Saturday, October 21, 2023

Tuesday and beyond

I love the angle of the sunlight, shortly after sunrise on Tuesday, October 17th, lighting up the trees across the street.  The clouds slightly pink-tinged, and of course the Halloween decor showing what time of year we are in.

I was back at the workout with the trainer today, feeling good to be moving.  Since I'll be missing next week's workouts (both of them), I'm glad to be getting to this week's pair.

Why will I miss next week?  Because Carl is enough to handle!  He's arriving for a six day visit on Saturday.

I've been watching the vote for Speaker of the House.  Paint drying?  I can't get myself too worked up over this.  "Qué será, será!"  Praying for progress, but know this is not something under my personal control.  My prayer at such times is "Thy will be done", right?

The news gets worse.  Tuesday afternoon I went out to fill Dexter's tank as there are discount cents-off expiring at midnight.  

I decided to get something soothing to bring home:  no sugar root beer and ice cream... for float.  In a Spock glass, for extra comfort.  I wonder how many days I can make this last, at one float a day...

In online news:  OMG, the kids have decided that Carl needs a bathrobe.  The jury is still out as to how well this prevents the dog shaking his bath water all over the house or not.  But it made me think about Paula's Scooter, and his extensive wardrobe.

Thursday was my last workout with the trainer before I get my Carl visit. 

Friday morning I went to the grocery store to bring home that roast beef so I have training / bribing material for his visit.

The Prisoner hopped onto my lap Saturday morning, for a last purr session before Carl's arrival.  I observed a red fox trotting across the yard and crossing the street to head down into the park. 

At 10 a.m., right on time, the canine guest arrived with all his gear.  The mythical son gave his mom and his dog one last hug before heading out for vacation time with his wife.  

Grandma is counting on Carl to help keep her motivated for yard work while the weather holds.  We went out to check the perimeter, and clear off the steps to the lower part of the backyard.  Grandma came back in covered in prickles!

Carl, fortunately, has a coat that doesn't hang on to the prickles, but Grandma's sweatshirt sure does.

The next six days should be busy ones, with canine fun.

Life is good.  Keep Sparking!



  1. My week, as expected after the double shots, was a complete dud. I’ve been sleeping a lot. Still this morning, missed the gym for sleeping in. One of my arms is still bruised (I chose one arm per shot). I’m still debating they gym class tomorrow, I’m sure the body will decide for me.
    Have a great week with Carl!
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Listen to that body! Full recovery, assimilation of shots, leads to happier days ahead.

      (( hugs ))

    2. Another day of nothing. Tomorrow I will try crossing off some errands, to shorten the list a tad.
      -RunKeeper Dee

  2. Enjoy the Carl time.
    Live long and prosper.🖖🏼

  3. Dang, those stickers drive me nuts!
    I can't imagine how they can get the robe on him before he shakes! He does look might dapper.
    I have been glued to the TV/radio as well trying to figure out how our government is supposed to work.
    Enjoy all your stuff. I'm resting after having my flu and covid shot yesterday. So far just blah.

    1. I hope your "side effects" are mild, and that you give yourself permission to rest fully!

  4. Oh you made me smell with the mention of my little man. Right now he's in his Halloween jammies. He does love his clothes.

    Enjoy your time with Carl. I need to get out and finish cleaning up the yard.

    Have a wonderful weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. I read fluent typo... I'm sure that was "Smile"! I can imagine his Halloween jammies.

  5. ohhhh a root bear float in a Spock glass, my kinda a lady ;) Have fun with Carl! I am sure he will cover for those missed workouts for sure. Have a fun week!

  6. Oh boy, Carl time. You will be busy.

    *SIGH* Yes, the vote for Speaker of the House is frustratingly like watching paint dry. BUT, as you say, cannot do anything about it except hope and pray these politicians come to their senses. *SIGH*

    That root beer float bring back childhood memories of the many floats my Dad would fix for us. So good!

    Awwww, Carl does look pretty cute in his robe! LOL And wow, he has expensive bribe material taste . . . roast beef! LOL

    Holy moley! That’s a lot of thorns! Glad that Carl wasn’t affected by it! Sheesh.

    Hope that you have a good time w/Carl!

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Yeah, if I had a long-haired dog it would be a nightmare. I have to "deburr" Prisoner every time he comes inside.

  7. At first glance, I thought you had a run-in with a porcupine!

    Carl's robe and his sitting stance show a true star/champion.

    Root beer and Dr. Pepper floats were a real treat in these parts. Many years ago we had two Root Beer Stands that had the best in town. Our home-made floats were pretty good also.

    My recent surgical biopsy report follow-up was this past Friday. Mixed bag, but overall good news for the time being. No 'definitive cancer' cells in new growth. 'Atypical' cells that will need closer monitoring. Another round of weekly treatments to begin next month (similar side effects like chemo with exception of hair loss -- would have been a pretty drastic change to go from thick, wavy, waist-length hair to a bald head).

    Spouse's feedback last week was that the radiation seems to have taken care of things and he will repeat labs in January and again in May. Then, with good numbers still in place, an annual PSA reading at PCP's to watch for any changes.


    1. Thank goodness it wasn't a porcupine! Carl does seem to do well posing, doesn't he?

      I see what you mean about a mixed bag with the biopsy, but 'No definitive cancer' is worth taking. I once had a mole removed that was 'atypical' but wasn't "yet" cancerous, even though of a type that could go that way. Good luck with the treatments. And excellent news for the DH's labs.

      We just have to keep on checking up on ourselves, don't we?

      Happy Sunday!

  8. Oh, root beer floats bring happy memories. My family didn't have a lot of money when I was growing up, but sometimes my dad would take my older brother and me to the A&W for a rootbeer float. It was such a delicious treat on a hot day.

    1. Sounds as though our upbringings were similar. With five kids and one earner, rootbeer floats were one of the small joys we got as special treats. Of course back then no A/C, so no wonder it was such a treat for us!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...