It's not blooming, and I'm not much of a plant person, but my sister had posted a photo that she said her phone told her was wisteria, in bloom in her neighborhood across town.Anyway, I don't know how to ask my phone to identify a plant photo, so... here it is, and my puzzle will remain for a while. I looked up images of wisteria leaves on line, and came up with a "maybe"?
All I know is that it's a prolific vine and tends to take over the fence, and is very fragrant.
While I was pursuing this little puzzle, the cats decided to pose.
Tuesday and Wednesday mornings both offered up the start to Summer days, with the seeds of heat in the air. The Prisoner got in big trouble on Monday. He knocked the laptop to the floor, which popped the "4" keycap off the number pad, separated the external hard drive from its power cord, and in general made his hu-mom very, very grumpy. And that was before she found dust-bunnies she'd been studiously avoiding under the table.
Totally irrelevant to anything, those dust bunnies contained both Carl hair and Prisoner and Rubia fur, as well as dust. They were huge.
I had to super-glue the keycap back on, as the little clips that hold the keys in place had broken in the fray.
Also on Monday, the mechanicals inspector gave the all-clear to the AC installation. In fact, the focus of the inspection was more that when they installed the AC, the furnace was properly connected, so I won't have problems next Winter. You know, these regulations are there for a reason, and I'm glad they are there, because I could not for the life of me tell if something wasn't right.
Wednesday morning brought the semi-annual blood work. I was pleased that the phlebotomist got the draw in one stick. Results will come when they come. I see the doc next Monday. It was a hot day and I napped part of the day away.
Thursday morning I had to drop Rubia off at the vet for her annual exam and her every three years rabies booster. It went smoothly, catching her, crating her, transporting her and dropping her off. I came home, later went for my trainer workout, and as I was getting out of the shower after that, I got a text from the vet's office... done, healthy, shots good for three years. I brought her home & she's as cheeky as ever.
Friday... ugh! Ordered groceries on line and fell off the wagon, ordering sugar free cherry coke. I have not had a carbonated beverage since December 27, 2009. Lately it's been calling to me. I think it's the heat.
In any case, I made the choice: I drank a can, breaking an over 13 year streak of bubble-free, and thought, "ugh! How did I ever drink this stuff. I'm all gassy now."
Saturday morning, up bright and early... the phone said it was 82℉ already (4:30 a.m.) but was expected to drop to 79 by 7 a.m. The Cornhusker State Games walk, formerly the Volkswalk, was scheduled to begin check in at 6:45 a.m. My friend Geri was going to pick me up at 6:45, and we were going to "get it done" before the temperature headed to the 90's! The organizers were asking everyone to please plan so you'd be done before noon.
We decided to walk to the split between the 2 miles and the 6 mile routes, and decide at that point whether to do the whole six miles or bail with just two. We set off, found some areas were shady, and there was a light breeze, so we weren't too hot. Encountered a biker I knew... one of my old work team... chatted a bit.
Shortly after that pause we found the turn off to do the short (2 mile) route. I asked Geri how her ankle was doing (she was wearing a brace today), she asked how I was doing... and we decided to go for the six, as originally planned. I knew there was a gas station we could use as a potty stop that was close to the midway point, so we left the mapped trail to stop there and put it to good use.
We continued on, looking at the map, and again made a decision to not "cut off" a neighborhood loop that we might have considered doing, but turned our feet north and said, "we're committed now"... took this photo shortly after that.
Me on the left, Geri in the floppy hat. Onward! Once I took the photo, Runkeeper glitched on me and I had to start it over, so the maps on Runkeeper look like two separate walks. Oh, well!It started getting sunnier and hotter at this point. We got to a "rest stop" and paused for water and an energy bar, chatting with the volunteer for a bit, continued on.
Speaking of the volunteer... we met several who were out doing sidewalk chalk messages, water stops, etc. and really appreciate everyone who does this. I did a water stop for the CSG walk 8 years ago I think it was, according to my facebook memories!
We must look approachable, as three times we were asked by others... "how do we get to the start?", "what's going on today", etc. Twice from cars, once from walkers headed the other way on the trail.
As we got closer to the end of the walk, a gal was backing out of her garage, stopped, got out of her car and said, "Barb, is that you?" Another former work-mate! Oh, my gosh... so that puts TWO former work-mates encountered on the walk. Stood in the shade for a bit and played catch-up.
Finished the walk. Picked up our medals, stretched, then returned to our respective homes. Showered changed, and chilling out. Seems kind of strange collecting another medal, but there we have it... we did it!
Now have to decide where to go from here. The budget is flat, between the fence and the air conditioner. I have an estimate for the main bathroom remodel which is $Yikes$, and I may just decide to put that one off for a year. But I doubt there will be a lot of event entry fees put back into the budget until it recovers from the home projects! And I have a whole list of other home projects yet to come...
Here's to everyone keeping cool in the heat wave, exercising with intelligence, and taking good care of yourselves. Happy Weekend!
Life is good. Spark on!