Friday, March 8, 2024

Words Carl knows

New family game one February Saturday morning.  The kids have created a shared list of "words Carl knows", and all of the group are contributing to it.  

Surprising?  Carl knows "Guinness" as well as "Beer"!  Who teaches these to their dog?  Turns out Guinness is the name of one of his doggie friends from the park.  He knows several names of dog friends and he knows my Prisoner's name, too.

I noticed that I use a different set of words with Carl than his "mom" and "dad" do.  Kind of like a little kid knows that when at Grandma's house we habla EspaΓ±ol.  Not that it's a foreign language, there are enough English words to build whole different dog-vocabularies specific to whose house he's in.  I use longer / more words than they do.

"Out" versus "Outside".  "In" versus "Inside".

Silence, repetitive nature of life, "am I weaning myself from blogging"?

It's been nearly a month since I posted a blog.  Yes, I'm still breathing, but when I'm being a bit of a hermit, and life just gets repetitive, and all I'm writing about is life, because, gee, you don't want to be controversial or offend someone by talking about politics (which is going to be taking up a lot of space in my brain for some time here)... well, silence tends to ensue.

The medical stuff keeps on trickling on:  had my annual mammogram as rescheduled. I've received the snail mail "it's normal" letter.  I finally got off the dime and scheduled the "every ten years" colonoscopy... has it really been ten years?  Yes, it has.  Sigh.  The verification of the phone number was enough to make it clear:  they still had my land line on record.  The verification of insurance, same-same, I was still working and on work's insurance back then.  The kids will provide transport and monitoring, but the appointment isn't until June.

Of course, the kids' lives are far more active and interesting than mine.  My son started a new job the last week of February, but he hasn't entirely left the old one.  The two of them finished up their foster parenting classes, and have an up-coming home visit the end of March.

I have been sorely tempted by photos/videos of puppies, born the end of January, and hand-raised by a trusted person.  BUT, I know better, so have resisted up to this point.

The Girl Scouts are selling cookies in their little booths, in rotating spots for limited hours.  I am pleased with myself for having resisted this food temptation, as well.

See?  The end of February, beginning of March... it's a time when change is in the air!  The time when you're likely to get your hair styled differently, change your diet or exercise plan, or, in my case, call up the lawn and landscape people and schedule an evaluation / advice appointment.

Friday morning comedy

The repetitive part:  a dusting of snow, and a grocery order pick-up.  

But then, in my rush to watch a taped show (the finale of The Traitors, on Peacock)... I managed to try to balance my oatmeal on a knee, and whoops, slip, slide, spill...  The leg of my jeans, the pet cover AND the slip cover on the couch, and the carpet!  Yikes.  No, I did not photograph the evidence, but I ran for the paper towels, mopped up, stripped the couch and now am on my second load of laundry associated with my home-grown slapstick of the day.

Had Carl been in residence, I would have had less "clean up on aisle ten", because he loves oatmeal and blueberries, and would have slurped it right up, but The Prisoner is not tempted by most human foodstuffs.  But there you have it, a klutz story to lighten up your day!

Hope everyone has a good Spring-forward (why are we still doing this) weekend, and that the warmer weather returns soon!

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. glad you're taking care of yourself. That's hysterical that Carl knows Guiness and beer. LOL My father would be proud of him. and yes, they learn different words from different people. They're smart!

    Good luck w/the colonoscopy. As each year progresses, seems like the calendar fills up w/more to do's medically. Ah, the perks of aging, eh.

    Yes politics occupies a portion of my brain, too. That, and prayers.

    HUGS and do take good care.


  2. I am like you, pretty much a home-body which means not much new either and so I blog at the end of the month instead of repeating myself. I am with you also when it comes to daylight savings. In never ceases to amaze me that people have forgotten the year that we kept it for the full year and it was deemed a failure as children were going to school in the dark. I listen to people going on and on at keep this DST and shake my head, no wonder history repeats and repeats as the world never ever remembers anything. Sorry I too, stay silent about most things as well in order not to rock the boat.

    1. P.S. I love the words Carl knows, Tigger know quite a few too. :D

    2. This morning, my DIL posted a photo of Carl with a "who, me?" look on his face. She caught him licking the books on her bedside table... LOL! Wonder if he plans to take up reading next?

      Yeah, I prefer standard time because of the light in the morning. I live on the western edge of a time zone so standard time works better for year 'round for me. Those on the eastern edge find that daylight savings (so-called) works better for them. I really do believe the reason we're still doing this is because we can't agree on which would be better. We don't like switching, but we don't like the workday / school day not aligning with hours of daylight, either. So... Spring forward it is!

    3. Yes, it is really tough to get people to agree on anything. I think Tigger would take up reading but she would insist that I hold the book for her - LOL

  3. There are times when silence is not golden. Your faithful readers worry when you go silent. It's nice to read what's been happening in your part of the world. Have you read "Lessons in Chemistry"? She had a dog who could converse with her...sort of.

    Wednesday night I ended my political fast that began several weeks ago. Thursday morning, after reading the take-away opinions, it began again. My anxiety level diminished greatly when I left the political world behind.

    Good luck with the colonoscopy. Medical insurance and billing has become a real nightmare for many. My annual check-up comes due in about 6 weeks. Fingers crossed that there are no issues with the government insurance.

    The signs of spring are everywhere. I hope Mother Nature doesn't surprise us with a high price tag later in the season.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend! πŸ€—πŸ’–

    1. No, I have not read "Lessons in Chemistry." I am a believer in conversations with our pets, though. I know my vocal Prisoner meows his demands! And I meow back, and it does become conversational.

      Thanks for hte good luck wishes. I return them for the smoothness of your own next medicalizing.

      Love Springtime, I really do! Wishing you a good weekend, too.

  4. Nice to see you and Carl today. When I notice you creeping out of the cave and commenting on Lakeside Lady's blog, I feel like there is an update on the way on your blog page (still I click on yours daily).

    I've always talked to my pets. My grandmother's cats and I would have long conversations. KC the Sunshine Dog loves to talk with us. 'Walk' is one of his favorite attention-getters. Now, he even knows when the spouse spells it!

    Medical appointments still filling my calendar related to the bladder cancer. Surgery #4 coming up next month and much testing this month. At this point, I'm more concerned about medical "goofs" at the hospital and clinic doing me in than the cancer.

    In February I had a 3D-diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound -- non-cancerous mass, whew! At my Annual Medicare Wellness appointment this past Thursday, I was declared in good condition considering my conditions and uptodate on all things on the list except a bone density test which was due last year. Deferred on that again as I have too much going on.

    Political issues are extremely disturbing. A favorite meme of mine to sum this up is of Yoda with "a great disturbance in the force" at the top and "I sense" at the bottom. I pray and vote and, for the first time, contribute to some campaigns.

    Our temps had been in the 80's and low 90's already but last night a cold front blew in with a low in the mid-40's and now 53, creeping to expected high of 57. Our Bluebonnets (State Flower) are abundant already (early) and should be extra-awesome in a couple of weeks.

    Spouse will be heading to a sister & brother-in-law's lake property in Marble Falls, Texas (50 miles NW of us) to experience & photograph the solar eclipse which will be an even more optimum site than our area. KC and I will check it out from home.

    Keep on keeping on.

    PHOENIX1949, Susan

    1. Yes, commenting on others' blogs does seem to be a leading indicator that one might be coming... sometimes it takes a while to germinate, though.

      Getting to the point where medical mistakes are more of a worry than the underlying condition being medicated? I'm going to call that progress and answers to prayers!

      I'm envisioning in my mind the Texas bluebonnets and thinking about Lady Bird Johnson's beautification of our highways by planting wildflowers. Yes, I'm that old, too.

      I observed the last total eclipse that we were in the "path of totality" so I hold out hopes for clear skies for your DH's and sister & brother in law's observance. We had about two minutes of total eclipse that year (about six years back?), and it just seemed over too soon and not savored enough, as the news moved on the very next day. It's a pretty awe-inspiring event!

      May we all keep on keepin' on, Susan!

      (( hugs ))
      Barb OKM

  5. Yay! A new blog! ❤️Ace

  6. I love that Carl knows these words. If I tell Scooter "car " "ride" "treat" he tilts his cute little head at me.

    I made all my medical appointments the next two months. Fingers crossed everything goes well.

    Enjoy the weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. I believe all three of those words are on Carl's list, too. The list got up to 164 words before people got bored with the project.

      Fingers crossed for all the medical appointments for you, your mom, Scoots... just the whole gang.

      Have a wonderful weekend and week ahead!

  7. Yes, I'm in the same mood. Not much going on but lots at the same time. Getting wiser as I get older. It doesn't seem like enough to blog about yet some people like to read... we'll see. I love that you share my normal life.

    1. Happy Monday! Daylight Spring Forward has kind of knocked me for a loop, and I'm feeling just plain lazy, and going through the mental hoops of "what's wrong with me?" even while recognizing the same avoidance behaviors I had as a child. Yep, life!

      Here's to continuing to put one foot in front of another!

  8. I’ve always talked to my animals - I warn companions on the trail that if they hear my voice, I’m probably not talking to them but to my pony! I kept a running commentary going with Quigley bcz that seemed to keep him on track & out of trouble (mostly πŸ˜‰) And of course everyone knows their names; don’t know how much more extensive their vocabularies may be? The dogs certainly know what the sound of the fridge door opening means: SNACKS!!


    1. Glad I'm not the only one. I narrate life to infants, toddlers, and furry friends. "We're going on a ride to the park..." "Wait a minute, Grandma has to put on her coat before we go out..." "Grandma is going to cook up a nice roast beef..." And if dogs recognize the sound of the fridge door, cats certainly recognize the sound of a can being opened!


  9. MT-MOONCHASER - MerrilynMarch 14, 2024 at 3:59 PM

    I'm kind of surprised that you haven't posted a Happy Pi Day blog...

    Anyway, have a good Pi day.

    1. LOL... you commented before I got it written! It's not only PI Day, it's also Carl's birthday. He's a middle aged dog now, at 5 human years old.


Blog delayed but no earth shattering news

  One of the more recent toy acquisitions.  We are learning to enjoy tug.  Sort of.   Both of these photos are from the sunny afternoons on ...