Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Abundance of caution, or just following the guidance?


I admit it's hard to find clear guidance these days.  It's also hard to find Covid testing, around here.  All the sites have moved to "appointment only", and the outdoor ones are closed today and tomorrow due to bitter cold temperatures.  I mean, after all, give their staff some consideration, here!  YOU might be in your car, but THEY are outside, conducting tests all day long!

At home tests?  Oh, I got the beta test link from Biden's initiative to mail them to every legitimate address in America... accessed it yesterday, and ordered mine.  But it will be at least two weeks before those arrive.

The kids ordered some to replace the ones I donated to GF's aunt, but so far, we haven't connected, so don't have that on hand at this point, either.

So when I woke up this morning, stuffed up?  I did what the alternative medical dudes on YouTube have said:  just assume it is Omicron, not a cold, and isolate, already.  Around here, the local health authorities have said, "don't assume it's just a cold or allergies, get a test".  But the docs who make YouTubes are saying, "if you can isolate, isolate, you don't need a test, assume it's Covid".  Much as I'd like to have a for-sure test, I AM doing what health experts have said for years, though:

"If you are sick, stay home!"  Doesn't matter if it's a cold, the flu, or Covid... if you don't feel well, don't expose others!  I rescheduled my mammogram (which was supposed to be this morning).  I texted the trainer and said "take me off the schedule for the next week".  And my kid sis, calling off the normal Wednesday walk.  

I'll just be here with my tea and my chicken soup (and my thermometer and my SpO2 sensor, etc.).  And my cats.  Baby, it's COLD outside today and tomorrow, with high winds... which could also be a contributing factor to my congestion... I tend to be sensitive to weather fronts.

Pep talk:  take care of yourselves.  Be sensitive to community conditions and be kind to others.

Life is still good.  Spark on. Gently!💖


  1. Well done. Let it pass safely. Get well soon. ((comforting hugs))

  2. That's such common-sense based advice: If you're sick, doesn't matter w/what, just stay home! Don't pass it on!

    Hope you're feeling better. Chicken soup . . . nectar of the gods when you are feeling under the weather.


  3. So 'old school' of you!

    If everyone took those words to heart we'd have less transmission. Remember arriving to work to see the coworker blowing their nose, coughing into hands then grabbing the communal door handle???


    1. ICCCKKKK, indeed!

      Feeling privileged, in that I don't HAVE to go to a job to put a roof over my head at this point in my life. Feel for those who are in that kind of situation.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks. On Day 2, taking it easy and isolating.

  5. Self-care and using common sense are a great way to go! 78F here today in Central Texas. Cold front should arrive soon that will take us into the 20's for 3 or 4 nights with highs in the 40's. Feel better soon.

    1. I'm jealous. It was minus 1 F here this morning. Silly cat still went out, but came back before long.

  6. This is great advice for all. You would think people would stay home if they're sick no matter what.

    I hope you feel better soon. You've got the right plan to rest and have come chicken soup.

    1. Proceeding according to plan. This is day 2, and it started out pretty ugly, but I'm taking it easy, pushing fluids and even took a nap.

  7. Absolutely the right thing, to do!

    Makes one wonder about how to avoid asymptotic spread, since tests are scarce...

    1. I've wondered that since the beginning, about the tests. I have tested twice (early in the pandemic) with the drive thru test sites (PCR), and took two at-home tests over the Thanksgiving-Christmas time frame. Deciding when to actually test when you have no symptoms or even mild ones can be problematic... you don't want to waste resources that others might need worse. So I figure, since I'm ABLE to isolate, I'll just do that, as long as I don't have severe issues.

      On day 2, I am taking it easy. There's sunshine, but the ambient temp outside is 17 F. Brrrr!

  8. Woke up stuffy this morning. DGD was complaining of the same thing at bedtime last night. We all took Tylenol and made it an early night. I called the school and we are going to stay in and isolated from others and the brutal cold. Our menu for today looks very similar to yours.

    Hope the chicken soup does the trick and you feel better.
    Stay safe.

    1. Sounds like a fine plan. Hope your DGD bounces back easily and quickly. It is Day 2 of the Chicken Soup routine here.

  9. Smart move, we keep to ourselves most days and seem to be doing okay. Our circle is small and we keep it that way. Hugs hugs and take good care.

    1. Small circles are good these days. Be gentle with yourselves.

  10. Thanks, I hope so, too. Hot shower this morning helped with the stuffiness. Definitely taking it slow and gently!

  11. You are so correct, Barb...if you are not well, no matter what the name given, stay home and take care....I hope that your symptoms have NOT worsened!! Eissa7

    1. Don't know if I'd call them worsened, but they are going through a cycle. One I'm used to from years of "how my body ejects what's wrong with it". It's 4 p.m. and I just showered and put on fresh clothing, having been in bed all day. Today I'm on meds: Zyrtek and Advil, which seem to be what help me.

  12. So, how are you doing by now? Everything's alright? I hope so.

    1. I'm fine. Kids just delivered me an at-home Covid test kit, and it came out negative, as expected. Symptoms are WAAAAY down, I feel mostly human today. Still going to hold off going out in public just to make sure this isn't a "get better/get worse" cycle. But thanks for the kind thoughts. I'll probably surface a blog a little later.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...