Tuesday, January 25, 2022

I kept on isolating through day 7...


I'm also Trapped, with a cat on the lap

On Sunday, The Prisoner claimed his spot on my lap.  Purring loudly.  As long as I'm stuck with a cat on my lap, tuned the TV to find old Perry Mason episodes and remembered my mom... she loved that show.

Meanwhile, the kids were off hiking at a local lake.  Lacey (GF) caught a great action shot of my favorite grand-dog.

It's a great landscape / nature photo, too, but boy, does Carl look happy, with his ears flying as he runs.  Even while isolating, seeing the animals in nature is uplifting.

I felt pretty normal on Day 5 (Sunday).  Nose was a little drippy, but no more so than usual this time of year.  Monday made three days running of "feeling much better."   Monday (day 6) evening, I started draining and feeling queasy again.  

Still, slept well.  I took a hot shower Tuesday (day 7) morning, and was glad I had waved off the trainer for one more day of isolation.  He'd forgotten (or the message didn't click), and messaged me to come in at 10?  I asked whether that was for Thursday and reminded him that I thought I had cancelled for Tuesday!  To be honest, I was feeling good enough to be tempted to go, but did not muddy the waters further.  Thursday is soon enough to restart the lifting.

Meanwhile, it's a good time to put together ice box cleanout veggie soup.  I started cooking this potful on Sunday and it's still feeding me.

The weather continues its flip-flop with termperatures and clouds.  Still no "real" snow.  Facebook is popping up messages about the storm a year ago that dumped 15 inches of fluffy white stuff on us.

In Wednesday night's cold snap, my son tells me, their furnace decided to misbehave.  The local HVAC folks got them to a stage of limping along, and waiting for new equipment to arrive.  Supply chain issues.  I'm feeling good that they will be taken care of for a while, though, with new home environment.

And... I have been dragged in to Wordle.  Another game on line.  
Wordle 220 4/6


It is just enough different to let me justify playing.  One word a day, so it's "portion controlled" as my friends tell me.  The beauty is that since I play on the same site as my kid sis and several FB friends, we can compare results, because everybody gets the same word.

How does it work, you ask?  Five letter word... blind guess.  It lets you know if you have a letter that's IN the word, with a yellow if it's in the wrong position, or Green if it's in the right position.  You get up to six guesses, and you just build from your mistakes and correct guesses.

Anybody else play?

Now, let's all take care of ourselves, best we can, right where we are on this journey called life!  We are all issued ONE body, no trade-ins allowed, and it does amazing things for us!  I am in awe of how mine shook off whatever that was last week.  Ever notice how much better you feel after recovering from illness... even if it felt awful, when you get better you appreciate how good you've got it?

Life is good.  Keep on sparking!


  1. I've been playing Wordle for a couple of weeks. I like any kind of word game. Great exercises for the brain cells.

    Glad you're feeling better.

    1. It seems to be the latest "craze". Like I said, it's different enough to hold some interest.

  2. I haven't gotten into Wordle yet although my kids have pushed it.
    I hit the soup building the past few days, too. The weather demands it!
    We are sitting on a forecast of a good old winter nor'easter for Friday.
    Oh, boy!

    1. Gotta love soup building weather! Hope you survive that nor'easter... didn't you just have two, recently?

      I dragged my feet over wordle, but yesterday I tried it, and once was enough to become hooked. Beware. It is a powerful drug.

    2. A drug I'm going to ban. Just like FB, I don't think I'll hop on the wagon. I've immersed myself quite enough into genealogy. I've become a bit of a helper for other people as I love reading and transcribing old documents. Using my 'work' tools!

      We managed to escape the last storms with only flurries. This one looks like our usual winter gift. No matter. I could used the exercise.

  3. Haven't tried that game. I'm more of a match 3, but I've been looking for a word one.

    I'm glad that you're feeling better.

    1. I resisted for a couple of weeks, but then... peer pressure? FOMO (fear of missing out)? Whatever... another amusement.

  4. A couple of FB friends report 4-day headcolds. Negative for C19. Yours sounds similar. Progress toward endemic?
    On the other hand, Benji’s daycare is closed for staff shortages this week. 🙁 Yet another impediment to Wednesday walking. I can feel the fitness loss in my legs. Searching for a new hook.

    1. Sounds pretty close to my symptom pattern, 4 days, and a negative test. I don't know if that's progress or just evading infection from one bug and succumbing to a different one. Covid 19 isn't the ONLY virus / illness out there!

  5. Good to hear that you are feeling so much better...glad you chose to wait to resume your work with your trainer...Love the action shot of Carl; he exudes pure joy and happiness with his freedom, doesn’t he? Keep on sparking, Barb! Eissa7

  6. Glad that you’re feeling better!

    Your veggie soup sounds delicious!

    OMG, this is NOT the time to have furnace issues. Or any others, for that matter. HOPE the parts come in quickly.

    Stay well!


    1. Me, too! The HVAC folks offered them "space heaters" as a temporary if their limping along system breaks down before the new units arrive. Yikes.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I'm sorry I decided to delete the comment to correct some info and everything got blocked! This was my comment, now corrected.
    Very happy you are on your mend health wise. Awwww, sweet Prisoner. Gorgeous grand dog. Yummy soup! No games for my mind but learning (or at least trying) a 3rd language, French, plus learning to do my own soaps, knitting, crocheting. I hope that helps too. Enjoy your Wednesday.

    1. Congrats on adding another language... learning of all sorts is good for us... and I've read research that talks about how putting the physical coordination together with the learning grows brain better... so woo-hoo for the soaps, knitting and crocheting!

      Have a great Wednesday!

  9. Wordle sounds interesting but think I better stick with my Word-A-Day e-mail, daily crossword and Scrabble a few times a week for my word play.

    Glad you're feeling better.

    Soup last night was from pantry and leftovers -- mushroom soup base, added mushrooms, mashed potatoes, cheese and topped with processed fried onions. Hubby liked it, I had to pass on that version as I can't eat canned mushroom soup or mushrooms safely. I had a portion of the mashed potatoes thinned with water with a little shredded cheese and a topping of real bacon bits.

    Yesterday KC the Sunshine Dog had to have his tail amputated due to a cystic hematoma we have been following/treating since last June -- labs back in a week or so. Bless his heart his pain meds wore off much earlier than the Vet predicted and he kept me up most of the night. He has a stub about 1 to 1-1/2" so when it heals and his hair grows back on it and the other shaved area, it should look cute -- he does wag it. Curious if tail stub hair will have a curly coat like most of his body or a short plume -- his face is more Maltese than Poodle (Maltipoo).

    1. Oh, extra hugs for KC the Sunshine Dog! And the soup sounds scrumptious! Everybody has to find his or her own level of gaming... and many of us love our routines, once we have them established.

  10. Glad to hear you are coming along hugs


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...