Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Temporary Princess?

I should have seen it coming, as I'd had a few spasms of pains while chewing gum in the past month or so... but Monday at suppertime, a bit of onion in my potato salad was the straw that broke the tooth.  Not the crispy apple I had for an afternoon snack, but that might have contributed to the final demise.

Pen tip on lined paper for scale

You can't see the gap, it's on the inside of that tooth.

Wasn't there a bridge or a crown there?  How much "other stuff" did I swallow?  The good news was that I was not in pain.  I brushed my teeth before bed, flossed, used the proxi-brushes and the toothpick gum line tracing all without any painful incidence.  

I decided the call to the dentist could wait until Tuesday morning during their normal hours, which start at 8 a.m.  I called very soon after they opened, and they had a spot open for me at 10:10 a.m.  Onward, continuing to fuel the fires of inflation.  Dental work is not cheap.

Temp crown in place

I was most gratified that they got me in so soon, and diagnosed the problem.  The crown was the tooth one back from the one that broke.  Diagnosis:  I lost an entire  cusp of that molar.  A crown was recommended, and she had time to put a temporary on today.  We made the appointment for installation of the permanent one in two weeks.  

Meanwhile, try to chew on the other side, and pull the floss out sideways to avoid popping the temporary crown off.

So... a temporary crown... does that make me a temporary princess?

Off-topic update:  this is the dentist whose husband was trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon last May.  The one I went out to cheer on, that Sunday morning of the Lincoln Marathon.  Good news:  he made a qualifying time.  On hold, for now.  They won't know until September whether he gets in.  That's how Boston operates.  Nevertheless, I was glad to get that update... it's good news.  

Anybody out there still reading that follows Big Brother (US, as I do)?  The past three or four years I have been so totally bored with the predictability of play.  THIS season?  Wow!  It's been amazing... the outsiders figured out that they are outsiders and have banned together, and blindsided the majority alliance!  Production even left the live feeds ON during most of this... it was awesome, and the podcasters are going nuts they are so excited.  This has not been as good since season 6... and this is season 24!  OK, I'll shut up now, I know I can get overwhelmingly enthusiastic when this show finally hits a good streak.

That's about it from here... the temp crown is doing its job.  I am being careful with it.  Welcome back to "the dental diet".  

Here's sending out positive vibes to my fellow Spark refugees... hoping you are remembering to put your own health as a priority.  Hydrate.  Get a little activity in.  Keep cool (or warm) as needed.  Find your own escape/diversion to avoid too much news, if needed.  And Spark on!

Life is good.



  1. Nice new crown, your highness!
    Nice we can have temps made. I'm a queen with all mine; a product of an enthusiastic dentist and mercury fillings in my youth and time. I broke a tooth in half one time chewing a piece of white bread! My dentist explained the bread became a wedge and forced the split. It made so much sense.
    Sounds like you have a good routine, keep it up!

    1. I guess this is one way to get "whiter teeth"... they don't stain with my coffee like my regular teeth do. She matched the color of my other crown.

      I can see how bread could do that with a tooth. Matter of fact when I was a kid, it was a donut that took off part of one tooth!

      Onward, my friend! And I curtsey for the Queen of Crowns.

  2. Oh my. Temporaries feel like having a tin can in the mouth! Glad you could get in so quickly. PHEW. And congrats to the dentist’s husband for making a qualifying time for the Boston Marathon Good luck!

    Here’s to the dental diet and a temporary that lasts til the permanent crown is ready! Oh, yes, that does make you a temporary Princess! The cost of crowns definitely upgrades you to Queen. OY!


  3. Congrats on getting a speedy appointment. Do we now address you and "Your Majesty"? For sure, crowns are not cheap. You almost have to have the riches of royalty to pay for them.;-)

    1. For sure, crowns are not cheap. But I know they would work with me if I needed to spread out over time, thank goodness. And I feel very lucky they had the ability to fit me in so quickly. This is why if a doctor or dentist appointment for me is delayed I am patient, because I'm not usually the one with emergencies, but I know they happen.

  4. Yes, you're a princess all the way. Your Royal Highness!

    I used to be faithful to Big Brother, but a few seasons ago I was turned off by the mean play from so many. People were making alliances and would get mad if you talk with others outside of that group. It was too petty and I had to stop watching it. It was no longer fun to watch like the days of Evil Dick and Jen.

    1. Why, thank you! I sent you a gmail message about the BB stuff... it can be used as an uncomfy but educational self-examination tool. I'm one of "those" people, constantly second-guessing... do I act like that? Unfortunately, the answer can be "yeah, sometimes I have... I have to do better"!

  5. That is a type of tv show that I just cannot watch no matter what. My DD loves Big Brother Canada and watches all the time, even her partner does too but I just can't get into that kind of drama. Great you got your dental work done so quickly.

    1. Those who love it (or are addicted) get drawn in despite themselves. Interestingly, this is the ONLY one of the genre that I follow. I turn off or change the channel on all the rest, but this one I've found useful over the years.

  6. I hope that appointment goes well and your teeth are "made whole". It's one of those troublesome bits of aging, eh?

  7. Absolutely does, your royal highness πŸ‘ΈπŸΌ
    -RunKeeper Dee

  8. I am also currently a temporary princess….an OLD crown needed to come off as it allowed a cavity to form at the gum line…UGH!! The cost is astronomical…I did make the mistake of using my Waterpic in the area and blasted the temp right off LOL…I had to return and have it re-glued! Take care and have a lovely Sunday! Eissa7

    1. Glad to have you aboard, fellow temp princess! They do warn us, don't they, and then we forget and get careless. Hope your Sunday is a fine one.


Blog delayed but no earth shattering news

  One of the more recent toy acquisitions.  We are learning to enjoy tug.  Sort of.   Both of these photos are from the sunny afternoons on ...