Wednesday, February 22, 2023

It's been a minute...

Sunset's a little later each day now.  But just as pretty!

Friday the 10th was the bone density scan (every two years), and the mammogram (every year).  Sigh.  Not terrible, but not fun, either.  But done and dusted, and the results were as expected:  no surprises.  Keep up the weight bearing exercise, the calcium and D supplements, etc.

On Super Bowl Sunday, I had Puppy Bowl XIX on one screen, and pre-game football on another.  Even though I'm not a huge fan, KC is one of our "local" teams.  So I was happy when they won.

On Valentine's day, I bought myself flowers, which is always a cheery thing.  They lasted about a week before drooping, and I finally pitched them on Wednesday the 22nd.

I could feel the weather front coming through in my sinus passages when I got up Wednesday the 15th.  Also got a text message from my kid sis that due to the forecast, we would forego the regular weekly sister walk.  Same thing on Wednesday the 22nd, as it's starting to slick up out there again (storm #2).  Get home safe is the priority!

Most bizarre episode related to my eye appointment on the 15th!  I was not on their calendar!  I ended up leaving without seeing that eye doctor, with instructions to contact them AFTER I'd seen the other eye doctor in July.  OK, then!  But strange.  I was there when the appointment was made.  I put it in my phone calendar as it was made.  If they canceled it, you'd think they would have notified me?  Regardless, I came on home.  And found the card they had filled out for me, confirming the appointment, but so goes it.

That same afternoon I found out two things:  I'm on the permanent list of mail-in ballot requestors... my form showed up in the mail.  And the forecast was about on target for the beginnings of the snow.  In with my own ballot request form was one addressed to my neighbor around the corner (they can stick together), so I ventured out to make sure it got to her.  Which is how I found out the weather was starting to happen.

Thursday morning the 16th, I was wakened from an odd dream to find the drifts building outside.  The wind picks the fluffy white stuff up on the roof and whirls it down to land in "the usual spots".  So, yes, we got the predicted snow.  Ten inches worth.

I cleared the sidewalks, but left the drive to do on Friday the 17th, as my ankl griped.  On Friday the 18th I finished the side of the driveway behind Dexter, and by afternoon, it was dry concrete.  

I continued in "cave" mode over another weekend, and was glad to have the trainer back in town in time for Tuesday the 21st session.  Time to get back into a routine!

Wednesday the 22nd I had a canine visitor, who took over the house for a few hours.  It got slick again (another storm?  yes, another storm), so son ended up with a canceled appointment and Carl got to head home early!  Yes!  Not that I would want to give up Carl so soon, but that my son will be safe home and not out on slick roads.  He had to drive quite a ways for his first appointment of the day, and is ending his day a few hours early because of that cancelation.

We played in the back yard, and tossed the indoor ball a few times, and watched TikTok videos of other dogs and cats... the one that most got his attention was when the cattle dogs were being commanded by whistles.

But I got my canine fix, and I won't go adopt a dog of my own as long as I get enough "Carl time" mixed in.  Next I stepped out on the deck to let the cats know he's gone and they can return to take over their castle.  Sure enough, they had not gone far, and came right back in.  They are not so dumb as to stay out in the cold and wet.

That's about it from this end.  I need to go play catch-up on the blogs of others!

Life is good.  Keep on Sparking!


  1. Lucky you having Carl time. He is so handsome. I gave up my bed warmer today as DD2 returned from a trip. I had 5 nights of a dog who tried to become one with me all night!

    We still have not had snow, but yesterday and E2 tornado touched down about 15 miles away. Yikes. Maybe I should build a cellar as I have no basement.

    It's all good.

    1. I enjoyed it. Son tells me that with his lady love off on a week-long sojourn with her parents, Carl was missing her and kept scratching at her bedroom door, but she's not there. This dog is one spoiled puppy with two humans seeing to his needs. Lacey had been taking him on the Trail Trek, exploring the biking / hiking trails around town (I think we have a total of about 90 miles in and around the city, converted from old railway right of way, mostly).

      Yikes on that tornado! Too close! Weather is crazy of late (but then again, weather is almost always crazy somewhere!) I seem to remember my mother-in-law having a basement in Trenton, so it probably isn't totally unsuitable in your neck of the woods. Some places the soil won't support it, or the water table is too close to the surface or something.

      This last snow was nice... not too hard to shovel, and melted gently so the ground could soak it up.

      As you said, it's all good!

  2. So glad you got some Carl time in.

    I love having a mail-in-ballot and haven't voted in person for well over ten years. It makes things so easy.

    It's snowing here right now and it's been constant since morning. The snow is not the problem this time its the cold. It's 1 right now and our high was 5. Stay inside and keeping warm.

    1. Doesn't your state do all mail-in elections? Our school board/county did one like that as an experiment before we got as widespread with the mail-in stuff. We got the icy stuff here.

  3. These catch-up posts are awesome. It's like getting a long letter from a friend you haven't heard from in a while. Glad you got good test results. When it comes to that eye appointment, you are a better person than I. Had I found the appointment card, I would have called and asked if they had computer problems, as I had found the appointment card.

    Nice picture of Carl. No sign of the kitties. They'll be branding you again, if you play favorites. 😼 Looks like you're on the edge of this massive storm. As much as you need the moisture, I hope the severe part misses your area. Sometimes the cave mode is a result of the weather. Whatever the reason, I'm glad you benefited.

    Have a pleasant evening. ☺️

    1. I swear Lacey has trained him to pose! I took a short video, too, but haven't figured out how to post those to the blog. I'm hoping it's not slick in the morning... want to be able to go to the trainer.

      The eye guys? Just letting it go... one less thing to worry over!

  4. 84F here past few days with strong winds, gusting between 30-40 mph which has snapped more tree limbs and full trees that were damaged in our ice storm early this month.

    Had my annual Medicare Wellness visit today. NP said if she had a gold star she would give it to me. Uptodate on all tests, vaccines, follow-up visits with specialists, etc., A1C, cholesterol, BP all great. Single recommendation was to incorporate a more structured walking program to get that weight trending downward.

    When my broken toes heal, I plan to hit the sidewalk with my trusty walker in front of me and start moving more.

    Nice to be caught up on you.


    1. Good for you! Gold star from me, as well, for keeping up the habits we learned from all that Sparking! And good luck with your "structured" walking program.

  5. I do love catching up with you. That was weird about your eye appointment, are you sending a copy of your appointment card in? I would be very tempted. Great to hear your tests are all good and it sounds like your weather is pretty much exactly like ours. Stay safe and warm.

    1. Naw... I'm thinking the two eye doctors conspired together and decided I didn't really need that second check in with this one. But they failed to tell ME! If there were one area of my health that freaks me out the most, it is the eye health.

  6. What a beautiful picture of the sunset! Yes, I really am appreciating the bit longer days.

    Glad that the bone density and the mammo went well. Don’t mind the bone density scan. The mamo . . . just tolerate it and know it’s necessary.

    Yes, we had a storm last week Thursday and this week yesterday into today. Winding down finally. What a doozy . . . rain/sleet/ice/grauple/and high wind. UGLY!

    Good grief. Sorry about the eye appointment.

    Glad that you had some Carl time! He is so handsome!

    Stay safe.


    1. I agree, the DEXA scan is not bad, and in fact, over the years has become easier, how they do it (used to be kind of awkward on one pose, they don't do that one that way any more). As for the mammo... "be strong and think of England"?

      I was glad we didn't get much of a such overnight this time, too. The worst of it was after 5 p.m. yesterday.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...