Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Happy Rabbit Day


The first of every month is rabbit day, according to my mother in my youth.  Traditions vary, but our particular one was to have "rabbit, rabbit, rabbit" be the first three words you voiced, to ensure good luck for the month.  Old traditions die hard.  I found myself voicing the words this morning as I stepped on the scale, before I even spoke to the cats.

I decided to use the little rabbit vase as my photo of the day, too, as I mused that not only is this Rabbit Day, it's a Rabbit Day in the Chinese Year of the Rabbit!  Does that make it extra lucky?  Let's hope it sprinkles happiness on all our days, this Wednesday!

A fellow triathlete I know has a German Shorthaired Pointer.  I've met this dog and love her as she reminds me of my own Diamond Dot.  Bella recently had surgery and is home recovering now, and it brings back memories of Diamond's last year.  I found tears stinging my eyes as I viewed a photo of Bella on Facebook, resting.

It was a good day but can't think of much to say about it.  Did laundry (which always repeats, right?)  Cleaned the hydrators in the 'fridge, wiped down the shelves.  Hardly blog-worthy, but stuff that needs doing.

It was a beautiful afternoon for an outdoor walk, with only a couple of icefields to navigate in our 1.3 miles.  The sidewalks aren't open yet in the block leading to the park, but the road is, so if we're careful, we can walk our "old" route.

Success, hugs, and the Ace is out the door and headed home.  And I'm headed up the stairs to brush my teeth and get ready for bed with the news in the background.

Here's hoping your "Rabbit Day" was as pleasant as mine was.  

Take care of yourself, best can do, and at the close of day, appreciate that whatever it was, was enough.  You are worthy!

Life is good.  Spark on!



  1. 🐰🐰🐰 ❤️ Ace (ALICIA363)

  2. My day is complete...I've learned something new. As an inveterate seeker of trivial knowledge, this sent me on a search.
    This is what I found:

    Being the superstitious person that I am, I will now have to mark the first day of each new month. I up for all the good luck I can muster.

    It was a pleasant day. ♥

    1. Lovely article. Glad you had a pleasant day, and I look forward to "rabbit" reports in the months to come.

  3. I'm with Jeanne, I learned something new. Isn't it something how we keep some traditions that we grew up with?

    I woke up this morning and it was bright and sunny. The snow is starting to melt away, but it's a lot and will take some time for us. I went outside and it was still cold, but the sun felt nice.

    1. Sunshine does make a difference. We're still cold here, just not AS cold. And still dry. The sun returned yesterday and is promised again today. I love sunshine.

  4. Yup, hadn't heard of rabbit day but really interesting to note. I think it is that quiet time of the year. Too cold to do many events and so we cuddle home and putter with different chores. Quiet but nice.

    1. Just like the plants and animals, we are storing up energy!

  5. It's the first time in a long time that I forgot! I hope I'm not very unlucky.

    1. As long as you stay healthy and safe, lucky enough! Have a good February.

  6. Memories of much loved pets that are no longer with us always bring tears to my eyes even though most of them passed decades ago. I hope Bella recovers nicely from her surgery!
    Most of my days are spent taking care of the necessary home and personal things that are a repeat, if not daily, every few days. I imagine it is the same for most of us.
    Hope that your Thursday is good! Eissa7 (Karen)

    1. Indeed, grief doesn't have a time-table, be it for beloved pets or people. I'm hoping to see Bella running again, as she's an active breed, and it will bring smiles.

      Yes, boring as repetition may seem at time, it's a necessary part of our lives, more and more as we age. Hope you have a great Thursday, too.

  7. Yup . . . . hope rabbit, rabbit, rabbit works for February as January was . . . well . . . challenging!

    Lovely sunshine, so grateful for that.


    1. Well, at least we can say January is behind us! Onward to February! It's short. And sunshine is growing.

  8. Glad to “see” you two out there!
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. This time of year, it's a gift when the weather cooperates.


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