Sunday, July 17, 2022

Popped on the ear

The kids brought me back a science experiment for the microwave... an ear of popping corn from the Corn Palace in Mitchell, S. Dakota.  It came with a brown paper bag and instructions for how to pop it in the microwave.  I tried it, and in fact, as advertised, it does pop on the ear!  Shades of old tales of Febold Feboldson!

It also tastes a little different from traditional microwave popping corn, more like air popped, since no seasoning is added when popping it this way.  The flavor puts me in mind of field corn that we used to pluck and eat fresh, too, back when I was a kid on the farm.


It's my personal mother's day, i.e. my son's birthday.  My tradition is to message him at the minute of his birth, no matter where he is on the planet at the time.  That can get tricky when he's been in time zones halfway around the globe.

I made potato salad today, which should last me the week.  It's going to be another "busy" week.

Monday will be the "mechanical inspection" by the city of the A/C installation from Friday.  Tuesday and Thursday the usual trainer sessions.  Wednesday medical blood draw.  Thursday is Rubia's appointment for her physical and rabies booster.  And Saturday is the Cornhusker State Games Volkswalk with my kayaking buddy Geri.  No wonder I was laying low Saturday and today... saving up people energy for the week ahead.

Here's hoping everyone is taking care of themselves in the current environment:  hydrate, rest, gentle activity, and nourishing food.  

Life is good.  Spark on.  🔥✨💖💖


  1. Happy Birthday to dear son. Enjoy the busy week. Some parts sound like a fun time.

    1. He really doesn't like the fuss, so the messaging is about all I do.

  2. Happy Birthday to your son.

    How cool that popcorn is. I've seen something like that in little tourists shops when we go up to the mountains. Next time I might have to get one of those.

    Have a great week!

    1. I think he survived the birthday OK... he got brownies with confetti, so that's something, eh? He's not much of one for a big fuss.

      Wishing you a fine week, too.

  3. My DH would love that popcorn cob and might share it with the grands.
    Happy Birthday to your son and you! I do similar for my kids. "I can't tell you HB until 10AM".
    Potato salad for me. Why not? I usually eat a salad for lunch and a dollop of my wonderful-to-me homemade version might be a small ticket to culinary happiness. DH likes his potatoes mashed, baked, in a pot roast or fried. Plain.
    My dermatology visit was good last week with a brief discussion of my diet. Turns out some of my facial skin issues are from tomatoes! She laughed, shrugged her shoulders and said, it's New Jersey. Once the season is over, my skin should calm down.
    I've grown a golden yellow tomato that is absolutely wonderful and low acidic so I have tomatoes daily. Then there's the cook tomatoes in my plant based diet...
    Enjoy your week. It's gonna be hot, hot, hot here.

    1. Tomatoes? Really! I never would have thought, but then again... night shades. Tomatoes used to be considered poisonous, once upon a time.

      The funny bit about the "birth minute" greetings is that I looked it up on his birth certificate, and I had it wrong... for years! I was thinking ten minutes til, which was correct, but I had the wrong hour. Then I miscalculated the time zone shift... and I think some years I morphed it to ten minutes after the hour. Oh, well!

    2. LOL on the time if you weren't busy that day!
      Remembering DD1's 10AM emergence is easy as the host of people telling me to hit the exact time is burned into my brain, like the yelling at a horse race. Did I mention these were all coworkers who "sort of asked" to witness the event?
      For DD2 I can look at her saved bracelet. I think it was 820PM but more clear is the intense hunger I had afterwards and I sent DH to McDonalds. Totally out of character for me, yet memorable.
      There are multiple issues with food and skin health but the research I'm doing is not that helpful. Maybe I should take clues from the plant itself. When I get into the tomato plant to harvest, I get itchy. Not so with peppers, beans and peas.

    3. LOL... geeks will be geeks, and yes, sometimes we collect cheerleaders. Just think, we are building points of memory for after we're gone!

  4. Okay, reading your week ahead made me want to go for a nap. This week for me is finally a quiet one and I am going to take every moment of it. Really like the popcorn too.

    1. I'm hoping to take it easy in between those events.

  5. Interesting …. Never have I seen or heard of popping corn ON the cob!
    If I ever see it, I’ll give it a try! Have a good week! Eissa7

    1. I'd seen it, but never tried it until now. It was fascinating.

  6. How cool! Popping corn from the cob! Sounds delicious!

    Good plan to save up your energy. You have a lot coming up!


    1. Fascinating experiment... I'd seen the old fireplace corn popping "cages" but had never thought about popping ears on the cob!

  7. Mr. Google filled me in on Febold Feboldson -- seems he shares exploits similar to Paul Bunyan.

    Make it a great week along with the busy.

    1. Indeed, we were taught in school about both Paul Bunyan and his Scandinavian cousin, Febold Feboldson... who had similar adventures, just a little further West. It was in a segment called "Tall Tales".

      Wishing you a fine week as well.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...