries away.  He's such a good kitty, and he's been with me for all but the first few weeks of his life.

Anyway, now it's Sunday, and I am up and cooking breakfast.  Life does have its ups and downs.  And sometimes there is great sorrow and tragedy in the world.  But still I have to cling to the tag-line:

Life is good.  Treat yourself gently.  And Spark on!  Grieve as you need to, but let yourself carry on, too.  


  1. Life, is life, one of my friends used to say. It happens and we deal with it as best we can.
    Here's to a more settled week ahead.

    1. Don't know if we'll get a more settled week ahead, but there is always hope! And so right that "we deal with it as best we can".

      (( hugs ))

  2. Glad that your masonry project is done. Yes, lots of $$$, but it’ll last. We had the house painted (was supposed to happen in the Spring, but that’s for another day). Glad to have that done. Parted with some hefty $$$ but so worth it.

    Got our Covid and flu vaccines. Have my physical tomorrow and will find out if the RSV would be recommended for me. Pretty sure it will be.

    I totally get it. With all the insane goings on in this world it reminds me of when DS was in Afghanistan . . . the concern, the worry.

    Hope you’re feeling better by now. LOVE the picture of Prisoner. Such a handsome fellow.


    PS I really like the advice to grieve as needed and carry on. That is exactly my mission lately!

    1. If anyone can understand "that year", you can! Clearly it's been stirred up for you as well by all the news.

  3. Retreating into soothing music here to help destress from the news. It apparently triggered PTSD from my early 20's when a boyfriend who served in Vietnam went mental toward me and threatened, stalked and harrassed me for a year. I thought I had put the memories of that time on a shelf long ago. Apparently not.

    Praying that the evil unleashed all over the world becomes contained or, better yet, eliminated.

    Take care of Barb.


    1. President Biden's words, from a speech earlier this week, that he "used to think that hate could be" I forget if he said destroyed or overcome... but he went on to say "it never goes away, it just goes underground". It echoed life experience. We are not as civilized as we think we are, and violence begets violence, hate begets hate, and we live in a very fragile place. May your music sooth you, and I join you in your prayers for the removal of evil or at the least its containment.

      Take care of yourself, too!

  4. I thought I'd have a reaction to the shot like I normally do, but nothing this time. I was shocked because I get a 48 hours crud but was fine this time.

    With the horrors on the news this week I had to change the channel. Normally I don't let things get to me, but this was just too much. I just put on some playlists while having breakfast and cleaning up instead of the news.

    Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. Smart move. You are not the only one I know who has turned to music (or prayer and meditation) to self-care as an alternative to the strident voices on the news.

      Hope you have a good start to the week!

  5. It's so nice to see your return. Kitty comfort must be like a warm hug.

    Children who chose military service cause memories to surface for their parents. Like so many years ago, I read Matthew 5:1-12. It brings me a bit of solace.

    Take care of you and keep the faith. ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’•

    1. Made me look... that is a wonderful passage to turn to! Thanks for the pointer.

      Did you hear that there is research that says a cat's purr is self-healing? That's a nice thing to know, considering how comforting that purr is to me as a human!

      Take care of you, too!

  6. I used to donate to a few charities, too (stopped when I stopped working) I love the calendars still.
    I’ve (foolishly) scheduled the booster AND flu shot together for tomorrow afternoon, each one separately gives me ALL the side effects, so now together? I’m expecting to be down and out all week. I’m running all the errands early tomorrow๐Ÿค”I should add soup to my list, since it’s food and hydration in one.
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Good idea about the soup. I'm almost all better now, but still have the Fall allergies / weather fronts changing thing a bit, but not as severe as a couple of days ago. Thankful for recovery and resilience. Even if it does take longer than when I was "a kid"!

      Be safe, and may the side effects from those shots be gentle on you!

  7. So happy to get caught up with you, I was starting to worry as my only place to find you is here. Hubby is down with a cold this week so it seems to be going around. Huge hugs and have a good week!

    1. One of the ways in which we "miss Sparkpeople" is that we are the diaspora of the online life cycles. I have contact with some on four different platforms, including this one, but boy, it's a lot of work to keep up with everyone. This one means a lot to me, as writing is an outlet for me, and the others are shorter updates, a line or two at a time. Some of them I read more than I write because they are "busy", like a big party. I'm more of a "chat with one or two in a corner" kind of lady and don't feel like I'm lifting my weight in the busier settings.

      Sorry your hubby's got that cold! Never fun. Chicken soup and tea and sympathy sent to your house!

      Hugs back (the internet kind where you can't catch any yucks that might linger), and have a good week yourself!

  8. The vaccinations can be quite the thing; early in the fall I got the current flu vax, and in the other arm the rsv vax. The rsv was a lulu; I did not feel well for several days. However, last year my fellow mother-in-love wound up in icu with rsv, so especially as I tend to travel in the autumn I feel the benefits are worth the side-effects.

    Yes, the news can be overwhelming. I limit the amount of new coverage I ingest, and am careful to avoid most televised news coverage, opting for print coverage from more than one area of the planet. Television news so frequently amps up the fear and drama, which I don't care for. To be sure, there is plenty to be concerned over, but so many news reports fearmonger which does not good to my way of thinking. I do pray over what goes on, but then move on with the day given to me and search for the joy in it. I'm glad you were able to tune into something enjoyable and exciting to redirect.

    I returned from a road trip a couple of days ago and have been absolutely exhausted. So, I've been getting a bit of extra sleep each night, taking a short nap in the afternoon and am riding my stationary bike each day to get back up to speed. Tomorrow I'll commence my morning walks again. I think all the sitting around yakking and driving (4,000+ miles over seventeen days) rather than my regular routine wore me out.

    Pets are just the best company, so I'm glad you have The Prisoner to be your companion.

    1. I agree about the television "news" and when things get so bad, I cringe at the questions the "reporters" even ASK. Good heavens some things are obvious and some things are too soon to even think about, and please stop salivating at the possible "fight" you hope will push clicks! Yes, change that channel, for sure! Not that we don't need to be informed, BUT! Print coverage is fine, too, if it's not more of the same.

      Don't know about you, but it takes me a couple of days to "settle back in" after a trip... that extra sleep is doing you good. Enjoy those morning walks!

      (( hugs ))

  9. Just starting to catch up on these blogs I’ve missed. Your “we are not as civilized as we think we are” resonates with me. ~Ace

    1. Sad to say, it remains true. Hang in there, kiddo!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...