Thursday, February 9, 2023

Daily Gratitude - February 5 -11 edition


A fresh new week to be grateful, friends!  What are you grateful for today?  A "happening"?  Your health?  Some small convenience or pleasure?  Other people being kind?  Animals who keep you company?  Employment?  Financial stability, even if stretched?  A skill or talent you've learned or been given as a gift?  Something you just appreciate for its beauty or the joy it brings your way?  So many things one might choose!

This post will grow over the week, then a new one will begin next Sunday.

Sunday, February 5th, 2023

Today I am thankful for music.  As I've been streaming the mystery series Endeavor, I've been aware of the classical pieces, be they sung by the choir or performances in the background of the stories.  Movie scores make the stories in film more exciting, more poignant, more romantic, scarier, etc.  Music speaks directly to our emotions, without pausing for thoughts to form into words.  I am grateful that my parents insisted we all learn to play an instrument, too, so that we could appreciate the work that goes into creating such beauty.

Monday, February 6th, 2023

I am thankful for the time and space to "crash and burn" when I need to do so.  I had been so productive and busy for so long that Sunday and Monday that's pretty much what I did.  Remember to breathe.

Tuesday, February 7th, 2023

Today I am thankful for wisdom to baby the body when it complains.  Today (and for a while) it's been an ouchy ankle.  

Wednesday, February 8th, 2023

Today I am thankful that the ankle is feeling better, and for that matter, better enough to go for the regular Wednesday sister walk.

Thursday, February 9th, 2023

Today I am thankful that moods and emotions are temporary things, and that we don't have to be "up" all the time, but can return to the brighter times, as when a cloud passes.  There's something to the faith that the sun will rise, that Spring will come, that an injury will heal, and that perfection is not required of us.

Friday, February 10th, 2023

I am thankful that the annual "scans" are done with for now.  And that they went quickly and smoothly today.

Saturday, February 11th, 2023

Thankful for sunshine on a Saturday morning, and that we made it to another weekend!

Tomorrow it will be time to start a fresh weekly post!


  1. Temperatures are above freezing! AND the sun is out. ANNNNND saw a gorgeous full moon while walking Miss Lilly this morning! Perk of being an early riser!

    LOVE the picture of Prisoner! Such a regal pose!


    1. I have to love the full moon, especially at night when I come downstairs to check on something, and its light is streaming through the kitchen window, casting moon shadows.

  2. 02-05 A sunny, warm day. A perfect day to travel, pick up Christmas decorations, and leave Valentine hearts at the niche.

  3. Yes, music makes a mood, can inspire, and is just joy!

  4. 02-06 I'm grateful that you rested and that you posted you're okay. ❤️

  5. 02-06 Today I'm grateful because its my birthday.

    1. Another year on the planet... always a good source for thankfulness! Happy Birthday, by the way!

  6. Good for you taking the time to decompress.


  7. 02-07 Today, I started Swedish Death Cleaning and completed one room. I'm grateful for the good start.

    1. That's a fascinating little book, isn't it? Good job getting started on the process!

  8. 02-07 Today, I got outside with the sun shining. It so nice getting out after all the cold we've had.

    1. Much to be said for sunshine! Feels like getting out of confinement, eh?

  9. I hope your ankle feels better after resting!

    1. Thanks. Kind of a bummer when the body doesn't "wanna" do.

  10. 02-08 Cold, rainy day. I'm grateful for a warm home and no reason to go out.

  11. So nice to read that the ankle is better and you can go for a sister walk. ☺️🚶‍♀️

    1. Sometimes I rest up just so I can go on that sister walk!

  12. Actually, it's great you have a sister to walk with!

  13. 02-09 Grateful there was only rain this morning and the snow missed us.

  14. 02-10 Grands, who were here on Tuesday, tested positive for strep yesterday. I think I dodged a bullet. I'm grateful.

    1. Strep is not fun. Hope those grands heal well and fully!

  15. 12-11 I'm grateful for a quiet day. Early bedtime ahead.

    1. Glad you enjoyed your quiet day, and hope you have a good start to the next week, too.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...