Friday, July 8, 2022

Continued Carl adventures at Grandma's house


Carl can stack like the show dogs.  All by himself.

When all else fails, a Kong puzzle will keep him busy for ten minutes or so.

Carl and Grandma survived the first night, with an interruption at 1 a.m. to go outside to pee and check for cats.  No felines found.  Grandma has learned from past visits, she puts on her shoes and socks, and a leash on Carl when he wants out in the middle of the night.  Yes, there's a new fence and all that, but Grandma did NOT have fun with the night time hide and seek with a black dog a couple of years back.

It was sprinkling during that 1 a.m. brief outing.  Carl is not a fan of rain, as a general rule, but on the morning of Day 2 he came willingly on a leash walk, to smell all the smells in Grandma's neighborhood, and the nearby park.  We came home, and eventually he got out to "inspect the perimeter" of the yard, as most canines are wont to do.

Carl reported that all was secure, but it was still raining.  Rain notwithstanding, it was cooler outside than in, so Grandma cranked open some windows for a while.  Humid, but in the low 70's is an acceptable Summer morning.  And it smells nice!

The day warmed up, and somewhere in the mix, Grandma napped in a chair.  In the waning afternoon, Carl started getting a hopeful look in his eye when we would go out in the back yard.  Clearly he is listening for his dad's vehicle, but Facebook tells me his Dad is hundreds of miles away, looking at cars tipped into a classic configuration.  

I have never been to Carhenge myself, but clearly the traveling troupe is having a great time on the road trip.  

I remember one of my co-workers back East talking about driving across this section of Nebraska with his wife.  She was so city-bred... "How city bred was she?"  "She broke out in hives it was so isolated".

Seriously, the slogan "Nebraska, it's not for everyone" rings true for some!

While they continued their westward loop, Carl and Grandma survived a second night.  

Thursday night featured a bit of a gully washer.  We got an inch and a half of rain.  The doggie foot-bath filled a bit more overnight.  Carl slept like a rock.  I think between the fireworks, the acceptance of his current situation, etc., and his "calming" chew at bedtime, he was ready to chill.

I took my shower and came out drying off to find Carl had claimed not just 3/4, but the whole bed!  Anybody out there have a spoiled puppy?  I'll put Carl up against them any day!

We started Friday the same way we did Thursday, with a leash walk through the park and neighborhood.  Grandma did not want to challenge the mud that is likely to be fresh at the dog parks.  

I was very proud of Carl on the Friday walk.  I did not put on his bark/training collar, and we walked away from approaching other animals and humans, keeping our social distance, but he did not lunge, pull, or growl or bark at them.  He did try to pull to chase a few squirrels, mind you, but he was easily re-directed.  What a good boy!

Bottom line, life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Oh yes, I remember Carl’s hide ‘n’ seek game several years back! Definitely no fun!

    Laughing hard! My pup Lilly is only 9 lbs. but . . . she definitely can take up a whole queen size bed when she makes up her mind! LOL Yeah, maybe a little spoiled.

    Sounds like all in all, Carl is being a very good boy. Go Carl! Your humans are proud of you!


    1. It doesn't take a lot to make a human proud of their doggies, does it? I have a hard time imaginging a 9 pounder taking up the whole bed, though! I mean I *do* believe you, but... can't you kind of push her around?

  2. Haha on Carl's takeover!
    I know it well.
    I have Carhenge on my itinerary, whenever we finally decide to take the're on it too!

    1. You'd love several of the places on their tour... Toadstool Geological Park, Wind Cave National Park, etc. I'll have a couple of photos in tomorrow's blog that blew me away. Lacey and you both have photographic talent WAY beyond my own. Jon got a great shot of her taking shots (one of my favorite scenarios).

    2. I've been to Jewel Cave and Custer State Park; it's very scenic.

    3. I'm pretty sure it was Wind Cave we visited when I was a kid. Definitely have done Custer State Park and the Hot Springs. I don't think I ever made it to Jewel Cave.

  3. Love Carls innocent face…LOL…what a cutie! Smart Grandma to put him on a leash for 1 AM outing…I’d not want to chase a dog in the dark, either! Enjoy your canine companion time! Eissa7

    1. "Who, me?" he seems to say. Thanks, hope you have a fine weekend!

  4. I think Scooter could compete with being the most spoiled dog. Scoots has a dresser of clothes and three doggie beds, but yet sleeps in bed with me. Yep, spoiled dog.
    I love that Carl is taking care of the yard and making sure all is well. He has a job to protect Grandma at all costs.

    1. What good are our puppies if we can't spoil them, eh? Carl's been doing a great job of alerting grandma to everyone and everything.

  5. That look on his face in the last photo, "Here comes that woman again taking my picture!"

    Are you ready for the grandkid attachment? Sometimes the kid refuses to leave grandma's side

    He looks very contented. Good job!

    1. We have had only a few moments... mostly about "quitting time" when his daddy would normally stop working and pay attention to him. I have discovered that Carl is a night owl, and Grandma is a morning lark.. oh, well!

  6. Our kitty Tigger does that with chairs, looking at us like - you didn't want to sit here did you? She wins that debate every time.

    1. Funny how they worm their way into your heart and do just that... win every debate!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...