Sunday, July 3, 2022

4th of July weekend with a dog who isn't a fan of BOOM!

 When I had Diamond, the booms didn't bother her.  Apparently, this is not the case with Carl.  He paces the house and is nervous and whiny.  Unfortunately, my son and his lady live within walking distance of the lake where the big fireworks display is hosted.  Tonight.

So, besides having some calming treats for him (valerian root, ginseng and a little bit of some other stuff)... they opted to make sure he had some postivie time in nature this morning.  They "dropped a pin" (this is a GPS thing that the next generation is very comfortable with) for the kayak launch spot, and we took three cars:  mine, her folks, and son's "new truck" with the kayaks and Carl on board.

We set up camp amidst a grove of trees, on the shore.  If this is sounding familiar, yes, we did something very similar for Father's Day 2021.

It was cool and cloudy, so my co-MIL-to-be and I kind of huddled in beach towels in our bag chairs while the kids headed out in the boats.

But Carl wasn't happy being left behind, so I didn't stay in the chair.  Up and hike with him, check out all the smells available on a lakeshore!

After the kids got back, it was time for Carl to get a kayak lesson.  They have been wanting to get him acclimated to this activity, and it resulted in... well... shall we say some level of success?

First we got him into the kayak alone, and he felt the unbalance, and treated it a little like a surfboard.  Then he got into the kayak with his favorite person in the world, but refused to lay down in the boat.

The result was that "dad" got dunked.

So the next step, which was a big mistake, was Grandma (me) getting in the other kayak and the two boats with his dad figuring out how to paddle with Carl still standing, for a little while.

He was OK until he noticed Grandma was there, and he wanted to come see me.  He sprang out, ignoring his Dad's commands not to do so, and swam for grandma's boat.  Once Grandma bumped into him with the orange kayak, he decided to swim to Lacey on the shore, instead.

The end result was the same, his dad was swim-towing the blue kayak, white hull up, back to the boat ramp.

So, they sent Grandma off on her own, while they did a non-distracted Carl short loop where they got him to stay in the kayak without jumping off, out, around in a small circle, and back.

Then Lacey took over the blue kayak and came and joined me on the water, and we went around a long island, following a mama duck and her three adolescent juveniles.  After we got back, Lacey and her mom went out on another lobe of the lake.  I captured a video of them, paddling in synch, mom and daughter, and posted it as a FB story.

For the parting hugs before we split off in our three vehicles to return to our homes... well, somebody had to insert himself in between each pair of people... here's Lacey hugging her mom good-bye.  With Carl mooching extra pets.  I'd say he had a fine outing for his Holiday.

For the humans, too, it was a lovely way to spend a Sunday July 3rd morning.  

But BE CAREFUL out there on the road.  We passed by an accident with emergency vehicles on the way home.  It wasn't any of us, and I waved so long to the kids as they turned left and I went straight at a traffic light.  Quick prayer for those involved, and pay attention to driving... no rubber-necking!

I came home to find the neighbor kid had mowed my grass, including the back part where the fence was put in.  Baby clover is safe.  

Here's hoping all my fellow Spark refugees are having a safe and sane Holiday weekend, if you're in the US!  Take care to treat your body, mind, and spirit well, remember to breathe, hydrate, and rest!

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. What a fun day for ever human and canine. With enough outings and training, I'm sure Carl will become an expert Canoe rider.

    You have really great neighbors! Can't beat coming home to a freshly groomed yard.

    Have a safe and happy 4th. Extreme heat warning here through Wednesday night. It will be hot as a firecracker. ;-)

    1. I agree about the neighbors... this is the second of their boys that has mowed my lawn, for a total of about seven years now.

      I do hope Carl gets the hang of it, but at this point he seems to think that dunking Dad is part of the fun!

  2. every...I really need to improve my proofing skills. Ugh!

    1. LOL... you may have typo'd it, but I read it as every... my brain reads fluent typo.

  3. My nephews’ pup was so confused with all his humans hugging (after the news of my moms’ passing Tuesday) he too inserted himself between us, there was bf, sis, nephew & I (and me? My brain hasn’t been fully functional since). Gave us a much needed laugh as he licked the tears off our faces. I was hoping to “see” you and Ace out there on Weds, to tell you each on your own walk entry, but it didn’t work out that way.
    Stay safe.
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Yeah, we called off Wednesday, due to precautions related to the big C-19. I found out from your comment on one of her activities, so sorry. I totally understand that shock/numb/not fully functional brain in the wake of deep loss... been there a few times in my life. It caught me completely by surprise, every time, too.

      Hugs & prayers to your family, Dee!
      - Barb

    2. Thank you. Thank you so much.

  4. Ah poor Carl. I have the opposite problem Scoots doesn't seem too bothered by them, but Bella hide in the closet. Hopefully Carl will get the hang of the canoe and be a pro.

    1. Patience. That's the ticket... if the humans are patient, the canine will catch on. He's seen the humans head out on the boats several times, and been put into the boat a few times, first on land, later on the water. This was definitely progress.

      Poor Bella! Even my intrepid hunting cats decided to stay inside yesterday when the heat and heavy booms got started. Last evening was the big public show. Today will be the "at home" neighborhood variety.

  5. Well, I can see the fun of dunking someone ;) Carl likes his game better than the game of lying in the boat. Happy 4th!

    1. LOL! Happy 4th to you, as well. You should have seen how excited Carl got when they put his life jacket on... he expects to play lake fetch when that happens.

  6. Almost all of that sounds fun, except for the dunking part on a chilly day! Hooray for nice neighbors!
    I've got my furry buddy, Chewy, curled up in a heap between my calves. His hu-mom and dad took a trip to Atlantic City for a look at the fun. SIL2 has never been there and DD2 kept sending me texts as how fascinated he was of the place. BBQ later today when they arrive home...that's if they've a stomach for food after well needed naps, I'm sure!
    Stay safe yourself and Happy Independence Day.

    1. Said son, after having been paddling for a while, the dunking felt pretty good. The standing around drying off after, not so much! I think all of us who got out with the paddles felt so much better for the activity... not to mention the nature immersion. No pops and booms that morning.

      Hope your BBQ is a fine finish to the weekend!

  7. Great to check in with you after so long...hope Carl's 4th is calm and serene, though he doesn't seem to be that kind of pup! What good sports you all were for kayaking with him.

    1. Hoping the same, as I get him Wednesday for a week, and he hasn't had that long with Grandma since before the pandemic! We'll see if he remembers the house rules over here.


  8. Hope that Carl survives through fire works. Miss Lilly isn’t happy w/the fire works, either. As long as she is with Jas and I, she’s pretty calm.

    Good that Carl had Grandma to hike with while the kids kayaked. AND then Carl got his own kayak lesson. Uh oh on Dad getting dunked. Uh oh, too, on wanting to see Grandma! Glad that at least he swam to Lacey on the shore.

    Looks like everyone had a good time!

    That’s nice that the neighbor kid mowed your grass. And that the baby clover did well.

    Happy, safe 4th.


    1. Carl has become quite the water dog, as the kids love taking him to the lakes and playing water fetch. He even has his own life jacket.

  9. ❤️❤️❤️


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...